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36 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade ago
we are hear for a purpose,to serve the Lord and obey our creators commands so we can get to Heaven. He gives us a free will but need to make the right choices in life. Some are really challenging like no sex before marriage,no stealing, no swearing using God's name in vain. Bit God knows everything. When we die,we don't tell him what we did in life. Our record will be right before his eyes on judgement day. If we obey the states laws and God's laws, Our soul will live in Heaven forever without pain,fear,suffering. Think about itand the answers are in the Bible and at our weekly church services. If we were all robots and told what to do ,there would be no purpose in life.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
You said it in your sentence. LIFE. Jesus said, "Let the 'dead' bury the dead." Why would he call those "alive" DEAD? He did so because though many live on this planet they live their lives not "enjoying" life itself. Many of those are the religious who spend most of their lives immersed in what will happen in the NEXT life. If they act like they did in this one, why BOTHER? It is just a waste of effort, isn't it? Life is to be cherished and enjoyed and Jesus wanted us to learn that while on earth. I am not a christian nor do I believe as they do for I "appreciate" that the Lord in heaven sent his Son to tell us we don't have to worry about "death" for only those who live in fear of it ARE the "DEAD." In all Jesus taught, we as his faithful should be assured that we will NEVER see death or experience it.
Source(s): Priest of Amen in Yeshua - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- Tomorrows GodLv 61 decade ago
Best question I've heard this week.. In creation God divided Himself into many,many souls. Each soul desiring one was given a body.. You are in fact your soul.. The soul which is perfect needs to know that which is not perfect to be able to experience it's own perfection. Sounds more complicated than it really is.. Read God's own description of creation in the book conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.. God bless
- Anonymous1 decade ago
following gods own words the meaning of life is creating new life and caring for this new life until it is ready to create new life of its own
- Anonymous1 decade ago
finding the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, the answer to which is 42
to be excellent to each other
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Love, Peace and Learning.
That's it.
Sounds easy, huh?
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :)