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Should Exams Be Almost Impossible To Fail...?

If you fail an exam, should you be able to re-take it until you pass? Will this make a mockery of the whole exam system? Why is failure no longer acceptable under the current education system?

GCSE students who fail sections of their exams will be able to re-take them under new plans.

The proposal for GCSEs broken up into modules, with re-takes available if pupils score low marks, was criticised by education experts, who said it would give students a false sense of their abilities and make the exams "almost impossible to fail".

Unveiling plans for 43 "flexible" GCSEs, the exam board OCR sparked further claims of dumbing down by announcing that teenagers would be able to take lessons in figure skating as part of the PE GCSE, following the success of the television programme Dancing on Ice.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't see the point.They just won't cut it in the working environment where you don't get several 'run at it opportunities' to come up to scratch.

    We maybe need a toughen the ....... up attitude to get society back in to shape.

  • SR13
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I guess it will make the country seem smarter which is ultimately what the government wants. If Britain is known for having a high amount of failing students then it makes us look bad. If they change the system so that everyone gets high grades then compared to other countries we will look great. Everyone will say that the British government is doing a good job and all will be happy.......until you actually go to buy a British product which will either fall apart or kill you due to an absolute idiot designing it. The government can't be to blame for a companies mistake though so they will come out looking good. It seems like a good plan on their behalf if the general public actually fall for this system.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all.... A Levels have been like this for years. I don't see why it shouldn't be extended to GCSEs; in fact, most schools have modular science courses, which have exams throughout the year, which you can resit if needs be.

    Of course, letting people resit parts of their exams makes the exams harder to fail, but to get a better mark you actually have to do some work. If they do as little work as they did the first time around, they won't improve on their results. The net result will be that more people will get more GCSEs. And when you compare the job prospects of someone who has half a dozen or more GCSEs to someone who has none at all, the difference is enormous. So yes, I think more people should pass their GCSEs, failure shouldn't be acceptable, and allowing resits is just one way of improving the chances of disadvantaged young people.

    Also, since when was figure skating easy? It is a very precise sport that requires excellent balance and much practice.

  • 1 decade ago

    ah would they ever get some common sense!! If I knew i could repeat a test until i got a good mark, to be honest, i doubt i would ever do one little bit of study. and the good mark wouldn't even be an achievement. how does it work, one student gets a good mark the first time round whereas another gets a good mark the eight time round thus they are both equally good students???

    i understand some students get low marks in tests because they learn differently and have different strenghts, but in that case they should just redo the whole system and have it as continual assessment or something so students have an apportunity to make up for lost marks.

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  • 5 years ago

    Do the people tell you that you fail? Just because your vision is not 20/20 does not mean you failed the exam. You may want to tweak the prescription before you get the exam for your permits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's just another con to get the pass-rate up! The education system is failing badly and the exams are purposely set easier every year so those who don't even try can pass, that's after their teachers are forced to do most of it for them! Give them a few '0' levels to do and see how they fair...

  • M'SMA
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have these assh*les thought of what's going to happen when the eejits without brains hit a working environment? Let's face it, not even the nicest of bosses will give them umpteen shots at "getting it right". It's one thing doing this with assessments, quite another with exams - especially the big ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am appalled. I achieved all As and A*s in my GCSEs and worked hard for them; if the new generation have higher grades because of this, not only will it makes generations before seem less competent and make it harder for them to get a job, but it will make the worth of their grades low....

    The worth of British grades keep sinking, i can barely watch! the education system was not that bad before all these reforms came in (I blame Labour. Im still mad about the post office closures. poor granny.)

    Source(s): "If its not broken, dont fix it"
  • Blue 1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How about eradicating exams altogether? give everyone an A!

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