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Why do fundies feel the need to personally send their responses to other responders?

The responses usually consist of Bible quotes to prove their point against points that their target (me) may have made that may be academic or historical--or at least different--from their own. Is this a form of harassment? Isn't an ill-placed thumb-down enough?


that was the grooviest thing I've ever read on this site, rhio. It was worth me posting my ranting Q. BTW, medical writers *sometimes* write about BCI technology. (I have).

Update 2:

and you totally rule, naomi keys!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people go on these sites, not to expand their knowledge, but to reconfirm their own beliefs. There is “Your Truth,” “My Truth,” and “The Truth,” children only know what they were taught, but were they taught correctly? There are so many contradictory aspects in religions, and science and history often reveal a different side. Since “The Truth” may never truly be found, most cling on to their own distorted beliefs. Many have dedicated their whole lives to a belief; to prove them wrong would mean all was done in vain. I call this the Don Quixote Theory; this character was delusional, but happy. When he saw the truth it nearly destroyed him. Should you let people be happy in ignorance or should you hold the mirror to their face? When someone makes a personal attack on you, remember they are fighting for their lives, as they know it. Don’t take it personally. Besides I think your cool!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The subject of my PhD in Social Archeology and Aberrant Behavior was

    "Virtual On line Communities Not As Substitutes for Reality But As Reality Itself".

    The basic idea is that we're integrating everyday, average, normal, expected, predictable so-called "reality" experiences and "reality" personalities into a mechanical language, a code if you will. We're uploading a type of OUT-OF-BODY synapse allowing neuronic impulses to explode forming a brain-computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a direct neural interface or a brain-machine interface. This is a direct communication pathway between a human brain and a computer brain (or brain cell in a cyber-culture).

    An external device forms interconnected circuits within the central nervous system and our "realities" shift: physical realities interface with virtual directories which store the settings and options for the operating system to BECOME the reality of the Community.

    The human personality is almost like a temporary internet file lost in the registry providing a window into the operation of human error, religion, belief systems, bigotry, violence, but not for personal gain but always IN PURSUIT OF PRIVACY, exposing runtime information such as performance dysfunction and currently active hardware.

    This use of registry mechanisms is conceptually similar to runtime information as a place for permanent storage external to the mind like an external hard drive. The left and right hemispheres of the brain recreate the information-signals made available by each Virtual Online Community and does not differ tremendously.

    This work is closely linked to Neuroprosthetics and is an area of neuroscience concerned with neural prostheses — using artificial devices to replace the function of impaired nervous systems or sensory organs. However, in this case, as my doctorate pointed out, the socio-mental "realities" of human life are not impaired nor do they need repair. Instead, these "realities" are passed as data and information codes directionally from a presynaptic cell to a postsynaptic cell.

    We are, little by little, creating a Virtual Community to take over the "host body" and someday we will do all our living, have all our experiences, express all our emotions, conduct our wars, buy and sell property, meet, fall in love, get married, have families, live and die -- all managed in conformity with Virtual Online Community standards and guidelines.

    So an ill-placed "thumbs-down" isn't actually a form of harassment after all, but instead it is languaging a symbol to GREET YOU! It says, "Hi there! How are you?" You might be operating from an older version of the operating system and might need to be upgraded before you can appreciate the nuances of Virtual Communication.

    PS...By the way, what does a Medical Writer write anyway?

  • Lu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Personal responses can be a way of getting in touch for lonely fundies who may be Eleanor Rigby.

    They can also be scary and harassing such as the fervent meat-eater who responded to an answer of mine in the vegetarian section, by emailing me that if he couldn't eat meat he would attack and eat a person, perhaps me.

    I always enjoy reading your questions and answers. As old anon always says: "The key to happiness is having dreams, the key to success is making your dreams come true."

    (Unless you're a fundie whose dream is to make all people dream the same dream.)



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like how they have crib notes for this site, cause they respond waay to quickly with tons of boring mountain peasant poetry that I'm not ever going to read again for them to be thinking of that sort of thing on the fly. Like they are doing gods work by pasting tons of the stuff one after the other.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't know but if you like I can send you LOLcats of the day perosnally

  • Mel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I answer questions based on my Christian beliefs and I get a TON of emails from Atheists telling me how wrong I am. It goes both ways, bud.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a power button on your computer that can fix the problem...

    (Another option, there are other websites on this thing called the "interweb" or whatever it is called that you can go to).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We do it just to aggravate you;

    "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, EVEN TO THE WORDS OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, ....he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strife of words, whereof comes envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth....." (I Tim. 6:3)

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