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Lv 725,314 points

E. F. Hutton

Favorite Answers16%

Broadcast engineer, mad scientist, Libertarian, atheist, pirate, lover of freedom and free thought, lover of everything the world has to offer, and all around nice guy. Addressing life and today's issues should be done with logic and reason, reaction to emotion, stigma, and dogma will not solve anything. We should learn about science and the scientific method, Occam's razor, and history. Ask questions, about everything, all the time. I certainly don't know everything, but I continue to learn every day. I can be proven wrong, and that's always fun, it means I'm learning. I trust others are more knowledgeable than I. However, it's important to gain enough knowledge to understand them and scrutinize if necessary. Skepticism is the key to insuring truth. Curiosity is the key to insuring discovery. "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -Albert Einstein

  • GE gas dryer not drying properly?

    So, this is GE model drsr483gg1ww.

    It does dry. It heats, contents do become warm as normal but it's taking much longer than it should. I've checked for blockages in the exhaust. It appears to be clear. It was suggested to test the coils on the gas valve. I've pulled them out and measured their resistance. I heated them quite hot and the resistance didn't change much, just a few tens of ohms. They measure about 1.5k. One has 3 pins, measure 600, 1.4k, and 2k.

    Unfortunately I've not yet been able to actually watch its cycle. Any advice would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Do you agree or disagree?

    Just wondering.

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • 99 Ford Escort won't go into gear. Ideas?

    It was working fine, no slipping, no noises.

    It worked the night before. I started the car, which was a little difficult, it didn't want to run, once running I shifted to reverse, nothing, drive, nothing. It's all neutral. Park works, the shifting linkage is in place and appears to be working. Fluid level is good. It's a little brown.

    Any ideas?

    Simple fix like a vacuum hose off, or something more serious like a fluid pump?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What miracles has god done today?

    A response to another person questioning religion prompted this answer:

    "...and for anyone who dosnt believe, jsut read about the miracles performed all over the world each day then argue. use logic at least not just your opinion. use facts. read up on it."

    So I used logic, I looked, I read. I found a few news items where people thanked a god for helping them. But I couldn't find any evidence of miracles. That seemed odd since they happen every day all over the world. We're supposed to use logic, not opinion. So, has anyone else any evidence of god (they didn't specify which god) performing miracles that are not simply the witnesses opinion?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Insight regarding a pending debt collection court case?

    I will likely be getting legal assistance in this matter but I'm looking for some insight. I have a past due medical bill that I am being sued for. Included in the suit are attorney fees and court costs. The debt is real however payment is still pending from my health insurance company. It has been an ordeal trying to get this resolved. This insurance company goes out of their way to avoid payments. I received no collection calls or letters from an inside collection department. The hospital sent the matter directly to an attorney for suit approximately 90 days after the date of service. Under 15 USC § 1692 the attorney contacted me inquiring about validating the debt. I replied that I do not validate the debt because a claim for it remained unprocessed with the insurance company. I stated also under 15 USC § 1692 that since the debt is not validated they are to suspend all collection attempts. The attorney wrote back saying that since I did not provide permission for them to access my medical records they are assuming the debt is valid and are taking me to court.

    I know it is customary for the losing party to be required to pay court costs and sometimes attorney fees. But in this situation wouldn't the attorney fees equal the cost of debt collection normally paid by the creditor? It would be one thing if I had done something malicious and they were seeking restitution. I do not recall there being any contractual agreement stating that I would pay collection costs. There may be one.

    As I understand part of 15 USC § 1692 states that the collector must notify me of the request to validate the debt within 5 days of the first contact. In this case the request was the first contact.

    Can the attorney simply assume the debt is valid as they did? I would not provide anyone other than one whose care I am under access to my medical records and legally do not have to. This would be a simple matter of the attorney contacting the hospital, his own client, and check with the billing office to see if the claim was denied, which it was not at the time.

    This is in Illinois. The fees are $10,000 by the way.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Evolution, proof it is disproven?

    While better suited to the biology section I'm asking here for the intended audience. The point was made in this category. In another recent discussion about a god one of the answers included this quote:

    "First of don't listen to people who try to tell you that God doesn't exist The proof is all around us, and evolution is so stupid and has been disproven many times anyway."

    Disproven many times is the claim. So, how so? Where is this proof? How exactly is evolution stupid?

