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Some of my favorite quotes... "Seek the truth, it is the only thing worth dying for." "When I am weak, then I am strong." "I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." "More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ..."

  • Does tuna cause diarhea? (sorry t.m.i.)?

    I think my toddler has an intollerance to the almond milk I've been giving her (she's lactose intollerant). She keeps having diarhea for about 5 days now. My husband seems to think she's having diarhea because of the tuna that she eats almost daily but she has had that for over a year now and hasn't had a reaction to it before. The almond milk has been introduced in the past 2 months. No reaction to it until now.

    So I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of diarhea being caused by tuna fish.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Does tuna cause diarhea? (sorry t.m.i.)?

    I think my toddler has an intollerance to the almond milk I've been giving her (she's lactose intollerant). She keeps having diarhea for about 5 days now. My husband seems to think she's having diarhea because of the tuna that she eats almost daily but she has had that for over a year now and hasn't had a reaction to it before. The almond milk has been introduced in the past 2 months. No reaction to it until now.

    So I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of diarhea being caused by tuna fish.

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Does tuna cause diarhea? (Sorry t.m.i.)?

    I think my toddler has an intollerance to the almond milk I've been giving her (she's lactose intollerant). She keeps having diarhea for about 5 days now. My husband seems to think she's having diarhea because of the tuna that she eats almost daily but she has had that for over a year now and hasn't had a reaction to it before. The almond milk has been introduced in the past 2 months. No reaction to it until now.

    So I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of diarhea being caused by tuna fish.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How can you tell when raw yams or raw sweet potatoes have gone bad?

    I've had some for months and I don't know if they've gone bad. I hate to throw them out if they're good, and I'd hate to cook them if they're bad. They appear totally normal except that they have a little teeny tiny leaf as though they have started to grow but they don't smell bador anything. Still, I've cooked old ones by accident before, and I really regretted it because although they smell the same they do not taste the same!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Can you recommend any bulk healthfood stores online?

    Particularly I'm looking for organic products, gluten free products and perhaps raw or sprouted products. I live in a small town and my options are quite limited.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Help! Possible probiotic overdose? (sorry maybe tmi)?

    I don't know what to do. I've had diarhea for 7 days now with no sign of it getting any better. It occurs throughout the day and night, even disturbing my sleep with bloating and pain. The stool is tan-ish, which according to the research I have done means there is mucus in it.

    About a month ago I finished a course of antibiotics for a kidney infection. I am pregnant. I had no bowel trouble.

    Because of chronic fatigue, my doctor told me I have candida overgrowth. She put me on a powerful probiotic. The one I used to take was 1 billion live organisms. This one is 15 billion live organisms. I took it for a couple of days with no ill effect. Then the diarhea. I haven't taken it for 4 days now, and yet the diarhea remains.

    I don't know what to do. Any thoughts? I'm only asking on here because it's the weekend and I can't see going to the ER for this. Nevertheless, it is quite uncomfortable and I would like relief asap.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My cat seems to be starving?

    Please don't tell me what a bad pet owner I am. He ran away for a couple of weeks and I assumed he was dead but then he returned and he was totally totally skinny. I can see his ribs and feel his spine. He's been home for about a week now. Last night I thought I'd get him some canned cat food to help him fatten up. While he used to scarf down an entire can of that stuff in no time, last night he only licked up the gravy. This morning I gave it to him again and he just stood there meowing for me to let him outside. I know he hasn't eaten anything and I know he saw the food. What do I do to restore his health? He's only like 5 years old. He shouldn't die.

    And no, I don't have the money to take him to the vet as much as I wish I did. And the last time I took an animal to the vet I paid several hundred dollars extra it turns out for their care. I don't know what's needed and what's not. So please don't get on my case for not taking my cat to the vet.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to build a greenhouse?

    First of all, I am wondering if it is possible to build a greenhouse onto a deck that is covered with a roof? 3 sides of the greenhouse would get exposure to outside light, while the fourth would be the wall of the house. I don't think there is much direct sunlight there as I have big trees.

