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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

hoe can republicans still back george bush when hes been such a failure at?

the war in iraq ,health care ,and all other domestic problems this country has. including an ecconomy thats slipping into a depression

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Im a registered Republican and Ive hated bush for a long time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We had a great economy until the present downturn came along. That is no big deal. Recessions have happened over over in the past. We have a capitalist system. Free enterprise. George Bush and the government do not own the economy. Nor do they control it. We have the highest standard of living in the world for the most people. No need to become a socialist country.

    We have the best health care in the world. Even our poor people get free health care, (medicaid). We have no health care problems. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until the socialists make it free.

    Most of us do not want to surrender to to the terrorists. We understand the costs. Those fighting are volunteers. No whining liberals need to run off to Canada this time. When the leftists forced us to abandon South East Asia, two and one half million people were slaughtered. That blood is still on the hands of the leftist quitters. We have no interest in repeating that mistake, just because the left makes a lot of screeching noises.

    You will have to pick a domestic problem before it can be addressed. Try to pick one which has gotten worse during the Bush administration. Crime, for instance, has declined. Employment continues at record levels.

    I do concede that George Bush caused hurricane Katrina and brought misery on the lazy class residents of New Orleans. If GW had signed the Kyoto protocol, there would be no more hurricanes. Or droughts. Or hemorrhoids.

    He did sign a socialist prescription drug program into law. You can smile a while about that.

    I don't like Bush either. But look at the alternatives we were presented with. He will retire soon. Hang in there. Brush up on your McCain bashing. You're going to need it.

    Source(s): Irritate a liberal - be happy and optimistic
  • 1 decade ago

    They like to think that everything they do is right and subsequently blind themselves into thinking everything they think of will succeed. They love to charge off into unnecessary wars and show the force of the mighty USA all over the world. Nobody will push us around. On the home front their economic policies have not worked since Ronald Reagan's days. George H. W. Bush only got one term because of the problems with the economy even though he ran the liberation of Kuwait and pushing Iraq back into it's own territory people soon forgot about that and started looking at what has he done here at home. They voted him out. Clinton Administration was a mess with all the scandal behind him and yet he stayed in office through two terms and left us on solid economic standing. George W. Bush, well enough said about him. We don't need anymore cowboy types in the Oval Office. We need someone who will think of what the people here in the USA need, not all those folks overseas. We need to step back and stop trying to solve the world's problems and concentrate on fixing up our own.

  • Hung H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they were too busy using their spell-check and learning to write proper sentences to notice. I can see that you were not.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because he is their puppet, of course! They would probably love to see him go another 2 terms! lol!

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