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Have you ever successfully converted someone you know into liking the same music as you listen to?

Or, has someone ever converted you into listening to their favorite music?

2 years ago, I had a cousin who liked Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold and stuff like that. After that, I got him started on bands like Slayer, Testament, Suicidal Tendencies, Cannibal Corpse and Tool. Now he is a hardcore metal head.

Currently, I am working to change my girlfriend's opinion on metal


I know this guy who was also really big into hip hop, he basically stopped listening to rap because he can't stand listening to stuff like Soulja Boy. He recently has started listening to Black Sabbath, Lamb of God, Tool, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin mostly because me and a couple of other co-workers seemed to listen to that music while working

36 Answers

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    My 19 year old little sister. But that was easy because she's my little sister, and she'd do just about anything to be like me.

    She used to listen to a lot of emo crap... I simply stole her iPod one day and added some songs from my library on to it, without deleting her crap... well eventually she deleted all her crap herself, and came back asking for more of my music.

    I'm proud of her, I'm proud of myself. One less emo brat in the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say converted really. But one of my best friends and the guitarist for our band now didn't know much at all about punk or pre-punk when I met him. He was a pretty big metal head, still is to be fair, but he had a hard time appreciating things that weren't as intricate and fast and technical as Slayer or Megadeth or Sepaltura, but over time since music is a big part of both our lives we exposed each other to our own musical tastes. And since then he's really learned that a few well placed chords or a simple but catchy progression is worth all the skill in the world. Although he still studies up on everything and is ridiculously good at guitar of any genre, the music he writes himself is almost always a cool riff or progression and his CD collection has a pretty large punk element to it.

    And in tunr I've taken a liking to some of his metal, although I still can't stand anything with ugly gruff vocals, like Sepultura or that sort of thing. I have however taken a strange liking to the CD Reign In Blood by Slayer, don't know why.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not a good Idea for example I'm an extreme metal maniac meaning I listen to real metal bands like slayer, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Dark angel, and I know a good buddy of mine who's into what seems to be true rap and hip hop, and its' kind of a very hard road to take. I mean I'll listen to some rap and like it and my friend will think some of the metal songs I listen to are kick A$$ but, I guess it may be pride, plus it's just musical taste, The only thing we can agree on is a good looking girl nice round booty right there one is always a winner.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not very successfully, my sister loves Broadway theater music ( I know) and I have tried to get her to listen to metal, so far she's likes some hard rock and classic rock but metal, not so much. I've also tried with my friends but unsuccessfully.

    At one time I thought I had converted my cousin to metal she started listening to Slayer, Arch Enemy and Within Temptation but then out of the blue went to a Jonas Brothers concert! I lost all hope in her lol

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not totally sure if this counts, but I got my daughter into rock. When she was 3 or 4 she could identify Pearl Jam, U2, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Creed etc on the radio. My freinds always got a kick out of it! She is 11 now and still likes some of what I listen too. She loves the White Stripes CDs 'cause I have them in the cd changer in the car.

  • Yes and it was a good thing I did! Well, one of my roomates is a very classy girl and all she listens to is classical. Well I can't stand it!!!!! So I blast My Chemical Romance songs all through the house all the time, and now she can't get enough of it! So now me and her have a lot more in common and we can both turn on the radio and listen to the same thing without killing eachother! It's perty sweet! I like hardcore stuff too! ;D

  • q dee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I admit some of the stuff I'm listening to these days was a result of "someone elses" strong convictions ;) ;) ;)

    Honestly though, I've adopted the ***Theres Room for Everybody *** attitude lately when it comes to rock/metal. I've always loved the old school stuff like Sabbath, Maiden and Slayer but wasn't open to much else other than just plain rock. Now, I've added bands like Children of Bodum, Dragonforce and my absolute favorite ~ Arch Enemy!!!

    Thanks SBG, Cheers! Dee

  • 1 decade ago

    I did actually. My best friend used to be an all Beatles guy who hated any modern music and even most classic rock bands. He had previously said he hated Led Zeppelin and I challenged him to give their discography a chance and now he's a hardcore fan.

    Also, I'm a member of the sputnik community and they really encouraged me to look into radiohead even though I hated it, but now I love them. In fact, that place has really changed my music tastes drastically

  • 1 decade ago

    It's easy! Just talk to someone else who also likes the same stuff you listen to and compliment them on it and so on and so on...You just keep saying "I love that one song..." And maybe that friend will consider listening to it and eventually like it. I've done that tons of times. I had a friend who was into R&B and Hip Hop, but nothing else. Then I somehow started mentioning artists like Lily Allen, Amy Winehouse, Evanescence and John Mayer. Now she listens to that all the muthafckin time! lol

  • 1 decade ago

    At first I wasn't a big Floyd fan at all. Liked about 2 songs, then my brother blared it nonstop and got me to love it. I guess he converted me into the Diehard Pink Floyd fan I am without trying. I then took my knowledge of Pink Floyd to my friend who was into the worst bands ever (Dispatch, DMB, Jack Johnson, Phish) and did the same thing my brother did. I was telling him about the deep lyrical meanings as well as making him listen to Floyd all the time. It worked. I also turned my younger brother into a fan of Pink Floyd, Journey, Peter Frampton and The Beatles. Proud of him

  • 1 decade ago

    I got some of my younger cousins listening to a few bands that I like, they only really knew the stuff that they hear on the radio all the time. That's about it though.

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