    Secondly, I have another spot that is possible, but I am wondering how does one regulate temperature? I live in California. I never knew you had to regulate the temperature. I just thought you had to cover it up completely and let the sun do its work. If there is more to it than that, what do you suggest?

    Thirdly, can I use this flexible plastic that someone gave me? It's not hard. It's like garbage bag plastic, only thicker and it is clear. I think I remember seeing someone with a greenhouse like that. Does it work ok?

    I want to grow my own veggies, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, maybe lettuce, etc.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Maybe lame, but what do they do to "paritally hydrogenate" oil?

    Everyone keeps talking about how bad partially hydrogenated oil is, but I'm just wondering actually WHAT it is and how it is made. Anybody know?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between food labeled "natural" and "organic"?

    And how can you know if you're REALLY getting organic or if it's false advertisement?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Does anyone on here have hypoglycemia? If so do you experience nightmares if your blood sugar has dropped?

    I read that somewhere online that if your blood sugar drops you can have nightmares but now I can't find it. I've been having nightmares. I thought it was due to pregnancy but my baby is 5 months old now and I still have the nightmares even though my hormones have returned to normal. Now I wonder if I am hypoglycemic.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for an baby to startle itself awake after about 10 minutes?

    I'm going to ask my pediatritian too but suddenly I am concerned about this because I have a condition that is called myoclonus. Basically I have a neurological disorder that makes my leg convulse for no reason. I really don't want my daughter having this problem too. I also just found out via the internet that something LIKE what I have can be caused by hypoglycemia, and I think I might be hypoglycemic. And so I wonder if because I am breastfeeding my baby and not really eating like I'm hypoglycemic (because I've never really been diagnosed) if that is causing her to have these spasms right after I put her down.

    She'll startle herself awake right when I put her down, or even up to ten minutes later. She'll be fast asleep and then I have to go get her. She'll wake up suddenly when there's no noise and I've put her down for the night.

    Is this normal?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had any strange or scary dreams after their baby was born?

    My baby is 5 months old so my pregnancy hormones have definitely gone away. But all through my pregnancy I kept having scary dreams. Now I still have scary dreams, many of which have to do with dolls coming to life and attacking.

    If you think that my child is somehow aweful and is causing these dreams, I can't see how since she is such a wonderful child and hardly ever cries.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can a baby sleep while nursing?

    My baby is 4 months. She nurses for like an hour with her eyes closed. Is she asleep?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone on here supplemented a bottle for breastmilk?

    I want to feed my baby bottle half the time and breastmilk the other half. Has anyone else tried this? How did it go? Is there a particular trick to it?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Since goat's milk is low in certain vitamins, would it be alright to carefully calculate the portion......?

    ....of vitamins needed and then put it in the goat's milk?

    I want to supplement my breastmilk for my baby about half the time, and I was considering goat's milk because I have a friend who has goats and it's easier to digest than formula. But it is deficient in some vitamins, so I was thinking of carefully adding the right amount to the goat milk.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If I supplement my breastmilk with another kind of milk/formula, will I dry up?

    My midwife told me this was true of formula because it makes babies fuller and they want more and more formula and less and less breastmilk. But I don't want my baby to completely stop breastfeeding. So I thought I would ask other moms. I'd like to substitute milk maybe half the time. If I do this, will I dry up?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as infant formula that is easy to digest?

    My baby is almost 4 months old. I've been breastfeeding her, but I would like to supplement with another kind of milk as it is awkward to feed her like this in public and I have some health problems that make it difficult to breastfeed all the time.

    But I am concerned about her having a hard time digesting baby formula. Is there one that is better than the others? How is the Organics brand?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to mix Desitin and Vitamin A&D Ointment?

    The A&D Ointment is the only thing that makes my baby ok with soiled diapers a little bit longer, and the Desitin is the only thing that makes a rash go away.

    If you have anything negative to say, I'm not going to choose your answer as best. I just want to know if it's safe to use the two at the same time.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby is 3 months old. Last night I had pretty intense contractions for no reason?

    I know I'm not pregnant. But last night I had pretty intense contractions. It really felt like I was in labor, only it didn't hurt I just felt my muscles intensely contracting and couldn't do anything about it.

    Has anyone else heard of this or experienced this?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago