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Bush says Iraq war was worth it...?

record high oil prices, nose diving dollar , deficit budgets and economy in the you agree...iraq war is worth it?

10 Answers

  • Phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The economy is in the toilet because of unregulated banks making bad loans and selling them as exotic investments, not the Iraq war. The oil prices might still be this high if we hadn't had the war, depending on whether or not we continued sanctions against Iraq. In any case, the increased demand for oil, not only from us but from China, combined with the shortage of refineries and various refinery accidents and failures would have driven the price of oil well beyond its pre-2003 price. The lowering of interest rates to combat the fall out from the mortgage crisis is what's causing the value of the dollar to nose dive.

    I noticed you didn't mention the maiming and loss of life of Iraqis, both combatants and civilians, and the maiming and loss of life to Americans and our allies in the war. Don't those things concern you?

    The war might have been worth it if we had spent more time working out the plan for peace after the war. We spent a year planning the invasion, and two or three weeks planning what we would do after we ousted Saddam. Where's the sense in that? If you're going to overthrow a government, you have to have a plan in place to maintain order until a new government is established, and we didn't. We opened the door to chaos and let it walk right in.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I believe invading Iraq was a mistake. The only WMD that Iraq had was the anthrax the US gave it during the Iraq-Iran war. Although Saddam was evil, Iraq was united and stable under him. However, I believe leaving Iraq prematurely is a huge mistake as well. If we leave and Iraq falls into a civil war the US will only be further hated around the world. We need to develop a strick timetable, and force the Iraq government to do something.

  • 1 decade ago

    Marched against it before the invasion. Protested against sanctions. Protested against British govt. selling Saddam weaponry. Next question.

  • 1 decade ago

    no cause' bush dnt long as america iz decreasin he dnt care.. i wonder if they send his daughters ova there how would he feeel to know that he mite not eva see hiz kids again?!

    my god father and cousiin iz ova dere riskin their lives..

    bush can kiss ma behind for al i care...we sould send hiz lil princesses ova there and see how much he liek those apples!

    barack obama heseems kinda weird..i feel liek he gott a hidden agenda we as americans shuld luk into!

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  • 1 decade ago

    What price does a child charge for losing her Father?

    No one has that much money.

  • 1 decade ago

    War what is is good for.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    only to the war profiteers!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course it was, for him, and all his buddys, not so for you, the people

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it has been worth it to him, he amassed a fortune on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    OF course NOT!!!

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