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Why do people think it is the worst thing in the world when a NFL player gets in trouble?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    because they fail to realize that the world has far many more issues to deal with. america lives on drama, and what a more perfect stage for drama than to over ridicule a professional athlete when they make humanly mistakes like others. the only difference is that they get the publicity that your average joe does not get. my take on athletes, entertainers, etc. is that they are humans like the rest of us and they make mistakes, just like the rest of us. the media needs to stop over-hyping things and go report on things much more meaningful.

  • 1 decade ago

    We think the worst because professional sports figures, not limited to the NFL, are role models to children and young adults. I personally don't want my child idolizing somebody that hangs out at strip clubs and shoots a gun into a crowd of people because he didn't get the attention that he feels he deserved. There are laws out there and regardless of who you are, or who you think you are, those laws need to be followed.

    A simple way to put an end to all of this would be a permanent ban from the league that the player is from. Maybe the players would think twice before they did something stupid. But then again, there is too much money involved for team owners for them to do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    They want to believe that NFL players are 1) college graduates, 2) pillars of the community, 3) monks that never drink or have premarital relations with anyone because they're too busy going to church and doing charity work, 4) eventually marry models and spontaneously have 2.5 children and spend the offseason doing charity work.

    Sadly, they are shocked! SHOCKED! to find out that one or two out of every five or ten NFL players (and NBA and MLB and NHL and PGA and NCAA etc.) is 1) a normal red-blooded male and 2) occasionally makes a bad decision and may or may not get ticketed or worse, arrested 3) likes to have a beer or shot or ten 4) enjoys the company of a young woman (or older woman) and maybe more than her company 5) may or may not end up with 1.0 child before getting married.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because when you get paid Millions of dollars you can prevent some of the dumb things that they do. If you go out hire a driver, don't drink and drive. If you do go out to clubs bring another player with you so that you don't get in trouble and leave the clubs early. They can get any female they want so they don't need to stay the whole time anyway. The People get mad because we on Sunday pay our hard earned money to see these players play and we want them on the field on Sunday's. I get mad because most of these guys are black and they know they are a target because of the money that they have and they cars they drive. When the police sees a car on rims and tinted windows they think of a black drug dealer. It's not right but it happen in this country. We as black men need to know we are targets in this country and act accordingly. Chris Henry brought this on himself. When you do all the things he has done and keeps getting into trouble you have to say to yourself do I want to keep playing football. If I do I better clean up my act. He should never be brought back into the NFL. At least until he gets some help. Maybe in two years.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Getting paid more money than you know what to do with for playing a game is every mans dream.

    These guys think the world owes them something and they cant even stay out of trouble for 10 years until they are retired.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because you would THINK that when a guy gets paid MILLIONS to play professional football, that he'd be smart about it. Yet it doesn't stop these morons from getting arrested for:

    * DUI (too cheap to pay the $500 for a limo?)

    * Possession of drugs

    * Rape

    * Assault

    * Prostitution

    * Illegal gambling

    * Violating parole

    * Witness to murder

    * Murder in their home

    * Dogfighting

    * Robery

    * Not to mention just plain stupid stuff like being seen partying with underage women, being drunk in public, and being general pains in the asss's.

    Whether they want to admit it or not, these guys are role models to impressionable young kids. Boys USED to want to play in the NFL to be like Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Brett Favre, and Troy Aikman. Now they see these fools partying, boozing, and carousing, and they want to play in the NFL for the fame and fortune. Nice message these guys are sending, huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the camera is always on them and they are the people little kids look up to. They want the same number as there favorite player.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are college graduates & grown men & should be a pillar to the community & be a role model for the kids who look up to athletes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they are public influences

    role models for kids

    if they get in trouble its not a good influence on all the kids who watch them

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it's them damn idiots on all those sports shows that make it seem like it's the end of the world when a player makes a mistake

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