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BB - who won HOH this week?


Well that sucks; I was hoping James would...

Update 2:

Only James and Adam have an integrity that isn't very apparent in any of the other contestants. If James doesn't win, I hope Adam does.

Nat needs a psychiatrist (Matt needs a body guard for when she get booted), Sheila is fairly close on her rounded heels, Ryan is a big sack of sh!t (for taking away that $10k), Sharon is a wuss - and has a misplaced sense of loyalty to have trusted that slime Josh.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Adam won it again.....I am so mad........

  • LORD Z
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What show are you watching?

    James told them to put up Chelsia on the block.

    He even helped vote her out unanimously.

    He made a deal with Natalie not to put up Matt or her that week and he had Matt evicted.

    He faked a break up with Chelsia to get her to be able to spy on the other side.

    He buddies up to people one moment and then curses them out the next.

    When they are not looking he is clowning to the cameras and his buddies about how smart he thinks he is and how he is tricking everyone.

    The word integrity and James do not go together. He is as two faced as the rest of them.

    As for Adam, he won HOH, but only because Sharon threw it trying to let James win it so she could stay neutral. She had that game in the bag and when she saw James was the closest one to her she started missing on purpose. Amazingly, Adam won instead.

    Adam is two faced as well. He has deals with Natalie, Ryan, Sheila and James. Sharon is the only one he has not made a deal with at some point or another. he seriously considered keeping Josh last week, and he was the moron who voted James back into the house the week they had him evicted and cost Matt his place in the house. I give him credit for brains but not integrity. None of them have integrity.

    And people should simply jump off the James bandwagon. He does not have the votes to win the game. He will lose 4-3 to any other person in the house, 7-0 if he goes up against Sharon. 5 people in the house will not vote for him. ift is that bad.

    Adam on the other had is very likely to win it all 6-1 against Natalie or Ryan, 7-0 against Sheila, and 4-3 against Sharon or James.

    That is just the way the votes stack up.

    It is Adam's game to lose.

  • Leah
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Adam Won HOH. He will be putting up James and Sharron. James asked Sharon to ask Adam not to put her up so she could win POV and give it to James but there is fat chance of that happening. I think we will be seeing james going home next week, and if Sharon doesnt win the next HOH she and Shelia will be on the block for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam won

    Nat said this HOH was for Adam and James

    I thought it was for her, and she could not play

    It was base on numbers of things in the house

    Who have they shown counting everything

    Nat thinks Sharon threw the HOH, because she help Nat count one of the questions, and she got it won

    Sharon said, she misunderstood the question

    Adam won, by one

    Coming in second tied, Sharon and James

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well Adam won.

    I was hoping for James myself simply because the house is becoming too one sided .

    There needs to be some evictions on the other side as well.

    They have had the a few weeks now.

    The house is becoming too boring.

    They need to start breaking up the Bible Group.

  • Annie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Adam Did Win, Yippee!

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam won it. I am just happy it wasn't James.

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam and I'm glad

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i can not STAND Jessie! i actually loved Lydia contained in the initiating yet she seems truly needy and clingy and it truly is obnoxious. i actually can not manage Russell (he's a more suitable meat head then Jessie)

  • 1 decade ago

    I agreee that James has never pretended to be other than he is..I wouldn't at all be surprised if he pulls it out ....

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