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If an illegal immigrant came into the US and born a child in the US.....?

So the child is automatically a US citizen? So if for some reason the parents get deported, the child will remain here? If so, and what if the child is young, will the child be place in some sort of custody?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If all of that were to happen, then the parent have the right to take the child with them. It is only if the parents did not want to take the child back to their native land that the child would fall in to state custody.

    The U.S. does not take children who are born here away from their parents if they get deported.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The illegal immigrants will continue to corrupt America. We allow anyone to come in here, pop out babies like machine guns, (bonus check for welfare, which means more money) and allow anyone born here to become automatic U.S. citizens. Think of the U.S. as a small jar. Think of the world as a massive glass container. The marbles represent the long as you try to put more and more in from the large jar (represents the entire world), to the small jar (U.S.), eventually, it will start overflowing. That is what is happening...overpopulation is HUGE right now. The rate we are going at, we won't ever be able to build enough roads, houses, schools, hospitals, etc., the way we are growing. The economy is bashed every single year. I have no idea how much the budget is for illegals, but it has to be billions, even trillions of dollars. They come here, get free food, health care, rob from Social Security, live off of welfare. The more kids they have, the more checks they get, so why not have eight to ten kids? The financial burden is telling how many trillions these illegals are costing us yearly. How do we stop this crisis? Well, just take the benefits away. If we didn't have all the FREE things to offer, they wouldn't be coming here. The education...HAVE ALL BOOKS IN ENGLISH. Don't let the illegals get college education...take them back to Mexico if they can't get citizenship (it's not like it's hard in the first may be a long process, but not hard.) The unemployment rates will continue to rise because they come here, don't work or anything, get everything for FREE, so why should they work...they just get everything handed to them in the first place. If they get paid to sit on their butts eating burritos all day instead of working, why not? Bringing more people in to take jobs...BS! If a legal U.S. citizen needs a job bad enough, he/she will do whatever they have to do to get that extra money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The kid is called an anchor baby and is considered a legal citizen. Stupidest law ever imo. Illegals do this all the time:they run across the border and give birth. It needs to stop. The country is going to ___.

    The child should be deported w/the parents. But, due to the dumb law they get to stay.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who cares? The illegal alien is responsible for their own children not me. The illegal alien parasite can take their child with them or leave their child to be raised by Americans. Illegal aliens that would even consider doing this are scum and should lose the custody of these children anyway as they clearly care nothign for the child just want to use it as an anchor.

    Just so you get it straight I had a child in another country and I brought her back to my country and I took care of her through college and the military. Why should illegal aliens not at least do the same are they sooo ignorant welfare prone and parasitical that they can't or won't? Give me a break.

    Also the ranting raving gibberish from the mad Mexican just 2 posts above me is like case and point.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    NO the parents are granted a temporary visa. They are allowed to seek permanent citizenship also. What you described is a very common way people stay in the country once across the border.

    Thank You

    ps To the CHILD that is ranting up there. Come back and debate with me when you can form complete thought. Your skills inspired me to pray for all children going through the education system. Wonders of wonders today's youth are forming less and less respect for the rules and laws, yet expecting other to hand them what they don't have. My dear this world is harsh and cruel, rarely is it fair and just. Though that does not justify breaking of the rules, when they are designed by the mass to protect the masses. The penelty for that is a lesson you shall soon be learning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of what you say is true, but the parents chose to enter the United States illegally! They can also CHOOSE to take their child with them (there is no law saying they can not that concerns America - if so, it should be taken up with the home country of those who entered the U.S. illegally in order to stop the separation of families).

    NO ONE can blame the government of the United States of America for separating children simply because laws were broken. If so, why not blame the government for dividing the families of citizens who break the law (some offenses are not very serious and they divide families and hurt children), yet instead in those instances we blame the parents?

    Instead, perhaps the family should be satisfied with the FACT that their child can enter the U.S.A., start a family, and have legal citizenship for future generations? All other immigrants made a major sacrifice, why not illegals?

    If illegal immigrants want EQUAL RIGHTS then perhaps they should start by accepting equal sacrifice?

  • 1 decade ago

    Under the CURRENT interpretation of the 14th amendment, the child would be considered a US citizen. The actual amendment reads "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State in wherein they reside." The 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' clause exempts children born to foreign diplomats. Some would argue it should apply to children of illegal aliens as well. As stated above, the courts do not currently accept that argument.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if a child is born here they are automaticlly a citizen. the kid can stay but the parents dont get citizenship either way. if they left the child alone they would do wat they would for any america citizen and the kid could possible go into state custody

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, a baby born in the USA is an USA citizen. Because is a young child the parents can take the child with them but if they want the child to remain in he USA then relatives ( if they have) can take care of the child), When the child reach the majority of age he can petition his/her parents.

    That is not good, because if our Government separates a family, after the child grows, is going to have a citizen with resentments towards the country, for what they did, also creates more resentment against the USA with the parents and family of the child and the circle keep going and growing.

  • 1 decade ago

    The child is citizen irrespective of the visa status of parents.

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