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Are parents too protective of their kids these days?

So much stuff I did as a kid is now considered dangerous.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Apparently not because I'm always reading about some kid who got shot at 1 a.m. (I live in Chicago.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they are, but I also don't think the world has changed a whole lot except for now we have the news that tells us when every little thing happens. I mean I guy can't wipe his butt without the world knowing about it now. Back in the day everything bad that was happening wasn't broadcasted either.

    I agree parents can't just let there kids run the streets, but its like they are keeping them so cooped up that when they get into the real world they don't know what to do, so they run back home and live with mommy and daddy till they are 40.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It could be a good thing or a bad thing to be overprotective.

    See, the stuff you did that are "dangerous" probably aren't if you know what you're doing but if an overprotective parent never taught their kid how to do a certain thing, it could be dangerous for their kid. That's the bad over protection because they don't teach their kids about the dangerous stuff but hide them away from them but when the kid goes out on their own they'll have to learn the dangers on their own. Which means that they'll find it out when it happens to them. (which isn't very good)

    Then there are overprotective parents who constantly warn their kids about this or that. This is the good kind of overprotection because they warn their kids about dangerous stuff and probably taught them how to handle things properly. This keeps the kid more alert and think more logically. Doing that would avoid bad stuff to happen.

    It's better to be protective than not at all but that doesn't mean to keep your kid away from knowing/doing things on their own. Parents want their kids' wellbeing but nothing's 100% safe. The best solution for all parents would to teach their kids about their surroundings instead of keeping them ignorant and home all the time (which some parents do) and hope for the best.

    Some of the stuff I do are "dangerous" but I know what I'm doing and that's the important part. Me and my friends, when I was like around 10 ran around on the street barefoot, rode bikes without helmets and other things which isn't that dangerous. And when something did happen like when I was watching my brother and the boys racing bikes, Davey had slipped and slid across the road and us girls took him inside my friend's house, someone took his bike out of the road to the garage and we went to the bathroom, put some stuff that killed bacteria so it wouldn't get infected and a bandage. We even checked for other scars (lol one was on his butt) and went back to playing. Our parents trust us and taught us well, when they were worried about me having a boyfriend, they told me that he couldn't go further than a kiss and i had to know him before we dated etc. My dad even showed me some fighting moves to hurt someone just in case they tried to touch me or do something strange xD

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, this question really hits home for me. My parents were not very strict on me, i was under supervised, allowed to do what I wanted and ended up having a baby at 14.

    My mother is constantly bringing up how they treaated me when i discipline my children or tell them not to watch bad things.

    Parenting is not something that can judged by a minimum standard. All kids are different and so are all parents. You have to be a little strict with your kids or they might as well be living on thier own. I see it everyday. parents that would rather be friends with thier kids then to do whats necessary to make them into fabulous adults. and I am not just talking about that ones that end up on talk shows talking about I hate my parents bla blah blah. All kids need guidance. while the parents of the past decades were not shy to give thier kids a swat on the hiney, now days you spank a child they call 911 and off to jail mommy goes. blah.

    Anyway to answer your question. lol. parents now days are much more free with thier kids. They don't punish them for bad behavior (most of them) yet as adults when they do bad things and go to jail they are shocked that they got punished.......go figure.

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  • 1 decade ago

    some are, some aren't. but have you noticed that kids are getting worse too? I don't know which is worse, too protective or not enough?? now a days, *most* kids don't care about anything. They think violence and harassment is funny, and i would have gotten a smack across my face if i talked they way they do! I worked in a school that had kids who would throw rocks at me! I wonder if we mix up being protective with spoiling sometimes. I mean it's great that we protect their interests and rights, but standing up for a child who just spit on their teacher? Way over the line for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i knw my kids are getting punished in school for the most unbelivibale things . half the stuff there doing is stuff i did as a kid and got away with it like i was aloud to climb trees and my 14 year old got yelled at for it and was told its to dangerous . i think it builds muscle and strrenght . but some do let there kids run wild .

  • 1 decade ago

    Umm were I live its seems like none of the parents give a crao about their kids. Im the over protective parent I guess, after all i dont let my 5yr old play out side by traffic and after dark alone unlike my entire apt complex and their kids!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am 14 years old, and yes. My parents arent protective, because they grew up in Lebanon, so they were always outisde. They would hike mountains, throw rocks at eachother, snowball fight, visit diffrent villages, or take a "donkey" and go somewhere, all without parents. Because, back then, parents loved there child, but they knew that if they were to protective, they would grow up to be lazy, girly whimps. Sure, my parents say I cant do certain things because they can risk my life, but really, my dad and mom actually encourage me to explore forest, walk or bike somewere REALLY far away, build snow forts, hike, and other stuff.

    And another thing, is that school wont allow us to even pick up snow is our hand anymore! becuase the stupid parents are to potective that the children will magicly get hurt by it! I MEAN GET A LIFE! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GROW UP!!?? and another thing is that we cant play dodgball anymore, since the parents complained that it was to "violent". Back when my parents were young, they used to only play games like that!

    Overall, yes, parents are becoming to overprtoective.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some are, but I find around me most parents are not protective at all. I see all these 7-8 year olds walking down busy main roads doing nothing, but making trouble. Or a group of 12 year old girls, wearing next to nothing walking down busy roads with older guys hanging all over them.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think it is that, the point is this day in time everything is harsh. people don't care who they hurt, who they kill, and some might hurt a kid if they don't like the cloths they wear. so yes this day in time, parents are so much more protective over there kids. sometimes its for the best, and for there protection.

  • 1 decade ago

    Parents need to be protective of their kids in todays world... The world is a very different and dangerous place today then it was when I was growing up...

    The best thing you can do is to give your children the best tools they can have (A parent's experience) to grow up and make the proper decisions.

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