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Lv 5
Davey asked in PetsRodents · 1 decade ago

We have some sort of animal living in the attic. What could it be?

We called an animal control guy, who came out and went on the roof and said he thinks it's mice. However, this animal is making much louder thumping noises than mice, and it is also making noises that sound like a raccoon. The animal control guy found no holes, so how this animal got in is a mystery. Maybe it's a ghost. I want to go up there but am terrified as to what is gonna be facing back at me. Any suggestions?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like a raccoon, If it were squirrels you,d hear them running about. If you pluck up the courage to go in the attic, wear leather gloves and safety glasses and take a bright flashlight . Look around ,especially in the corners, there may be baby raccoons up there. If you find them,noise and frequent human visits are usually enough to scare them away. Just don,t corner one! They will defend themselves. You can also try putting animal repellents such as Repel in the attic.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It depends i had some experience with that before, you may have a bat like you have said before or it could be a squirrel or raccoon all of those animals can be secretly in your attic without you knowing they are there. I would say a possum but those are too loud for you not to hear them if you suspect something else like some more droppings or something torn without you knowing what happened i would call a animal terminator or if you don't want it to get hurt just tell them to just make the animal unconscious long enough for it to get out of your house. I hope i helped good luck!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have a problem with mice.... They make heaps of nosie and thump everywhere!!! at first we thourght it couldnt be cause it sounded much bigger!! but then we set 2 tarps...

    got a boxs then out food under the boxs and a stick to hold the boxs up.... the mice would come knock over the stick and we caught 2 little buggers!

    We still have them in our roof and also the shed.... the find out if its a mouse buy a mouse trap!

    also could be a possum! but cause theres no holes it couldnt be, You probely have a whole group of mice that are breeding out of contorl, could even be rats, there lager and make even more nosie!! again get a mouse trap and see if you get anything and D its not a ghost!!!

    Source(s): Heaps of animals live in my roof!!
  • Abby
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are alot of home remedies for these kinds of problems. Your best bet is to go with a private exterminator. Just make sure you let them know if you have strong feelings about human trapping.

    Some people say that putting mothballs, or ceder shavings in the attic area will cause the animal to flee. Your best advice will come from an exterminator (found in the yellow pages).

    It's probably squirrels or rats. Both of these animals make ALOT more noise than is seems like they would for their size.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Get a "kind trap" and put a nice apple or something sweet, like granola in a bowl.....the little intruder will be caught, you can drive him about 20 miles away, and drop him off in a nice wooded area, where there is water, a creek, whatever..

    It may be a possum, skunk, or rats Believe me these animals are VERY noisy.....

    The reason I said to drive him far away, are: These animals are very smart and have a keen sense of smell. You drop them off 10 miles away, they are liable to come back......I've heard lots of stories from my relatives and friends about things like this happening. Time to relocate the bugger. We had to do this with a young possum that was under our house....

    Also, look at the small screens that are rectangular along the bottom (or top) of the outside of your house. We had a rat that chewed ours out, so he could make a big nest underneath the crawl space........

    They can get in easily, unless you put a heavy Gage wire on these screened areas, that they can't chew through. Best of Luck!!

    You can also call a "rodent specialist" exterminator, they are much better at finding these animals than regular pest control people, whose main focus is on bugs.

    Source(s): Lived on a ranch, and had all kinds of "critters" around.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's probably a rat because that is the most common rodent found in houses. Plus they make more louder noise then mice. Wild rats are very vicious. Make sure you do not go up there. Get a professional to do it. Get the exterminator! But please don't kill it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I bet it is a squirrel, they get in easily and are often noisy. I would put moth balls in the area. Most rodents do not like the smell. It will drive them away. You can buy commercial poison for them to eat but then you face the possibility of them dying in your attic and creating a yucky smell. I go with the moth balls..they stink, but not as bad as dead Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    one time i thought that there was a bear in my attic but when i went up there with a baseball bat i found a really noisy squirrel instead. it was getting in in a small crack. i wedged it shut with a board, a rubbermaid lid and a broom then set a rat trap behind that. the bear-squirrel hasn't been back since.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maby a bird or squrill i would check phone books and penny savers for someone who could get rid of it meanwhile keep the attic door tightly shut beacause if you open it what ever it is it could end up running through your house dont be scared thoe beacause its hard for them to go anywhewre else as long as the door is shut

  • 1 decade ago

    it could be anything maybe a raccoon but if its a raccoon dont go over to it because they can be very very very mean animals

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