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Lv 4
ErAs asked in TravelEurope (Continental)Turkey · 1 decade ago

Why does the EU press Türkiye to remove Turkish 301st law from its constitution?

Why are they so desirous about this issue? Is it about human rights? (if yes, i will write a list of similar laws from European countries) or is it about making the Hezbullah, Al Qaeda, PKK and other terrorist organizations' propaganda and propagations easier and provide Turkiye to stay a weak country in its geopolitical location to liken to a colony?


to Alana; well, you found me funny, i find you very funny. where did i say "so terrorists can easily attack it (the country)?". i said "For the source of these terrorist organizations, Türkiye will be a base country which will be doing nothing". And you did your cheap tactic again and related it with your made-up story. Then, could you tell me what would happen if a Turkish person said "there is no Armenian genocide in Armenia"?

if a person says "there is Armenian genocide, we have to invade Türkiye, even use a nuclear bomb on them", then, it makes people to think as if Armenians are in pain for centuries and as if they didnt make any genocide and killed Turks, as if they are completely innocent.

if a person says "the Armenian genocide is an international lie" then, s/he is the racist and is punished with "90 days imprisonment and a fine" [source: Switzerland]

What can we call of this? Are you rightful and courageous as much as to tell that?

Update 2:

John, i just want to make positive criticism.

but, dont the human rights work for Turkish people, while joinning the EU? i know you will say no, but, cant you be more objective? It's funny but, we are not buying a watermelon from the market, neither the EU is. Therefore, noone should say "i didnt like it, i wont buy it" or "whatever you want". i am not so in favour of the joinning the EU but, if we will, then, people has to understand that 301st law of Türkiye works for Türkiye as much as all European countries.

Update 3:

to Michael; what do you understand from the human rights?

then, let's look what do European countries understand from that?

these are the constitution's laws of some European countries meaning the similar Turkish 301. law;

Germany; the 90th law; to insult or to degrade the president, the government, the symbols, the constitutional members, the flag or the national anthem means a punishment up to 3 years imprisonment.

same as in Austria; 248th law in their constitution

same as in Denmark; 110th law

same as in France; 30th and 33rd laws

same as in the Netherlands; in parts in 92nd, 93rd, 111st, 113rd, 131st, 132nd, 137th and 138th laws

same as in Spain; 543rd law

same as in Italia; 290th 291st and 292nd laws

same as in Poland; 133rd law

same as in Portugal; 332nd law

just search for it...

Update 4:

These are all the laws that I found from most of the European countries. Such laws do exist in Switzerland, England and the most of the rest countries in the world, too and all of these laws above are stipulated the expression of thoughts with imprisonment.

So, while every country is the same, why is Türkiye has to get the unjustest treatment always?

Update 5:

to Alana; why are you so ill-tempered? where do you see that i am against freedom of speech? i just wrote what is going on between Türkiye and the EU. and I NEVER REPORTED YOU; THAT WAS VERY CHEAP AND IGNORANT OF YOU

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No it's not about human rights at all. It's just another example of double standards hypocrisy and plain stupidity. It's ok for the EU States to have various forms of defamation laws but not Turkey ?? The sooner Britain gets out of the EU the better, look at what has happened to the U.K. since they joined. Without Britain the EU is nothing, thank god they were smart enough not to join their stupid currency agreement.

    Look at what the UN said about section 301 and I quote;-

    "(The) United Nations has not approved or endorsed a report labelling the Armenian experience as Genocide." Farhan Haq, U.N. spokesman, October 5th, 2000. On June 4-7, 2005, at a Florida Atlantic University genocide conference, Juan Mendez, Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide to the Secretary General of the United Nations, was criticized for calling the Armenians' genocide an "event." This article tells us that the Argentinian "responded that since the UN has not officially recognized the genocide, he was not allowed to call it that…The UN is the organ that has established the Genocide Convention. If even such an institution doesn’t recognize the Armenian genocide, Turkey has the right to punish the so called Armenian genocide as libel. That is the right of every nation."

