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When is a bailout not a bailout?

I bet many of you, whether you support the idea or not, didn't know that the bailout plan is riddled with all sorts of pork. There's dozens of earmarks and special provisions. Just when you thought they were trying to be helpful, the same criminals that created this mess are deliberately trying to make matters worse and sneak in their own personal benefits. Are you finally ready to get involved, call or write your Congresspersons? Ready to stop voting for republicrats and democans?

Here's a few items:

A tax incentive for the TV and film industry.

A carbon audit of the tax code

An earmark for Wooden Arrows designed for use by children (seriously)

earmarks for automobile racing

earmarks for railroad repairs

earmarks for developing wool products

Full list:

This plan grew from just a few pages to 474. And you thought the intention was to keep people from losing their homes and bail out Wall Street gamblers that made bad bets.

And the small few Congress members voting no are highly criticized?


My representative, one of those that voted no previously has now declared, “I reluctantly support the bill and look forward to revisiting the issue as Congress monitors the program to ensure that we minimize risks and that taxpayers see a return on this investment.”

Investment? We're $9.6 trillion in debt, borrowing from our children and grandchildren. That's not an investment.

Update 2:

Right on Bob Z

Update 3:

And by the way this bill began as the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007.

Update 4:

This bill establishes a new Troubled Assets Insurance Financing Fund and Troubled Asset Relief Program. Together they can purchase ANY assets of ANY financial institution whenever the Treasury Secretary says so.

Sec. 101(a)(1)(A)

Update 5:

The bill passed the House and is now going to the White House.

15 Answers

  • Jack X
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey, you can whine about it, but if the wooden childrens arrow industry collapses, how are are kids going to know how to hunt stray cats for food during the upcoming depression.

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't forget a 300 dollar subsidy for riding your bike. This vote is being bought and the American people are being sold. I am now and have been against this bailout plan from the beginning. My Senators who voted for it have already lost my vote. Now I am just waiting to see if my House Rep is in for the same fate.

    Edit: You should read the CBO estimate that was sent to Dodd on this. The protections are almost non-existent and they cannot even estimate the actual overall cost. The part I found most amusing was that these companies will be penalized for the loans if government cannot recover the funds, but when you actually read it you find this is not the case. The President can recommend penalties after five years, but in order to accually impose them another bill would have to be passed through Congress. This thing stinks worse than anything Washington has done in recent memory.

    Edit: Yeah they approved the piece of garbage and guess what. Oil prices immediately began rising. Oh joy so now I am on the hook for a part of 700 billion and my gas prices are sure to start going up again. When will the good news stop coming?

  • AJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A bailout is not a bailout when it does not help the victims. If the money is going to rich Wall Street and not the struggling parties, then it's just stupid.

    Regarding the pork, I would like to see a law passed where all bills/laws can only contain provisions about that particular issue and no other. That way, the vote is only on that particular issue and nothing else. Can you imagine if we had to choose between presidential candidates WITH an additional list of 8 or 9 additional items each and no way to just vote for the candidate him/herself? It's just wrong, inefficient, and stupid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree . the 'yacht club' has plenty of dough , they can bail out its own member's boats . America has tremendous wealth . it has not disappeared , it's just changed hands . the top 10% wealthiest own 80% of all wealth . the other 270,000,000 of us share the 20% remainder . as before the panic of 1890 and the crash of 1929 , a large transfer of wealth has moved from the working class up to the rich folk . they now own so much there is literally little left for the rest of the economy . this is the problem on wall street now . we need a trickle UP plan . rich folk see me as a 'consumer' , i feel im a 'producer' . they see a 'consumer' as a person to be sold a product to make a profit. i feel a 'producer' makes the products , so you got rich , now its time to SHARE the pie , GIVE ME A RAISE . the true inflation rate is 30 - 40 % . with more pay we can jump start your precious consumer spending and pay our bills . i wish a politician would say this on t.v. but the Ds and Rs won't let them . im voting Nader .

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when is not approved , this bill is not a riddled is clear like water we allowed our politicians for centuries to make all kind of bills to protect rich greedy folks in behalf of the non rich ones now we are like parasites because without those massive corporation and their money there is no more economy.Joe Biden speech to late de-regulate de-regulate too much of this nonsense ,Palin one No More No MORe but those speeches are too late. without the rich fat rats we will no have no more economy this big mess now it will take centuries to be fix,the only difference is that more and more people are getting a clear message and the next president will face a different america that will force him to do his job. the bill is for now a must because there is no time for a quick fix.that is why that plan grow so fast and so many senator put their old bills in the pork barrel. no we can not criticize no one they know the rotten pork if they do not agree the will lost their job so do millions of americans.

    Source(s): M.M.A.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My corporatist leaders won't be getting my vote. No to $700 billion, and no to the revised $800 billion dollar plan with included pork. This money WON'T be going to your 401k, it will in fact devalue it. Free markets recover on their own. Be brave and take the hit or be a coward and take the hit anyways and pass the problem to your kids.

    No amount of adding money to appease the House will appease me. Vote out the anti-capitalists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When it's a plan to institutionalize socialism and give the secretary of the treasury unprecedented powers to buy out banks and other financial institutions (even foreign ones!) and merge them into one to set up a one world currency. To save them from their own crappy investment mistakes and make the American people pay them off.

    Source(s): This bill won't even work and is only the beginning of a long line of even bigger ones with more socialistic overtones. THEY MUST ALL PAY DEARLY IF THIS PASSES!
  • 1 decade ago

    Downsize DC has also come out against the bailout for a variety of reasons.

    AJ - You should visit Downsize 's campaign for the One Subject At A Time Act

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For some reason the government thinks its okay to snatch trillions of greenbacks of taxpayer money via stress to bail out the irresponsible badly run banks, AIG, and of direction the United vehicle workers, and the Wall highway fats cats. All we get are increasing economic corporation costs, deceptive credit playing cards as thank you from those enormous evil entities. And that's what capitalizm and loose-organisation is approximately. inner maximum establishments and their incompetent executives are rescued via the taxpayers. we ought to constantly have enable them to fail. the persons who positioned the government in workplace get no longer something different than greater taxes. provide me socialized healthcare any day over economic corporation bailouts for my tax dollar. a minimum of the persons get something back for the money that's legally "stolen" from them. yet regrettably the lobbyists run Washington. The promise of election campaign contributions is only too no longer undemanding to stand as much as via power hungry politicians. no longer something will exchange. Taxes and the deficit will advance. And banks alongside with their millionaire fats cat executives will shop getting bailed out. enable the banks pay off the deficit with huge taxes. enable's do away with the federally insured deposits. enable's start up taxing the huge bonuses those Wall highway executives deliver residing house. enable's start up taxing all credit card transactions so as that persons circulate back to utilising money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you cannot find enough evidence to begin the bailout tomorrow or the day after. Goes with the definition.

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