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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

My mother lives in a very Catholic neighborhood. Why, then, is there a gang problem?

The neighborhood where my mother lives is comprised of mostly Latino Catholics and Vietnamese Catholics. Yet, amongst all these loving Catholics, there seems to be quite a load of hateful Catholics that join gangs and go around in shooting sprees. They even dare to wear crucifixes around their necks and claim to be protected by the "Lord, Jesus Christ." Why do you think this is happening in this neighborhood.


I really don't appreciate someone actually wrote "Latino and Vietnamese, you just answered your own question."

How dare you? You ignorant, intolerant prick.

Update 2:

I'm not trying to generalize. I'm just wondering why this is happening and why they walk around so proud to be protected by Jesus. And I doubt there's 99% Catholics crime free. I doubt that very much.

Update 3:

Mr. Human Bean. This was never directed at Catholics. This question is itself sincere. Why do they do these things? How dare they hide behind a crucifix? I denounce others of being intolerant because that was obviously a very ignorant response. However, in no way I am trying to drag the Catholic name in the mud. It was an honest question, and I can see how you feel about it. I'm sorry if it offended you, I didn't know you had such soft skin. I played along to your bean game last time. WTF are you all hot and bothered for now?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not uncommon (unfortunately) among some groups for an individual's Catholicism to be little more than a cultural veneer rather than a genuine faith, a going-through-the-motions thing because that's what everyone does, but having little effect on how they conduct themselves. Others here have brought up Mafia members; same thing. They are about as authentically Catholic as my truck.

    That they wear crucifixes while shooting up the neighborhood actually mocks God, and I fear for them on that basis. But just because someone wears a crucifix doesn't mean they do so with reverence; surely you've seen them used as a fashion accessory.

    There are doubtless many faithful Catholics in your mother's neighborhood, and they are likely as disgusted with -- and frightened of -- these thugs as she is.

  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Like so many other religions and denominations, some are obviously not follwing the teachings of their church, Jesus, and Christianity.

    By the way, though Catholicism rejects this, some Latinos belong to these Pentacostal churches that teach eternal security - once saved always saved so they can go on raping, shooting selling drugs etc with immunity and impunity but are saved none the less . You see, when many arrive as Catholics they get a lot of help, some money, lodging, furniture and free legal aid through these churches so naturally their allegience quickly changes (lol) to churches that have drifted from the truth. You see this in quite a few countries where non Catholics are the majority as well.

    Oh, yes; I have seen porn stars on the covers of magazines in local drug stores etc. weaing crosses as well and since they are by no means like the Virgin Mary Igather they are more like a fashion statement.


    Michael Kelly

    Source(s): Married to a Latina and help out in their communities.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, duh? Why are there gangs anywhere? Three guesses and the first two don't count.

    All those that claim Christianity aren't always Christians.

    And no one is saying that some Christians can not be bad people.

    Your question is attempting to make a general statement about Catholics that ain't gonna work.

    So why, then do 99% of all Catholics NOT belong to any gangs or commit any crimes?

    edit: your details de-cry someone for being intolerant yet your question is directed at all Catholics as if the Catholic religion promotes gangs and crimes, quite amusing, you intolerant ******.

    edit: Ok, then 50% of all Mexicans are criminals as are 50% of all Vietnamese. Btw, the 99% number is probably an understatement on my part. It is probably closer 99.9%. Think a little before you talk, OK. surely 99.9% of all catholics DO NOT belong to gangs or are criminals, if not we are in big trouble. Btw, 99.9% of all people are not in gangs or are criminals. Geeez, not hard to figure out.

    edit: I'm not mad, I just don't like questions that assume that a person's religion is the cause of their bad behavior. Bad behavior is universal. Christians can not go around telling Latino gang members to not hide behind religion, can they?

    Any more then you, as a woman, should decried for the crimes that women have committed. Or the crimes of other Latinos. Sorry, just a "Hot" topic with me.

    Btw, if 99% number isn't correct then are one heck of a lot of Catholic gang members and criminals, don't ya think?

    The Catholic church says it has 64 million members in the US but lets take a lower round number, say, 50K.

    So if the number is below 99% then one heck of a lot of Catholics are in gangs and criminals.

    Source(s): Btw, every single person, no matter what they believe, will justify their actions by any means possible. Hitler thought, in his own mind, that he was doing God's work.
  • 1 decade ago

    These same so called believers also believe that a certain section of the town belongs to them. These are obviously not the minds of spiritual / religious believers, but the minds of loners looking for a group to call a family and somehow believe this family will offer them protection from other gangs of the same kind of believers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Z A P is just as hateful... who said Catholics are not Christians?

    Most Christians regardless of what denomination they belong to...Don't practise what they preach...

    One day they will have to account to God and the Lord for what they have done.


    The protestants claim that they are Christ's true disclipes and in the end, some of them love to bash the Catholics and ridicule their practices. Where has the "Love your neighbour as thyself" gone to?

    Sadly...the Christian religion surrounded with hypocrisy.

    Source(s): I love Lord Jesus Christ forever. I may not be the perfect Christian at least I'll try to practise what He thought us.
  • 1 decade ago

    That's very sad.

    It's a well known statistic that prisons have an inordinate number of "christians" in them (however if they abided by the principles in Christianity they wouldn't have gotten there in the first place).

    I think it has more to do with economics - poorer people are more often Christians, and rich people, and thus highly educated, are less likely. Of course they're the ones doing white collar crime which probably costs society far more so you choose which is best.

    Source(s): PS: Ah, I see the spaghetti monster has visited us again, (below) blessing us with his rich saucy taste!
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't actually think it's because they are catholic, i mean, have you thought about you know, maybe it's more to do with their backgrounds, like you said that there were many people from different backgrounds, so maybe it's just a coincidence that they are Catholic, but that doesn't necessarily mean that any problems concerning their backgrounds will be automatically solved, if you know what i mean.

  • 1 decade ago

    People will act badly regardless of religion:

    It can be an impulse to be a better person or an excuse to behave worst.

    And ignore the racist *****, they probably descend from a long line of marriage among blood relatives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the youngsters pledge allegiance to men ( governments, friends, gangs) rather than to God's Kingdom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the human race no matter wat reliogn has become babric agian and the most part it has become gangs just like in th 20's where the mafia ruled it is now matter wher you go you will find gangs now.I have been alround the country and its every where some areas are worse than others.I am sorry to hear that your mother's area is one o the bad one's but all we can do is pray for them.

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