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Do You think bullfighting is any worse than dogfighting?

or rooster fighting etc. Is killing animals for entertainment moral? This is supposed to go under bull fighting.


I just wanted to enter the bullfighting area as no one else had, check it out.

Update 2:

Thanks Ya'll for the feedback, I agree it is not a humane practice.

Update 3:

If you've ever seen a cockfight you would know how truly brutal it is. The people that enjoy that stuff have no respect for life.

Update 4:

What I want to know is why couldn't I put this under bullfighting?

Update 5:

Ya'll have a good night, and God Bless

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    both disgusting and brutal

  • 1 decade ago

    Well Bullfighting is very different then dog or rooster fighting. the last two are mostly focued on money and just the fight itself which is violent and very nasty.

    Bullfighting on the otherhand is normally more organized, cerimonial, and tied to traditions. It's really more of a show, dance, or even an art then an actual fight and the bulls aren't always killed. Occasionally they are allowed to live under certain circumstances.

    And the moral part is a different story. Animals wil kill each other in the wild so wheres the moral in that. But when it comes to entertainment it can be wrong but I feel it's mostly a matter of how and what.

  • 5 years ago

    Wow we are all Racist this is a competent one!!! I knew the race card could be performed it continually is. this is the easy way out!!! i ought to careless if this became a Black or White guy what he did is detrimental!! searching is a game that may not inhumane ( however i'm not a hunter myself) To take a dogs and starve it and beat this is stupid!!! He additionally became playing and as you considered with the WHITE ref interior the NBA is against the regulation. confident I suggested WHITE ref. became that Racist ? I by no potential suggested something like that yet you play the susceptible race card. this is for susceptible people without self assurance in there very own epidermis!!! Vick is a greater then life guy or woman and thanks to this he's everywhere.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My opinion is that no, it is immoral, and that bullfighting and dogfighting probably end up being about equally cruel, but I think that cockfighting is slightly less cruel simply because they are smaller and die quicker so they don't have as much time to suffer, nor do they use smaller animals to train them (like cats/other dogs/etc. in dogfighting) and other animals don't get caught up in the actual fight (like horses in bullfighting).

    Source(s): lots of internet and book research in the past.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Well what about hunting. I find that bull fighting is more humane than that so called "Sport". In bull fighting the guy just uses a sword and a cape. It is a danger for him and the bull either one could be killed. But with hunting ou just blow the deer (or in Cheney's case your friend's) face off. So yea I believe when it comes to hunting bull fighting or ****/dog fights. Bull fighting is way more humane.

  • Both are disgusting, brutal, primitive, vile, repulsive and low-down disgraceful animal abuse!

    Horrible horrible horrible! No decent human being would get any pleasure out of such a vile thing

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a big difference. So-called sports like dogfighting, cockfighting, and the like are literally bloodsports--the animals are abused, bred to fight, disposed of if not suitable for fighting. The fights exist purely for the gore and for the chance to bet on the outcome.

    Bulls bred for bullfighting lead very different lives. They're raised apart from most cattle and are treated better--the best bullfighting bulls go most of their lives without even seeing a human being. The bullfight itself isn't about gore or about seeing an animal bleed to death--and if you go to a bullfight for that you're there for the wrong reasons. It's meant to be a display of skill, footwork, and bravery--both on the part of the matador, toreros, and the bull. A particularly courageous bull can often earn a reprieve, and go on to a life of being a stud bull. Bulls who are killed (and bear in mind that many kinds of bullfights are done without death or injury to bulls anyway) are used for meat--and frankly meet a better end than most cattle who are unceremoniously slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. Matadors and toreros are often gored by bulls; it's not without a high level of danger for the people in the ring as well as the bull.

    You have to realize that we, in the modern western world, like to view everything around us through our own values, including traditions of other cultures and even our own history. We like to think of ourselves as "enlightened", as the first "privileged" generation... and such thinking is arrogant on many levels. Bullfighting nowadays is far more humane than it used to be, and many other sports that were seen as popular and acceptable in their day have fallen by the wayside as society has progressed. Don't go thinking that past generations--or future ones--won't look at various aspects of OUR culture and OUR values and shake their heads thinking of us as primitive barbarians or outrageous heathens.

    Ultimately, traditional bullfighting is illegal in the United States and a lot of other countries. It's a popular sport and tradition in the countries that approve of it. No one is going to make you attend a bullfight if you disagree with it; if you deliberately go to a bullfight to mock everyone around you and cheer for the bull to gore the matador, the other spectators have as much right to "correct" you as if you went to a football game and mocked the fans and players for their sport.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the people giving simplistic answers about bullfighting and jumping on the bandwagon of popular thinking have yet to learn about it, read about it, or bother to look at the sport from the point of view of its aficionados instead of from their own narrow point of view. So much for "embracing other people's cultures" and "multiculturalism", huh? It's okay until they do something you don't like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    These are all sadistic and brutal sports. Animals, have lives just like humans. If you respect life, you will not think of engaging yourself in a sports that hurt animals brutally. We are just too thankful that we are not animals which are prone to such cruelty. For me people who are inflicting pain to these animals are behaving like savage animals themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, I think they are inhumane...with all the millions of options humans have for entertainment, it's ridiculous to engage in activities that injure and kill animals for no other purpose...

  • 1 decade ago

    well, what else are we going to use those bulls for huh? If we didnt kill em they would be eaten by wolves or something, at least this way we know the cause of death

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope, i prefer to compare dog fight with bull combat (not bull fighting) bull combat is fight 2 male bulls fighing, the bull that lost the fight is sacrified in front of the public, you can check about bull combat in youtube.

    i tired to flag all these horrible animal abuse in these site.

    Source(s): - - - i hate to be ewwman! -..-
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