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I like this quote by Sir Isaac Newton. How about you?

Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors. Can it be by accident that all birds beasts & men have their right side & left side alike shaped (except in their bowells) & just two eyes & no more on either side the face & just two ears on either side the head & a nose with two holes & no more between the eyes & one mouth under the nose & either two fore leggs or two wings or two arms on the sholders & two leggs on the hipps one on either side & no more? Whence arises this uniformity in all their outward shapes but from the counsel & contrivance of an Author? Whence is it that the eyes of all sorts of living creatures are transparent to the very bottom & the only transparent members in the body, having on the outside an hard transparent skin, & within transparent juyces with a crystalline Lens in the middle & a pupil before the Lens all of them so truly shaped & fitted for vision, that no Artist can mend them? Did blind chance know that there was light & what was its refraction & fit the eys of all creatures after the most curious manner to make use of it? These & such like considerations always have & ever will prevail with man kind to beleive that there is a being who made all things & has all things in his power & who is therfore to be feared.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear troll, why bother bashing other people's beliefs?

    Newton was never a biologist, nor they knew anything about human body in their days. Remember einstein(atheist) had to fix newton's universe design due to so many flaws.

  • 1 decade ago

    Newton wrote that over three centuries ago. It turns out that, as brilliant as he was, we've actually learned a few new facts since then. He was also an alchemist, by the way. And in case you're Christian, it might interest you to know that Newton's brand of Christianity was Arianism, which holds that Jesus was not divine.

    As for the quote itself, it's just the standard "religious" sophistry that argues that the complexity and fitness of the products of nature are evidence of an intelligent "Designer." Evolution accounts for all of this without recourse to supernaturalism. But believe what you will!

    A final point - "artists" do now in fact "mend" the lenses of the eye to better fit and shape them to vision - it's called Lasik.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Newton was working and writing almost 200 years before Darwin's insights, and more than 100 years before Charles Lyell's and James Hutton's pivotal work in geology.

    The quotation is a good illustration of the persuasive power that the "argument from apparent design" had at one time in "natural theology." That persuasive power, and the power of the "argument from apparent design" to explain the structure, order and complexity of living things and homologies in body plans, etc., pretty much disappeared after the 19th century, thanks to Darwinian evolutionary biology and the rediscovery of Mendelian genetics.

    Explaining exactly how the first life forms on earth originated is STILL a problem, but modern evolutionary biology has explained (and continues to explain) the common descent and related-ness of living organisms on this planet and their evolution over hundreds of millions of years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    newton was born in the 17th century, if he were born today he would not even consider saying that. even the reputable scientists who are theists accept that evolution is the correct model for describing life on earth. i don't doubt that a genius and intelligence such as newton would not have a hard time accepting evolution if he were presented with the facts. as for him being a theist, well that's an emotional decision not governed by reason or facts and he may well still have thought atheism was senseless, but i doubt it somehow.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Newton also wrote more on alchemy than science—because he lived in a mostly pre-scientific world (they don’t call Newton the ‘Father of Science’ for nothing).

    In any case, he flatly rejected the Christian concept of the Trinity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It made a lot of sense back then. We had no answers for so many things. But today the questions that made Sir Isaac Newton so irreverent to Atheism are answered. If he were alive today, and saw God merely as an answer for fingerprints, and used to inspire ignorance as opposed to reason; e.g., Evolution, he would have probably been in our camp.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton knew there was a secret code in the bible, and he studied desperately to discover it. But it couldn't be discovered until the computer was invented and it is called the BibleCode. It is proven scientifically.

    For more info.....see...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree!

    Anyone who can see how perfect our universe is, can never not believe. If we look the colors of the fish and the birds, how amazing they are, and not just some punch of colors "evolved" but its as art.

    Look at these pictures and say that it "just" happened by chance!!?

    God is so amazing and merciful!

  • 1 decade ago

    Never trust a guy who is surprised when an apple knocks him on the head after sitting under a tree.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Love it! Starts with Atheism is senseless, Happy Easter he died for you also!

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