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How come we are ignorant?

Why do atheists/evolutionists say that Christians are ignorant? Do we not attend the same schools, have the same teachers, read the same textbooks? Do we not live on the same earth, observe the same scientific facts? Why is it when Christians come to a different conclusion about the origin of man, and ultimately the universe, we are suddenly ignorant. I admit I am not a professor of science, but neither is every atheist/evolutionist. I understand the viewpoint of evolutionary science, I was taught it in high school and currently college, yet I still am not convinced. It still makes more sense to believe that the universe was designed by a Creator than it is to believe that the thin airless nothing of the universe suddenly became something and 'POOF', stars, planets, earth, animals, man, and everything in between was its aftermath. This I cannot swallow. I am not ignorant, I just call them as I see them.

These are my thoughts....


You keep saying the word facts. But I don't think you know what the "facts" are. Evolution is NOT FACT. It is a presupposition of the origin of the universe. A fact would be gravity, the melting point of metals, the freezing point of liquids, or the genetics of organic creatures. These are facts, NOTHING that "explains" the origin of the universe is fact. You will NEVER be able to look me in the eye and tell me that you KNOW how life spawned. If you could, then it would be fact.

This is the same for Creationism. However, I am a little more confident in this presupposition.

Update 2:

So far, you have given me nothing but the common defense of evolution; that there is much "evidence". I have seen this evidence. It is not very strong. Remember, the Grand Cannyon is not "evidence" of millions of years, it is simply evidence that something happened. Again, we do not KNOW what happened. We have presuppositions about what happened. The evidence you refer to is not necessarily evidence of evolution. It is simply a testament to something that happened. The Grand Canyon can either have been a result of a little water over the course of a long time, or lots of water over the course of a short time. There is only one Grand Canyon, but I have just shown two possibilities.

What you believe the evidence shows is based only on the presupposition of what MAY have happened.

22 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Knowledge and ignorance are relative terms. No one can claim to be all knowing and none is a total duffer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So if everything was designed and everything has to have a Creator, what created the Creator?

    See, that's the difference.

    There are relevant dissimilarities between atheists and theists, and no matter how many similarities you point out, this will not change the basic fact that you believe a lot of things for which there is no evidence, and they do not, and you do not accept certain things for which there is evidence, and they do.

    High school was over for me a long time ago. It doesn't matter that I went to the same high schools as Christians - in actual fact, I was in programs for gifted students and spent my time in the company of 19 other students who were at university level. Since then, I have continued to study. High school, to me, is only the start. There are a lot of books on cosmology and abiogenesis out there, and I recommend that you read them.

    Evolution, by the way, says nothing about the origin of the universe. Evolution and abiogenesis have nothing to do with each other. Again, you need to educate yourself about this subject before you talk about it. Start here:

    The fact that you talk so much about something about which you know so little, and make so many claims that are completely incorrect, is what causes people to consider you ignorant.

    Even a general review of the questions and answers posted in this site shows a trend - the spelling, grammar, and syntax differs between atheists and Christians, so much so that it is easy to identify which is answering based solely on that. I call it as I see it too, and I see more intelligent responses, in general, from atheists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well for one, you seem ignorant of the fact that evolution relates to biology, not the origin of the universe, or the Earth. or life on Earth.

    As for facts - evolution, by definition: "a change in allele frequencies within a population over time" has been observed and is an undeniable fact. That is, species do not stay within a fixed form over several generations.

    This is really where I don't get evolution denialists. They are shown the evidence that life adapts, yet refuse to accept that it happens or that it can build up to bigger differences between species. I mean, if you seperate two groups of one species, what method is there to keep them from developing in different manners?

