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Are you a wild animal that just doesn't wanna be tamed?

Or one that does? At the moment I just wanna be wild *howwwwwls like a wild Fox (Mulder)*

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no i am tame but get wild if voices tell me lol. ya jump to quick to conclusions and make accusations that are false to the minimum since i don't do it every time but if having difficulty and still have after think resolved then i get mad. Like don't like to struggle over and over about same dam thing. like im being haunted or something. easily triggered and unable to control temporary insanity that only lasts a minute or so. got from my mom and wanted to give back but then i would have to be reincarnated and not interested. this life is bad enough. so i'll have to live with i am nuts and lucky to be restored as some people stay like that and never get peace so gotta be happy with distorted thinking and people that i aim or blame but gotten better and am not going to be my own worst enemy as we all make mistakes and say things but if can't admit am wrong than that would be a problem but can so can let go . i'm not wild , i don't get intoxicated, cause chaos, but calmness is a skill and i don't have yet or much of so quickly panic and act irrate but not for long time and that's not a wild animal but an emotional wreck and thinks everyone is out to get me and have hard time thinking they are not since relations were never to pleasant or lasting always getting same result. not fulfilling disappointing, and just feel used like they are only talking to me my friend moe if calls which she hardly does i think she is just bord, and only calling cause she is this or that, and this person only wants a ride, and this person only wants this and even when i go to my moms house which is rare she is like why don't u do this or that and i think she doesn;t want me there or thinks i am lonley and am gonna start coming over all the time so too many disappointments which is looking at world at negative aspect or way and is dysthemic personality and gotta rtealize its not really this way cause its everyone or every single person that i'm blaming and its really me and this rare personality that only gets 1% of the population and ofcourse me who else would get such a bad deck of cards, but gotta live with it and notice it and bring in positive thoughts the negative are dramatic and cause poor me's when i can be totally opposite like lucky me. and know if people look at me like i'm odd(which i do) that's its o.k what's wrong with odd. i stand out lol i did loose a lot of friendships by this way of thinking and walked away or didn't bother to try but am not going to blame myself entirely as i did get dumped on a lot and we know when things are not right or are wrong, and i had to bail out of wedding as i felt mistreated and used by friend, who has chemical imbalance needs antidepressants and thinks negative about things i do but directly aims at people to put down. Like look how tight her f ckin pants are or if i have to look at the -ss one more time, and reason is cause she is mad or jeaslous that they are 1. attractive or 2. mad that they did not become her friend as she wished. And would even cut up strangers like look at her wearing this to school or if girl had on nice skirt or this like people bothered her because they took the time to look goood and she is feeling ugly and no makeup and bummy clothes. i don;t know why else other peoples looks would upset her. and would easily ditch me change plans stand me up with her bf around , not call for any wedding ideas and even took over my job as bridemaid and said if i need ya ill let ya know. even made me wait 20 - 30 minutes when she said she was leaving cause bf came home and had no decency to call. and when she finally showed up she said blah came home so i had a smoke and chatted and i was angry like i waited--time for you! and she never even apologised and actually didn't say anything, no comment wouldn't return my calls if she was home with bf and was not reliable even smoked drugs 7 days a week at times so thought hey im getting used and not treated nice, she expects me to always drive everywhere regardless and says when are u picking me up. and when registered for school i said that's it im not picking her up she can drive herself, she would never be ready anyway, and made me late and anxious and got mad for driving to school 15 min early like what am i gonna do for 15 min and complained. so i started to or couldn't stand her anymore, and said she will use me to drive her to school, and pay for parking pass so decided not gonna do and ditched her on first day went to school early. she came hour late all frustrated like gotta pay for parking and i told her to buy own pass since not around got plans doing this and made her buy her own parking pass and drive herself and she would come late and angered, and told me i need you to drive with me i am always late blah and did for one day and couldn't stand her. the day she complained about 15 minutes early and i ignored her. then she said had no interest for nursing gonna take this and i thought great, and said i got you this far your on your own now meaning don't rely on me, and when driiving home wanted to cut up a girls outfit like isn't that a little much for school. And i said maybe she wants to look pretty and she wasn't happy with my remark. And the girl was and better than her as she was kinda underaverage, and needs lots of makeup. so kinda like im not going to let someone treat me like garbage push me to the side and only call when picking her up, so her personality was on nasty side and she had no friends and said i don't care, well obviously didn't care enough about me and was selfish and just one day i stopped talking