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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureOther - Society & Culture · 6 days ago

Don't know how to phrase it , please read.?

6 years ago when I was 14 I had been going through a lot with my mother , still to this day can barely look at her mainly due to the fact she's a closeted addict, you see when I was 14 something made me snap and with my child mindset at the time I just left started walking literally no destination I was so mad until the point where I hadn't realized I walked over 10 miles in the winter and nearly froze to death.  First she put me in a psych ward which is understandable., 16 days pass and she had posted to dr.phils website about me. He called her trying to get me on. When she declined he sent her various programs to send me to. He sold her one one in Southern Utah. (I'm from Pennsylvania) . From my experience I have barely spoke anything to anyone about over the last few years I'm completely traumatized. I'd go more into depth but there's a limit. They were shut down for insurance fraud and child abuse.  Recently Danielle bregolli (if that's even how you spell it ) had talked about the one she was sent to and it had got some publicity. It made me realize that dr.phil doesn't look into the places he's sending all of these kids. There are places like this everywhere and there are 1000s of us who have went through this and I would like to know if it's possible to talk to anybody about making a documentary so their voices can be heard and how would I go about that ? Any and all help is appreciated .

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Ask a question. 

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