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Is this response typical of LDS?

Last night I asked if LDS consider themselves a Christian denomination. I got a variety of responses. The following response stuck out to me. I'm just wondering though if it is typical of all LDS?

Yes and us worthy Mormon's can become Gods and Goddesses after we die ! We belong to the only true church on earth ! And Jesus Christ and Satan ARE brothers. And yes we do baptisms for the dead. And yes our missionaries do have holy underwear and we did do polygamy, but not officially anymore. And yes it took until the 1970's to allow black people into the priesthood. It took a new prophecy to allow Black's into our priesthood. But Joseph was only human, not allowing blacks in the priesthood was only human he made mistakes even though he was a man of God, and authorized by God to have visions and prophecies and restore the Gospel. Yes, our Holy Prophet from God Joseph Smith restored the Gospel ! Amen my brethren. My bible says inspired by Joseph Smith inside. We do what our prophet and founder Joseph Smith told us to do, because he got commandments from God.



Just as I don't want all people to consider me the same as all other non-denominational Christians, so I suppose you guys don't all want to be considered the same. So here's your chance, LDS: do you agree with the remarks above?

Update 2:

So do you all think this guy is an imposter? And if he is, do you still agree with some of his teaching?

Update 3:

fbjohn117 Just to clarify, I gave him the best answer because I am on the whole pretty uneducated about LDS. I only know what I've been told by people who aren't LDS and I don't think it's fair that other people speak for you. I want to know what it is that YOU believe, not what it is that someone else says you believe. Sorry for my misunderstanding of that guy's response.

Update 4:

Oh yeah. I chose him despite his thumbs down because thumbs up or down doesn't necessarily mean anything. I get thumbs down all the time for saying what true Christianity is about.

Update 5:

Erwert Ter A...

What you have said is again ALMOST true. You're right. Jesus would put it all out in the open. But He would not pose Himself as a secret agent within a religion. That is somewhat deceptive. I understand that you don't want to propogate something you don't believe, but that doesn't give you the right to be a spy. You could simply say "this is my experience with LDS and this is what they believe" and that would have suited me just fine.

Blessings to you.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are many things which are true among those posted by this responder. However, I do not agree with the delivery of said response.

    Source(s): lds/friend to all
  • 1 decade ago

    Well , I'm LDS , but not Utah LDS , There is a vast difference . Joseph Smith was a 14 year old farm boy , who wanted God to answer him ( just like you asked this question in R&S ) ; and he was only 24 when he restored Jesus' Church in 1830 . It was highly unlikely he was doing it for any reason but to please God and His son , Jesus . But , after a lot of persecution he might have lost it ; I don't know ; I wasn't there . Have you read the easy to read , and hard to put down Book of Mormon ? Read it as any novel you get at the library just for the heck of it . It isn't going to bite . And if any of your friends or family members put you down for doing such an unpardenable sin , then they aren't worthy of your independent ways , anyway , right ? And then click on in the web search the Remnant Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints of Independence , Mo. or

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I recognized this "Erwert Ter A" as an imposter last night pretending he was Mormon in several questions. I don't see all of his answers here today, so I guess someone was on to him. This is the extent some of these dudes obsess with Mormonism. I just don't get it. I just finished reading a review of this book mentioned in a question called "Viper on the Hearth". It is freaking amazing the effort these people put into their anti-Mormon crusades. Pretty freaking bizarre.

    Everything you want to know about Mormons can be found at THEIR sites, including obscure writings which often are taken deliberately out of context, or misquoted entirely. WHY is that? Why can't anti-Mormons stand on their own merits without resorting to shenanigans?

    Source(s): btw, I'm not LDS.
  • 1 decade ago

    No, the above is not a from a Mormon ---period. Mormon do not talk like that. The doctrines stated above are not in the context nor in the state of priority that Mormons hold to their beliefs. The statement above is designed to misrepresent Mormons belief by placing them in a false light and combining it with half truths. Satan himself works that way.

    They above statement is written by anti-Mormon because the tone is one of mocking, and the emphasis of becoming like Gods and Godesses, "holy underwear", not allowing black's in the priesthood, polygamy etc. is something Mormons discuss very rarely, and certainly not in that context!

    The Church is founded on the principles that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, He atoned for our sins, he was crucified, died, and was resurrected, and that He has restored His Church upon the Earth again, and eternal truths of His Gospel have been restored again, and Christ was able to restore His Church by calling a prophet, as was done anciently, and bringing forth another witness to His divine mission which is found in the Book of Mormon.

    I am amazed that people still mock us for practices such as baptism for the dead, etc when evidence of its present in the Bible that it was customary in the time of the early Church.

    Also, Mormons use the King James Version of the Bible.

    As far as the black issue is concerned, why do Mormons get a bad rap for not allowing the black the priesthood, although they welcomed black into their chruches during times of segregation, and welcome blacks in the fold during times of slavery (which was one reason that lead to their persecution), yet the Churches that did accept slavery and did segregate black get a free pass?

    Oh wait, those are the same churches that are STILL persecuting the Mormons and emphasizing the black priesthood issue.

    Also, if "Christians" mock Mormons for following our leaders, are they implying they are willfully disobedient to their leaders? What hypocrites! The Church leaders NEVER tell us to blindly follow them and constantly tell us that we need to build our own testimony and find out and know for ourselves what is true. From what I see, today's "Christians" are blindly following their leaders.

    Oh yes, I do agree he is an imposter, and I DO agree with SOME of his teaching. I emphasize SOME because SOME isn't good enough. How do you think Satan deceives the world? By putting out 100% lies to everyone, or by spreading lies through half-truths? Which is the better way to conceal a deception?

    BTW, I am surprised you gave him the best answer, did not the multiple thumb's down, compared to multiple thumbs up give any indication he was an imposter?

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  • 1 decade ago

    This sounds like Frank...a person who uses many names to write awful questions to Mormons and sometimes makes a name saying he's Mormon while answering sarcastically that he is Mormon. That isn't a typical LDS response.

    A typical LDS person wouldn't say Satan and Jesus Christ are fact they are not. Satan will never have a physical body or be a son of Mary. We all are spirit children of our Heavenly Father, and anti Mormons smear that doctrine by saying Satan and Jesus are brothers...

    Erwert Ter a? That's his name Never heard him

    I read of some of his answers on other question about LDS

    and he got a lot of thumbs down.....he is pure imposter;_ylt=AqHEn...

  • I would say that while most of those statements are true, they are phrased in a way no true Mormone would ever phrase them. Also, a "typical" LDS person, faced with the question about whether we're Christian or not would address the actual question--not whether we're going to be gods and goddesses, whether we practiced polygamy, or anything else.

    A more typical response would probably be:

    Yes. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that in order to truly be Christian, one must follow the teachings and examples of Christ, which is why people frequently accuse us of believing in a "different" Christ than them.

    In the Bible, Christ taught us to pray to our Father in Heaven, in the name of Christ. This offends Christian religions who believe they should pray to/through saints. They are also offended that because there is so frequently mention of Christ talking to/with our Father we believe that, while one in purpose, they are in fact individuals. Logically, knowing they are father and son, it is a conclusion that makes sense, but somewhere along the line some of the religions decided they're all the same person, so for anyone to suggest they're different people is, apparently, blasphemous. The final (major) reason they believe we cannot truly be Christians is that they are offended by the idea that we believe there is currently a prophet on the earth. It is inconceivable to them that a prophet could have been directed by God to translate another record of a people who were also forewarned of Christ's coming, believed in Him, and ultimately met Him after His death (and resurrection). God could not possibly love His people enough to visit more than a select few, or give spiritual guidance to them, or direct them to record the spiritual guidance they received.

    Yes, Mormons are Christians. Each and every member of the church is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, and take upon us the name of Christ. The only people who will tell you we are NOT are the ones who are so filled with hatred toward something they don't truly understand that they would do nearly anything to prevent people from doing their own research to learn about it.

    ....and for the person who seems to think it's strange for people to direct others to the church website to research what we believe, wouldn't that be the logical place to go? If I wanted to learn about the Jewish religion, I would take myself to a Jewish website, not a Nazi one. Why, assuming a person has sincere questions about what a religion believes and teaches, would they want to find thier answers from a website with the purpose of demeaning and belittling that religion? Are you assuming that, given the actual doctrine the church teaches, they aren't smart enough to decide for themselves? I would find that insulting if I were the one asking the question. We direct people to that website because it isn't an opinion based site. It is a site officially sanctioned by the church, where you can access the actual doctrine it teaches. The Book of Mormon is on there in its entirety, as is the Doctrine and Covenants, church history, the KJV of the Bible, church magazines, weekly lesson plans, etc. What could be a more straightforward way to learn about what we believe than by actually researching it? There is enough hatred in the world. Perhaps it's time to start letting people think for themselves instead of trying to sabotage their opinions with misquotes, half truths, and biased opinions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The remarks above are almost all doctrinally sound, even though they're written with a teenager's tone.

    The one remark that is not factual is "My bible says inspired by Joseph Smith inside".

    The King James version of the Bible says no such thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with Ms. Duck. That particular answerer was simply posing as LDS. However, most of what he wrote is correct, just with a sarcastic or demeaning tone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Imposter for sure.

    Read the other LDS answers above my own.

    Source(s): LDS
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you look over the responders other answers to questions, you will notice that he is indeed NOT LDS, but rather an imposter.

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