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What are the reasons for banning gay marriage?

I don't want to hear appeal to tradition arguments like "Because years of traditional marriage say so!" I want honest, original answers. What logical reasons exist to block gay marriage?

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To prevent nuisance civil lawsuits against the Church. Two gays could target a superchurch, ask the REV to marry them knowing full well they'll get a no, then sue the hell out of the church, find a Carter appointed judge, and live happily ever after stealing from the proverbial collection plate. If there could be a way to 100% forever protect the church, I'd wouldn't be in favor of a ban. But I just don't trust federal jugdes that interpret the law according to political whim.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I would like to say first that i am NOT a homophobe, or ignorant(in my own opinion ha ha) I have friends and relatives that are gay. i think homosexuals are great people, and most of the time they're funny as hell. my belief is that marriage is not meant to be between two men, or two women, but between a man and a woman. is there any non-religious reasons to ban gay marriages? no BUT, here's the thing. to BAN something would have to be against the law. and whether people like to admit this or not, the law is based on the ten commandments (thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, and so on) EVEN though there is the separation of church and state, the United States government and laws were based on religion. homosexuality is against the ten commandments, and gay marriage should also be against the law. I'm not saying I'm a saint or anything, everyone sins in some way or another. If two men or two women want to take an oath to be life partners, that's fine with me, but to be married is sacrilegious. if you want to bash me, go ahead thats fine. im just expressing my OPINION

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya know i have racked my brain on this question of yours and i have learned that once you take out morals, religion and history there really are NO reasons that gay people should not marry.... Unfortunately for them it is hard for some people to disregard traditions and religions.

    The only other argument (if you can call it that) would be the physicality issue and that a Man & Man or a Woman & Woman are not physically designed to fit together and therefore were not meant to be mates in life. not that it is really relevant but you were looking for any other avenues besides religion and i was trying to find one . LOL

    Source(s): Just trying to look at things from all points of views.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You asked logical reasons? In the times we are living in I don't think it can be logically blocked, it seems that anything goes and it is a free for all. Who said they are being blocked? What I can say is that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. You either believe or you don't. There are homosexual people that I love and respect but there is something that gives me such a grotesque feeling in my whole being when you actually think about the act of the sex that takes place between the same sex. You either just know it's wrong or you don't!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never seen anyone who can justify gay marriage without appealing to god and the bible. Since god does not exist, and the bible was written over several millennia by deluded old men, that are no good reasons for banning gay marriage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've had this argument several times with my fiance (and all of his friends, his brother, his old roommate) and it's just exhausting. I have A LOT of gay & lesbian friends who are in committed relationships. The only thing that they can argue is the cost to the government & employers. They will have several people eligible for insurance benefits, that wouldn't be otherwise. And that the government would have to pay survivor benefits to these couples as well. That's it. That's the only somewhat reasonable argument I can get out of anybody.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whats wrong with gay couples? There is absolutly nothing wrong with being gay. In my province, they allow gay couples to get married. I support gay marriages because like the answers above me, most gay marriages last longer too. I have seen a lot of gay people and there isn't anything wrong. They are like you and me. They are normal but they love the same sex. There is gay animal behavior in the world besides us, humans. So there is not point in banning hay marriages.

    Source(s): Have a couple of friends that are gay
  • Racer
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No logical reasons I can think of, I'm more than all for it !!

    Just because something is a "tradition", doesn't make it right. It's a tradition in some countries to cut the clitoris off young women.... genital mutilation... Does that make it right because it's a "tradition"???

  • 1 decade ago

    i think its a control issue. the same with every other law thats questionable. people are people, there shouldnt be a law on being yourself! im straight as an arrow and i have gay friends that are guys and girls. i just hope one day people can see others as who they are and not what they want them to be. it doesnt matter what god made at first it matters that we all live in this country and we all have feelings. who are they to say you cant be gay, or get an abortion etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only "logical" answer people can come up with is that they don't want to see it. Or that God is against it.

    I don't see that as logical cuz's not. And I don't see how any of us are in a position to talk being that the divorce rate amongst heterosexuals is PATHETIC! And religion IS factored into that.

    I don't think anyone is in a position to judge another....but they certainly will keep on judging.

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