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If the answer is no good, why pick it as "BEST?"?

I have seen a lot of this, and it really makes no sense to me:

a question will receive a few really thoughtful responses, and the asker will choose one. So far, no problem.

What I don't get is when the asker's comments then say something negative about the response; ie -- "this was totally off-base," or "did you even read my question" -- when there were other perfectly legitimate answers to choose from.

If the asker thinks an answer is no good, why pick it as "BEST?"

Have you ever done this? Can you explain the logic to me?

This is a serious question, as I am confused....thanks

BTW - I am posting this in R&S because I seem to see it happening here most often...


First - thank you to all the really thoughtful responses I have received. I'm also gratified to see the "stars;" quite unexpected that I would hit a nerve with this!

Second - Kenneth C - GREAT answer

Third (lastly) - to Anella "Love" (a misnomer if ever there was one) -- no wonder you get violations. Please don't try to be anyone's analyst, or I might question YOUR motives... silly silly girl!

Update 2:

And, see -- if you want to respond negatively to someone who has no e-mail option, you can just add Details to your original question. Just an FYI

Again THANK YOU to everyone for responding -- it's going to be a hard pick! :>)

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you need to understand that not all Askers take this site as serious as you do. You are a top contributor and you wish to help other people. Understand if you will that some people really get off on being angry at other any environment. I am a retired college professor and I saw many young adults just go off on classmates for virtually no reason...and I see the same thing you see in here. As to why the Asker chooses an answer that made her or him angry as the best answer is a sort of negative-negative thing...not a coherent or logical response to upset the equilibrium of you and other responders who are genuinely trying to share information.

    my may not agree ...but you asked :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I get a lot of that - some "last word freak" picks my answer as Best so they can direct some kind of little comment toward me. Personally, I think it's pretty funny. It doesn't really prove anything to me, except that people will choose an answer of poor quality over better ones just so they can make their point. This is not a forum for the "exchange of ideas" - it's for asking, and answering, and that's it. People who want to "continue the dialogue" with me won't get far, because there no dialogue has been established in the first place.

    If getting a Best Answer is supposed to change my attitude, anyone awarding me Best Answer with that goal in mind should prepare to be disappointed. If I'm angry and being mean, I'm angry and being mean, and it isn't anyone else's job to do anything about that.

    I could never pick a lousy answer as best, and I don't let my questions go to voting either, if I can help it. It's inconsiderate of the people who put time and thought into their responses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Asking a question you get minus five points choosing best answer you get three of the points back. So maybe it's done because of the points. I think if the question goes to no best answers and the community has to vote. The asker does not receive points and does not loose points other then the minus five for asking a question.

    Anytime I've asked a question I thank everyone for answering and do choose a best answer. So far I have never received no best answer.

  • Gail
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I usually read all the answers and pick what I consider the best (A), but there are times when I am forced to pick the first person who responded (B) because they were the ONLY person to respond. Never C, and I can't think of D.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's happened to me before. There is no real logic, contrary to what the asker believes.

    I gave an answer that the asker disagreed with, so instead of emailing me to discuss it or picking another answer as best like a normal person would, she chose mine so she could insult me and get the last word in. Some people are just so stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never actually done this, but I've considered it. The reason (as I see it) is because some people say something apalling to the asker, but also don't allow e-mail. It's an attempt to contact the self righteous pricks (as the asker sees them) who have soiled the question.

    Source(s): and, um... Ragnarok
  • 1 decade ago

    Are you sure it was picked by the asker? Look to see who picked it as best answer. It might have been picked by voters. If the asker does not pick a question for best answer, then it is open to voting and the one that gets the most votes gets picked. Most of the questions that I have answered where I got best answer were voted and not chosen by the asker. And many times I have had best answer for completely disagreeing with the asker.

    IF you ask a question, you need to pick a best answer before time runs out. Otherwise, its up to members who decide to vote that get to choose.

  • 1 decade ago

    The strangest "best answer" choices have to be the ones that ask something like "Why does 'that group' do or say..."

    And then the asker picks someone not even in that group who is just guessing at best.

    Here's a classic example posed to "nonbelievers" yet the "best answer" chosen was from a believer. If all someone wants is to hear their own opinion echoed, why even ask? It's a comedy.;_ylt=Aq2zg...

  • Luckily we have the freedom to decide which answer best reflects what we were searching for in the question.

    I still answer questions posed to Atheists about what we really believe, knowing full well that the questioner will choose an answer from a believer claiming something that is incredibly flawed.

    Once you get over the acquisition of points, and treat the site as a learning facility, little things like 'best' answers don't really matter much anymore.

    I am sure this is the best answer...10pts coming my way..YES!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If a user asks a question which is unreasonable and supports a poor argument or just plain silly, i think the more amusing answers should be voted the best :-)

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