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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 decade ago

Have we discovered an end to the Universe?

As we thought just a few hundred years ago the Earth is flat. We know thats not possible now. I can't imagine there being an end to the Universe. I mean what could be out side of that boundary then? Another dimension possibly? Two things I can't calculate in my head are: I cant see there being a boundary on how far we can go and second I cant see that the Universe expands for ever. What one is true?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no and no one knows if an end exists. but if it does, whats beyond it??????

  • 1 decade ago

    If the universe has a boundary maybe there's another "space" in which universes are contained.

    We have not been able to see far enough through space to find anything that appears to be a boundary. And we continue to view further and further. And as the universe is expanding even if we did find an edge it would be further away the next second. Plus the universe is so vast that if we viewed a boundary we would be viewing where the boundary was hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of years ago and not where it is currently.

    We don't know if the universe expands forever. There isn't any evidence of it having contracted, or stopping. But if there is only empty space, without a universe, beyond where it exists, then as the universe began from a central point there could be no evidence of a contraction of the universe. Such evidence would have been diguised by the universe itself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, most answers you are getting are not stated scientifically from astrophysicists...but I will try to give you the best answer I can; I am not an astrophysicist either. There is a telescope on top of a volcano in Hawaii in which actual astrophysicists have found a cluster of galaxies approximately 11.4 billion light years away. This means the light that we see at this time was the same light it produced 11.4 billion years ago. This is about 2 billion years after the "known" or "theorized" beginning of our universe. The question you asked is a difficult one to answer considering we have a very limited ability to peer into observable space and space/time. I would recommend that you keep posted by visiting various sites that might focus on the queries you have. You will definitely get better answers than in a "generalized" query forum such as "Yahoo! Answers." Nasa, Discovery Channel, Astrophysics, and current astronomy terms in your search browser might bring up interesting might see if you could contact or write an article for a school newspaper by interviewing an actual astrophysicist, university science organization, or high school teacher (to name a few). And when you get the answer to this question...let me know the answer! :) P.S. I would like to know the direction in which the universe theoretically began. Which way?....

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know, maybe you should think about how the universe could just disappear or end, turning into nothing. Then that nothingness turns into more nothingness.... This is like one of those questions where you were asked how did you know humans with the current day technology didnt lived millions of years ago but got wiped out ? How do you know that 2012 is really going to be the end of the world ?

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  • Asker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Up to now, astronomers have not been able to find a limit, boundary or end of the universe, as far as we now, the universe is infinite.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Universe is the totality of existence. The is no end, middle or anything like that.

    EDIT: Everyone here is giving answers with the notion that the Universe is simply mass in space. It isn't.

  • tsai
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There does no longer be white, there may be black. i do no longer think of it would end, the universe has existed for infinity, and continuously will after our humanity vanishes. that is only that...we've a constrained time easily, so we positioned a term on each little thing by using fact we are mentally primitive.

  • 1 decade ago

    No we have not. New telescope in Nevada is seeing out like 100 thousand light years away and it keeps going and going. The universe is infinite, and where ours stops another takes over, but where does one stop and the other take over. Its just one big infinite mass forever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    see thats the problem with the human mind, and a little thing called FAITH.

    The human mind tries to LOGICALLY explain everthing, and when it can't explain something and gets confused, it like a machine, gets stumped and goes into panic , overload, wtf, mode, and bangs its head on the keyboard because it likes to be "mr. Know it all."

    According to God, the bible, etc, even if you don't believe, it is said, that creation and everything that exists is beyond human comphrehension, because it just simply is.

    That's why it's so complicated, because we in our limited human bodies and minds, were never MEANT to know it all,

    but we're stubborn faithless apes, and we persist to understand at all costs, and then in the end,

    still wonder why we can't.

    Maybe because you weren't meant to darling.

    Not saying i'm right but, what If I am?

    of course you can't calculate that in your head.

    You really weren't meant to.

    You really think we're made to eventually understand EVERYTHING?

    some things just cant be explained, like

    1) where is the human "soul"?

    Since people cant explain it, they say, well there is none.

    everything we cant explain, we just say,well then, it simply just doesnt exist, its not there.

    that doesnt mean its not there,

    it means, we just cant explain it.

    we're faithless :-D quite sad and amusing really.

  • 1 decade ago

    The universe can not expand forever. Everything dies. When stars burn up all of there fuel they die. Knowing that lets you know there was a beginning and there will be an end.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    u know that is one of the things i always think of....... but we will never know until the world really ends, when the world ends we will all be some place. hopefully that place is not here, on earth.

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