    Let me, an atheist, begin by stating evolution does not on its own disprove the existence of a god.

    evo·lu·tion -noun

    1: one of a set of prescribed movements

    2 a: a process of change in a certain direction : unfolding

    2 b: the action or an instance of forming and giving something off : emission

    2 c(1): a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : growth

    2 c(2): a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance

    2 d: something evolved

    3: the process of working out or developing

    4 a: the historical development of a biological group (as a race or species) : phylogeny

    4 b: a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations ; also : the process described by this theory

    5: the extraction of a mathematical root

    6: a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena

    Typically the discussion revolves around definitions 4 and 6.

    There are millions of pieces of evidence. Biology, history, cosmology, and virtually every branch of science points to evolution in this sense, the development of species. Much of science points to this as the origin of species. We can measure it in a lab and in nature by monitoring the development of simple and complex life forms. We have located thousands of so-called transitional fossils. In biology evolution is the changes in the inherited traits of a species from one generation to another. The claim is there is none.

    I'm not even asking for proof of your god or gods nor refuting his/her/its existence, that's a different discussion.

    Invalid answers:

    You cannot use religious text. That is simply contradiction, mere gainsaying. "God did it" or "this book says so".

    It's "only a theory". In the context of science fitting the definition of evolution theory does not mean 'guess'. It means a tested set of facts.

    Somebody says so. A person's claim does not make something so. It must accompany falsifiable evidence.

    Opinion, simply choosing not to accept it is not proof.

    If the theory of evolution is disproven or stupid, show me.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When Hugh Hefner dies?

    Is anyone going to be silly enough to say "well, he's gone to a better place."

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When is a bailout not a bailout?

    I bet many of you, whether you support the idea or not, didn't know that the bailout plan is riddled with all sorts of pork. There's dozens of earmarks and special provisions. Just when you thought they were trying to be helpful, the same criminals that created this mess are deliberately trying to make matters worse and sneak in their own personal benefits. Are you finally ready to get involved, call or write your Congresspersons? Ready to stop voting for republicrats and democans?

    Here's a few items:

    A tax incentive for the TV and film industry.

    A carbon audit of the tax code

    An earmark for Wooden Arrows designed for use by children (seriously)

    earmarks for automobile racing

    earmarks for railroad repairs

    earmarks for developing wool products

    Full list:

    This plan grew from just a few pages to 474. And you thought the intention was to keep people from losing their homes and bail out Wall Street gamblers that made bad bets.

    And the small few Congress members voting no are highly criticized?

    15 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Active National Guard in central States?

    A friend and I were just discussing uses, needs, and practicality of a National Guard of various States. We were wondering if States away from US borders or lakes such as Wyoming or Oklahoma have active National Guard personnel. It's obviously more important to Alaska, or California, or Maine for examples. We have good insight as to how the Guard is used here in our home State, Illinois. And if they're active what tasks they serve in? This would be regular functions and not uses such as disaster relief. Exactly what in some of these States does the Guard guard? How substantial in numbers is the Guard in various States? How does it compare to or is offset by reservists?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • 1999 Ford Escort wheel bearing replacement?

    Okay, I have a bad front wheel bearing. Generally not a big deal. But don't know much about this vehicle. Is this typical, with a seal and bearing race that can be tapped out or is this the type that requires a special press to repair? Driveway or machine shop?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the new Y! answers features?

    I was just commenting to a friend that also participates here on how frightfully poor people's spelling and grammar are.

    We have people in the politics section posing questions and opinions about the next potential President of the US of A and cannot spell 'opinion' or 'president'.

    And then there's a little search box suggesting doing some research before answering, what a novel idea.

    Do you think this will affect the quality of the content or will people simply ignore it?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a schematic or design for wideband RF amp?

    Not high power, looking for receive boost across TV band.

    MPF102, BF998, and such. Fet, bipolar, whatever.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Averatec 7170 power on trouble - experts only?

    Averatec 7170... Performance is stellar. Everything works, battery good for 1 to 2.5 hours depending on how I'm working it, charges properly, everything checks out. However, I have trouble getting it to turn on, after it's been carried somewhere pressing the power button does nothing, sometimes, other times it's fine. Plugging it back in, nothing happens, no charging light, won't turn on. Then after about a half hour all is good again. Always comes on when plugged in, and on battery if it's just been resting. Sounds like something is loose. Earlier Averatecs have had power connector issues, these are different, with a separate board. I've had it apart, cannot find anything obvious, no bad connectors, cannot find any cold solder joints or anything like that. My computer expert friend has no idea. I did spot a place where the layers of the main board are separating, as if from a solvent drip. Yes I can service notebooks to some degree. Any ideas? And don't tell me to buy a mac.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago