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Clinton backer says Obama will win?

A key Hillary Clinton supporter appeared to be a bit off message during a recent interview with a Canadian radio station.

"If I had to make a prediction right now, I'd say Barack Obama is going to be the next president," Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said in a Canadian public radio interview this weekend. "I will be stunned if he's not the next president of the United States."

Cleaver, an African-American, endorsed Clinton's White House bid last year and formally remained aligned with the New York senator even as other black leaders shifted their support to Barack Obama.

But after his district voted for Obama in the February 5 primary, Cleaver did indicate he would consider voting for the Illinois senator at the party's convention if the delegate count was extremely tight between the two candidates.

In the Canadian radio interview, Cleaver made clear he doesn't expect Clinton to overtake Obama, comparing his support of the New York Democrat to that of his hometown losing football team.

“Even though I don't expect the Kansas City Chiefs to beat the Indianapolis Colts, I cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs,” he said.

He also pushed back on the notion Clinton should take her fight for the party's nomination all the way to the August convention — though he acknowledged that is not the position he is supposed to take.

"If I do the party line, I'm supposed to say — and maybe I'll say, just so if anybody hears it they can say well, 'Cleaver did the party line before he told the truth' — we believe that a contest going all the way to the convention is good for America."

But, he added, an actual convention fight would be a “tragedy of tragedies.”

Update 2:

Not sure what OC is referring to but this is the correct link to the story. I did not write the story nor make it up, so please don't kill the messenger. I just thought it might be of interest to all.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He is, of course, absolutely right. The numbers aren't there. HRC doesn't have a path to the nomination anymore than John Edwards does. It's the truth....

  • 5 years ago

    Why is it that the IRS scandal and Libya are somehow Bush's fault? At no time did Bush blame a youtube vid for the attacks. He never withheld assistance from Americans calling for help. At no time did The IRS under Bush ask for personal information on donors to these groups. We were warned about 9-11 in 1996, 4 years before Bush got into office, Clinton never saw fit to pass the warning on to the incoming president. How many US Ambassadors died when Bush was in office, how many times did the attacks last over 7 hours with American help just minutes away, help that was ordered to stand down? Stop trying to blame Bush, man up and admit that obama screwed up, the 3 am call came and neither he nor Clinton answered.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i wish they would just elect, all this american he said she said he do she do political rheotric is doing my head in, thank god our english elections last one day, then they count and elect who gets in, you lot make a meal of and create a song and dance if this isnt done or thats not right, you wont actually get to know what they do until they are voted, seated in the white-house, and they all say there going to do this and that but they dont they do what they want, alter what they want, feather the own nests while in office as do all poloticians so wait, then lets hope this black guy gets in.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will be stunned, outraged and greatly saddened if Obama wins....... Any reasonable American who loves this country

    will NOT vote for him.

    He'll get the black vote and alllllllllll the young idealists who haven't a CLUE as to how the world is run.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hillary's refusal to face facts (though the Belle of Bosnia apparently can't tell fact from fiction) is just forcing Senator Obama to spend more money than he should.

    With her campaign not paying its debts ($8million in debt), she should cut her losses.

    Polls show that the American people are supporting Senator Obama in ever increasing numbers. He will beat Crash McCain, Hillary cannot.

  • 1 decade ago

    He may win the nomination and that will then cost the Democrats the general election. If Hilary won the nomination , it may have been tight , but with Obama winning ..the Republicans have it in the bag.

  • Judy M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'd say that Cleaver will just be stunned either this summer or in November.

  • 1 decade ago

    This guy is black... don't tell me he was backing Hillary... he is a closet obama supporter.. just trying to make it look like he supported Hillary. All blacks are voting race. Give me a break!

    What a lot of turncoats.. the Clinton's were good for them before.. but now they are the wrong colour.

    Careful Cleaver, your bigotry is showing thro!

  • No matter what: we all have to wait for the outcome of the final nomination.........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I was him I would watch my back. Hillary is going to have a Vince done on him...or maybe she will simply sick James Carville on him

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