    I will highlight the IMPORTANT bits for the slow at learning (JOHN S) "(The) United Nations has not approved or endorsed a report labelling the Armenian experience as Genocide."...the Argentinian "responded that since the UN has not officially recognized the genocide, he was not allowed to call it that." "The UN is the organ that has established the Genocide Convention. If even such an institution doesn’t recognize the Armenian genocide, Turkey has the right to punish the so called Armenian genocide as LIBEL. That is the RIGHT of every nation."

    EDIT FOR JOHN S: Is that a little Cypriot story of yours when you change the Cat to a Fox and the Liver to Grapes ? I didn't know Foxes liked grapes interesting clearly there must be no foxes in Northern Cyprus, BUT FOR all those Turkish soldiers lives lost in attempting to save your worthless existence I would suggest give "The Rock" to Greece, and let them do what they want with all of you. It's not the entire Turkish nation that wants to join the EU it's the various stupid Governments that have come into power, they use the EU initiative to distract the people from the real issues in the nation. The EU application is but a mere smoke screen for various Turkish Governments to hide their inadequacies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well for a start no one wants Turkey in the EU. It not really a European country as such. Most of Turkey lies on the Asian continent. On human rights issues in Turkey. Human rights record has long continued to attract scrutiny, both internally and externally. Turkey is not part of Europe, either geographically , nor culturally.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is it about insulting or criticizing Turkey??

    If yes, I think the problem is that it is a little obstacle of the freedom of speech. I think that, If you’re free to say what you feel, no one shouldn’t prevent you to say it.

    Yeah, It’s sad to hear bad thing about your own country, but that’s the cost of freedom. Freedom is for EVERYBODY, so, it has pros and cons. Sometimes you have to hear things that you’re not agree with, but you can say what you feel too.

    If Turkey wants to join the EU, it has to assume everything that the other countries have assumed, and it includes the change of that article, I Think.

    I don't mean I'm agree or not with the removal, I'm just saying my opinon about what are the reasons of the EU's pressure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the "hate" of turks against the EU reminds me of this story:

    Once upon a time there was a fox strolling through the woods.

    He came upon a grape orchard. There he found a bunch of

    beautiful grapes hanging from a high branch.

    "Boy those sure would be tasty," he thought to himself.

    He backed up and took a running start, and jumped.

    He did not get high enough.

    He went back to his starting spot and tried again.

    He almost got high enough this time, but not quite.

    He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldn't get high

    enough to grab the grapes.

    Finally, he gave up.

    As he walked away, he put his nose in the air and said:

    "I am sure those grapes are sour."

    --->its turkey that tries to join the EU, not EU turkey! deal with it! and do something! don't expect to become a member without making huge changes in...EVERYTHING

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  • 1 decade ago

    What I dont understand is that

    WHAT HAS IT GOT TO DO WITH ANY OTHER COUNTRIES..what goes on in my country, this law obviously to protect again us TURKISH people not any others...

    I truly believe in that they only try to turn us into slaves by telling us what to do if Turkish people really want to remove it they will...

    the rest of the countries opinions on that are just not even worth hearing..

  • 1 decade ago

    It's about insulting Turkey country and Turks. If you say bad things about them you'll be accused of insulting and sentenced for 1 year. EU claims that its against human rights but how are Europeans, who killed millions in America(Am. Ind.), India, Algeria mention the importance of human rights. Isn't it cruel?

    For example if you say that there had been an Armenian Genocide, its a offense in Turkey. (There hadn't been indeed) They say there isn't indepence in Turkey.

    But in France if you say that ''There hadn't been an Armenian genocide'' this is an offense. Did you know one of our politicians had been arested for this reason? Is this indipence?

    Is it logical?

    In all, all i want to say they cannot force us for the human rights..

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't find you funny, just ridiculous. LOL This question shows that you are completely oblivious to the meaning of human rights. Until your understanding advances EU has rightly rejected Turkey.

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