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What is the significance of the US president Clinton-Obama race in other countries? (Non-US ppl please)?

Do people outside the US (non-Americans) see/hear/know a lot about the current US presidential campaign? Do you have a preference in the election? I'm curious because American people in general don't usually care/know much about the elections in other countries or support one person over another for the leadership of other countries (or even who the options are). But it seems the US elections may get an disproportionate amount of world attention?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that this particular race is interesting for many people around the world, because it's outcome can give the US either the first black or the first female president if one of the democratic candidates win in November.

    This might be the main point of interest for us Latin American and Caribbean people, because the foreign policy of the United States towards us doesn't differ very much from president to president, notwithstanding the party they come from.

    Now there is also the situation in Iraq that has had a huge global impact, with the astronomical rise in oil prices and consequently energy costs that permeate everything.

    For the small caribbean nations that depend heavily on US tourism the looming recession will also impact. So we are looking forward for you to choose the president who is best able to turn the economic tide in America now.

    We want a president who is able to solve problems using diplomacy rather than brute primitive force and menacing everybody with war and invasions.

    I personally think that Obama is that person. Hillary Clinton might have more credibility on the economy, but her war mongering has me a little worried, although she also boasts of bringing the troops home from Iraq. The attention the race is getting is not disproportionate, because we all suffer from the meddling of the US government in practically every countries business. Even European countries like Holland have been forced to sustain Bush's Afgan and Iraq wars through manipulation. By the way it seems that a lot of front line soldiers come from Latin American countries. They enlist in hopes to get a green card or a US citizenship. Some already got it post mortem.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is some coverage over here, (United Kingdom) though too much for many of us. Personally I follow what coverage there is with interest.

    We have coverage of all elections worldwide and at the moment all interest is in Zimbabwe. Quite rightly too!

    The main reason that the US elections appear to get a disproportional amount of coverage here is that they just go on and on and on. Other reasons include the importance to the world of who controls America, and the fact that many of us here have a liking for you as a people. We just can't understand how GWB got to be president!

    I do not have a preference for either Clinton or Obama, the important thing is that the contest is clean and that the democrats can unite behind the winner and mount an effective campaign for the White House.

    That is what really matters.

  • Sandee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We don't talk here about the race for president in the USA. Our only interest is that the person who gets in is sane. Doesn't seem to be the case if George Bush and the last few presidents are anything to go by. Don't forget - they're in charge of the 'red button'!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Entertainment value only. Except the terrorist countries, they would want either Obama or Hilary to be the next President, not McCain because they can be duped and lied to. By the time either these two woke up it'd be too late, we'd be toast.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the most significant thing in the world over her. In Africa. Every day it is all that we ever talk about.

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