  • 1 decade ago

    Man has a tendency to use a deity to explain things he canot understand. I know that for some people the thought of the big bang theory is crazy...but what about the other course of action. Is it just as easy to believe that a supreme being snapped his fingers and created everything...everything. How can anybody say the earth is around 10,000 years old. That is ridiculous. Carbon dating has put objects millions of years old. And ofcourse some christian scientist disclaims it...oh well. I have my own theory though. I believe in God..I believe he created the heavens and earth...I believe in evolution also. I think God made life and got bored and made it better...then got bored and made it better..and so on. He had monkies swinging from trees and figured they'd have more fun on the ground....and then got I said so on and so on. But I have noticed just about christian I know is too narrow minded to have such thoughts..."if it isnt the King James its not the bible"...well maybe if the King James "version" was about 1100 years older and written in SyrianAramaic then maybe it would the one true bible...but since its not I guess we'll argue until someone builds a time machine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you dont believe in big bang theory then how do you explain nova? Comet? Galaxy? And many other things. I'm not really knowledge about astronomy and I admit I don't really know anything beyond very basic astronomy. However I does know that stars (or... sun) does blew up in other part of space. So it's not that hard to see how bing bang could have happened.

    As for rejecting evolution, that's just silly because there's plenty evidence for it.

    Let me ask something... I got a set of puzzles that has a couple missing pieces and couple pieces that has been deformed and some from other puzzles. I put them together proplerly and they all fit in area right. But only 50% of pictures are visible.

    Then someone else try to do same what I do and they just cut puzzles up, paint over it, cramp it together, etc... until everything fit in place.

    Which one would you believe to resemble closest to the original puzzle?

  • 1 decade ago

    We were born in the image of God and Satan. That's why mankind has an evil streak in him. If there were no God, then where does good come from?

    Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Who do you think our Lord God, the "WORD" Jesus Christ, was talking to if not Lucifer?.

    Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    This say's it all, man decided to show and tell everyone that there is no God, that all these amazing forms of life just came into existence from a very destructive "BANG" and now we have all of these marvelous inventions that allow man to explore space and go around saying he did it because his creator was a super nova that went "BANG" and here we are... yeah, right! It's all a matter of "FAITH" my friend, some have it, some don't. Another way of putting it is.... "Some get the peanuts, some get the shells." You just keep on thinking the way you are thinking my friend, and let those who prefer to, go to hell!

    Personally I think our Lord Jesus is working in and through you my friend... thank you Lord Jesus!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you youself state that you are not a scientist....yet the great majority or scientists disagree with your theory...of creationism...which also does not explain how your god 'poof' existed...evolution has nothing to do with a 'poof' theory, so you should really read up on it before determining your nonbelief in it....

    Further, the same religious teachings of your holy book have, in the past, completely denied other factual scientific truths....i.e....that the earth was not the center of the universe/that the earth rotated around the, I would suggest that you simply discover more info about something you denounce as untrue...and that you don't put all of your scientific faith in an ancient manuscript that was never meant to be a book of factual scientific information.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you're right and we are all equals on this earth I mean Newton got lucky that an apple hit him on the head after that he just had to prove gravity and make calculas in doing so. Personally I can barely understand calculas, I really need an apple to fall on my head I go to the orchard every day but no luck.

    You don't sound ignorant but you're conclusions may be flawed.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is good that you are sincere in your thoughts. I have always been the same way. I reasoned on the fact that all of the complicated and complex forms of life , especially humans , as well as the detail and order of the universe could not have just happened by itself, there is a very intelligent and powerful Maker who created everything. The cells and the DNA blueprint in living things could not have evolved either. check out for farther information .

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a good question. Why are you ignorant? You apparently have enough understanding to comprehend the facts that science has taught us. Why do you chose to ignorantly cling to ideas for which there is no solid science? You may call them as you see them, but it's through the rose colored glasses of religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, the fact is...they are ignorant of scientific facts and experiments that are right in front of their faces.

    I will carry this over from my last answer...

    This was an actual statement about someone's "disbelief" in evolution:

    Show me anywhere where monkeys or apes are turning into humans!!!!!

    But it isn't actually a disbelief. It's a choice of his not to read a book, not to pay attention when professors and teachers explain things. If he wasn't ignorant, he wouldn't have said such a moronic thing.

    He is PURPOSEFULLY not understanding, which is not only ignorant, it's asinine. These are the people we are talking about when we speak of Christian ignorance.

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