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Remember when the SPEED LIMIT was 65 - 75 mph ? What was the highest you remember?

Did you feel safe driving that fast? When they went to 55 did you feel like it was a good idea?

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Prior to 65mph, there was no limit --BUT if you were driving ridiculous you could be ticketed -- back in the days of common sense. Yes driving was safe, most folks didn't usually drive all that fast.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    45 & 55 mph on the HWY where I live. Yea maybe can get up to 50 & 60 and pass with flying colors, anything've gotta ticket.

    Mississippi cops love that.I always take the back way. Though the speed limit is 40, there really isn't any cops. Also no traffic lights, few stop lights or stop signs. Basically go any speed you want. If you see a cop, you know what to do, slow..down.

    The speed on the interstate is 70 max.

    I will not drive in Alabama, or a least around Mobile. They catch ya a little above the speed limit.

    I'm only 18, so thats all I remember.

    I do remember one time when I was traveling around northern Mississippi, I was shocked the HWY speed was 65 on a 4 lane. Cause my HWY is 4 lanes, sometimes 6 (depending where you are) & its only 45 to 55. I was I want our speed limits to be that

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Beyond the road the limit includes the availability of advanced life support and for law enforcement to oversee crash sites. 75 mph is much more survivable than 80 mph, which in turn is much more survivable than 85 mph. At 100 mph virtually all accidents are fatalities, which (from a regulatory standpoint) can tie up officers and shut down the road for half a day. At 120 mph, see the video in the first source. Vehicles have to be designed for a maximum impact speed, the speed at which the crumple zones are exhausted and the restraints have done all they could. In the 1970s it was established the "sweet spot" for maximum impact speed for passenger vehicles was about 80 mph. By that speed fatalities are common anyway so it didn't matter if the cars were designed for 90 mph. Speed limits reflect the jurisdiction's willingness to deal with the carnage from higher speeds. 70 mph is pretty safe, 80 mph is asking for trouble. 90 mph is just plain stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Speed limits were 65 -75 on most highways, then the got changed to 55--"Arrive alive at 55!" but it didn't seem to change anything as to making the highways any safer, the accident rate remained about the same, so the speed limits went back up again on the interstates, 65 mostly on secondary highways. Once in a while you run across a 50 or 55 limit still on two lane highways.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can remember some roads at 80. Part of the interstate we travel daily is 75. I think that is too fast because people are not paying attention to their driving. I travel a lot on 66 and the speed limit is 55. I go about 50 is someone is behind me. I go 45 if no one is. It saves gas. I leave in plenty of time. The time difference between 70 and 50 is not that much difference for the distance I am driving.

  • RT 66
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm on the road traveling across country and visiting folks now and I can tell you the speed limit is now between 65 and 75 across the country. I do believe it is safe to drive at 55 as I have seen many near misses lately due to the vehicles traveling too fast for the conditions of the road. Even at 55, sometimes the conditions aren't safe. However, many folks seem to think that the limit is the law and that's what you are supposed to travel ... besides, slower speeds saves gas.

  • 1 decade ago

    After dealing with 55 mph limits here in Illinois, I moved to Nebraska for a few years and the limits there are 65 - 75 mph. It was a little scary driving at those speed the first couple of weeks, but I adjusted. Let me tell you, gravel roads at upwards of 60 mph are quite an adventure!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When they raised the speed limit here on some interstates to 75 most would drive 85 or 90. I thought that was sooo stupid, anyone with half a brain would have realized that. The fastest and worst drivers on I- 5 in Calif. are from Oregon, they do 80 in the slow lane. Of course when I am going through Oregon I forget to get back in a slow lane after passing a car or truck in the middle lane, oh well, in Arizona I drive like a demon to get through the desert, hoping that the signs that say"this highway patroled by aircraft" are a ruse, in 40 yrs we have NEVER seen an airplane patroling the desert highways, however they sure do in S. Calif. on the I-15 on the way to Las Vegas.

  • Leslie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I was a kid and for most of my life until the speed limit became 55 by force, our speed limit in Montana was Drive in a Safe and Prudent manner or there was not one. Now because of out of state idiots who took advantage of this and called it the Mantanabaun we now have a 75 highway speed limit but the HP actually came on TV and told us that they would spot us 7mph so it is really more like 82. So if you are going for the highest I should win....I remember my dad going 100 to show me what it felt like. lol It felt weird.

  • 1 decade ago

    The highest I remember was in Nevada. The speed limit was "Drive Carefully." I hated 55 mph. I have always felt safe driving at any speed. I drove carefully at speeds suitable for the road conditions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember Pacific Coast Highway in southern CA, used to be 70 on the open stretches and about 60 other wise. When ever I was upset I could get in my car open the windows turn on the radio and drive P.C.H. it was so beautiful what ever upset me would be gone quickly. When things were knocked down to 55 it took years to convince drivers they meant it. They are finally restoring some highways that are not in town back to 65-70. I know it did save some gas, and the accident rate though it really didn't drop so much, but fatalities dropped and that was a good thing.

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