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Lv 5
VAgirl asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 1 decade ago

What is this plant?

While working in our yard this weekend, we moved a nice peony the old home owner had planted almost on top of an evergreen shrub. So as we were tending to some other shrubs that seem fairly new-we found two more clusters of shoots in another spot (also kind of under the newer plants). We moved one cluster to a space with the same amount of light as it had. The second one I didn't find till late so we didn't move it yet (just to tired). We have no clue what the plants are. They have about 3-4 shoots up now in a circular patern-came up easy no bulbs or tuburs according to my DH. The "stalks" are a very bright green with white on them. MY DH's first reaction was oh Bamboo but I said no that would be everywhere. The house was a foreclosed flip so my guess from talks w/neighbors is the flipper pretyt much cut down all the plants and flowers they had and came in and planted new shrubs (pretty much over top the old stuff). The shoots are in a location with LOTS of sun so my guess was that


we had some hostas (just what came to mind-but with all that sun can't be). I would love to know what this stuff is prior to moving the second batch. The first one we moved is in a spot where it can get as big as it likes no problems. But the next one might not be able to go to that spot in the yard and I don't want to move it now and then again in a month once we find it won't thrive in the new location. Thanks!

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