and never spoke to her again. and see her making new friend and driving and picking up and would of never done that for me but a stranger like she was desperate to be alone and wouldn't even say hello or even look my way and acted the same way when i first met her, and stayed that way for first 4 years at job, where i met her. And my sister said there's a saying like if you want to know how a relationship is going to end it ends the way it started like never saying hello or looking my way cause she didn't care and went back to that , and not my fault just my realization and at her wedding told everyone she doesn't know why i or her are no longer friends and one nosy person approached me that i also useto work with to find out, and said because of $ right. and i said its none of your buisness or mind your own buisness and yelled at the goof. no regrets except for not seeing a lot earlier and had no idea she smoked pot. She had to get her mother to drop off her registration for school or mail she was that irresponsible and out of it from all the drugs, like what day is it never remembered anything and one of my revenge things was i threw out her wedding or shower address list so she would have to look up all the numbers since she was too lazy to do and i had to search phone book and call 10 numbers to find one correct name, cause she kept saying will get from my mom, well her mom didn't want to invite anybody, hated everyone and said she is not coming, and don't invite her, and called me to yell at me cause i din't buy stamps and said the maid of honour is to buy this not blah, and anfter spending i think $11 on 35 invited she was lucky to get half show, as a lot didn't and the ones that did didn't stay long like hi bye and before shower i never spoke to her in like week and half and not even the day of until i saw her, and she said hi blash, my maid of honor, and few days before i was there for plans and she called knowing i was there and called for sister and never bothered to say hi or anything so when saw her it was like OMG this is not gonna work, i'll be nice and not say anything today get through this phony charade. She hide her phoneyness as not just me, i took pictures for her brought them to her house to give all, i didn't want any, and she made a scrap book or started and had everyone in it family people standing up and none of me then showed at very back of book was one of me like hiding and i wasn't dumb and left message and said i don't feel comfortable standing in your wedding i'm sure u can find someone else to fit the dress u have enough time (5 weeks)ok bye and got call from bridemaid like are u coming to wedding and gift are u chipping in i think was $150 alltogether and i never bothered to call back, they got the picture. Not my $ and was gonna pay a day early and waited a day and was day i called and said i;m out so the bridesmaid was like i already charged on my visa and cost is blah and i need the money call my cell, and deleted. and thought not getting glad never went yesterday i have been or used enough and spent $ don't want any back and till this day never spoke and no intentions to ever but did struggle like was it my negativity or me that caused this but it was not as i was spoke to by a voice one day after dropping her off and it said blah is not going to school with you!meaning yourfriendship is gonna end . it was like an awareness that she is not your friend, and your only there for wedding and then all done well i don't need to be used for wedding and dumped after that. it was kinda like a voice saying she is not or is not staying in your life your t=not the buddy buddy's who you think u are and basically she is leaving your life. and she told me at school one day she is taking something different and i was like (i already new), and it was like she is history soon and only friends while had same job and when job ended then there was no real reason to talk anymore but i was in her wedding already planned and thought if it wasnt for that we would never be talking and hardly did and was glad or fine when got message she is not or going with you to school as i didn't want to be enemies until sh

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't want to be tamed, I've been domesticated for quite a while now but sometimes I let the animal come out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't wanna, ain't gonna happen, and wouldn't respect someone if they even tried. My Dad said all his children were free spirits and I plan to stay that way, wild and free.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Now how did you know that one, hm mm, another mystery here. Ah, must be a spy in my midst. There's no taming this ole girl hun. I wouldn't change even if I could. Hee, hee. Ooowwwohhh. I've got the devil in me. LMAO

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes i am i love animals so much that i act like the wild ones,

  • 1 decade ago

    I bite and run my finger nails down you back.

    Does this count towards being a wild animal,

    Do you wanna solve this xxxx file?

  • Bliss.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I can be wild, and tamed at the next moment.

    Not by anyone else, but just Me.

  • 5 years ago

    I have a 13 1/2 year old pure black cat, and he has Persian in him, and he is still semi-wild I reckon... )O(

  • I howl at the moon, baby. no ones gonna tame this fox.

    Source(s): i'll bite 'cha!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mentor made me get a tattoo that said "Tame = Lame". I do everything that my mentor instructs me to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had to tame myself when I had my kids, but now that they are all grown...

    I think I've reverted back to wild!



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