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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

So God only performs miracles for believers?

I hear many theists on this site claim that God was done miracles in their life, there is no doubt about it.

Well I am confused, because no such divine miracles happen in my life.

Or in the lives of the starving, dying, children in Africa.

Or in the life of my former friend in high school who died after being in ICU for 2 days after a car wreck.

Why wont God perform miracles for me, or African children, or my former friend?

Is it because we dont have enough faith?

If my friend(who was a Christian) had had more faith, would he have all of a sudden gotten better and still be alive today?

Or if the starving children in Africa had more faith, would there all of a sudden be more food to go around?

Why does God pick and choose who he helps, Im confused theists?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That makes him sound like his isn't a perfectly good, omnipotent God does it?

    Source(s): Atheism my anti-drug...
  • 1 decade ago

    Every day we experience a miracle. You walk the face of the

    Earth and do not fall off of it's spherical surface. The Earth revolves around the Sun in perfect order and never hits it. A small seed falls to the ground, germinates and develops into a 100 foot dawn redwood tree. You extract oxygen from the air and use it to energize your body. You can communicate with the Creator through your mind- another great miracle. So, go straight to God with your question. He has the best answers and He's waiting for you to humbly come into His presence.

    Bad things happen in this world because of sin's existence in this world. We make a mistake when we resolve that there is no God just because bad things happen or because things don't go our way. It's not about us. God exists even if we don't acknowledge Him. God loves us even if we don't acknowledge Him. There are evil forces working in this world that celebrate when people ignore the Creator or try to blame Him. Remember, God never promised that this life would be an easy one.

    The good news is that Jesus died for us 2000 years ago and redeemed us so that we can have a chance to live forever and never again be affected by the results of sin. God said if u seek His face continually and keep His commandments, you would live forever and not be consumed in the end of days. Those who die in the Lord have a promise of resurrection- just as Jesus rose from the dead. I life of love and obedience is a good enough price to pay, no matter what trials we face. The race we are in is not given to the swift, but to him/her that endures to the end. :-) Be encouraged in the Lord God Almighty. Give thanks to God, Praise and worship God and see what happens- your life will never be the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, He performed miracles for people in the Bible before they believed- and the greatest miracle of all was that He died on the cross, while we were still sinners, and rose from the dead to give us victory over sin and death. However, be very careful- just because God does not choose to heal someone does not mean that the person needed more faith. I have a chronic pain disease that people kept telling me that same thing, I can tell you something it takes far more faith to live my life in pain, and still believe in God, then to be healed and then forget about Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe god performs miracles for you when n where you can not see , maybe that car which was going to send to ICU is in the garage to be repaired or had to stop due to a technical problem or stopped by a policeman and or maybe there's no god . Anyway,I've chosen the first one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Look at Ellen G. White. She was what a lot of people would call, a prophet. But her entire life was spent on her death bed. Things like, sickness, disease, murder, death, that is not of God. Those are caused by Satin. But even though Ellen was on her death bed, God used her for a greater good. Bad things happen to believers too. Look at the book of Job in the Bible. This man had everything. He was wealthy, he was healthy, he was adored by God and he adored God. But one day, Satin had a conversation with God and challenged God to let Satin do things to Job to prove that his faith would be broken if God didn't do all those things for Job. God, knowing the outcome, granted Satin his request. Told him he could do whatever he wanted to Job except for taking his life. So Satin, took all his wealth, health, family, everything. Killed off his son's and daughters, Job's friends weren't his friends anymore, he had no food, no wealth no nothing. And through all of this, he still praised God. Finally Satin gave up and God restored everything to Job that was taken from him, and more. Actually, the movie Signs with Mel Gibson, tells a good story about faith. His son was born with severe asthma, his daughter was extremely picky about water, his brother was excelent at batting in baseball even though he struck out most the time. But when he did hit the ball, he got a home run, and his wife was killed. All that caused Mel's character to loose faith. Then before his son gets sprayed in the nose with some sort of poision, has a flashback to when his wife was dieing. His wife told him to see, and told him to tell his brother, to swing away. Then it comes back, and the son is sprayed in the nose with the poision, he tells his brother to swing away and his brother grabs the bat, and hits the alien who falls against a table knocking a glass of water over and it spilled on the alien reveiling his weekness. Water. Which is everywhere in cups through the house. Then after that he takes his son outside, gives him a shot, low and behold his lungs were closed because of the asthma. His family, except his wife, was saved from that possible horrific moment, years prior to the actual event. So see, sometimes, things are the way they are for a greater good. Because of that, mel's character regains his faith, and become's a preacher again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe God does do things for others but they choose to not give Him credit, because they do not believe in Him.

    I am not going to even suggest that I know why God intervenes in some situations and not in others.

    I do not believe that your friend did not have enough faith, perhaps there was a reason that God chose to let him depart from this life, maybe there was something worse in his future that God chose to save him from?

    I truly do not know the answer, I do know that God gave us free will and if we all (everyone human) choose to give of what they have then perhaps there would be no starving children in the world. Perhaps God allows this suffering to turn our hearts towards giving to others.

    I do not have the answers and I am sure what I have said is in no way going to satisfy your question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because there is no god.

    The suffering in the world is caused by humans, and fixed by humans. You can't hang around and wait for some higher power to fix things, in regards to the aids children, the government should be doing more to medicate, and educate them.

    For your friend, unfortunately, it was just an unfortunate accident and her body couldn't handle it. Her family nor you should be blaming anyone other than whoever may have physically caused the accident, or it's just another one of those horrible things we have to deal with in life.

    I am sorry about your friend ((((((dilli))))))

  • 1 decade ago

    since you don't believe in god, why do you obsess over imaginary beings ?

    you mean god kills the African children, or is it human indifference to their fate ? god causes car accidents and kills people involved in them ?

    Oh, BTW, how much money you donate to save starving children ? I have two adoptive daughters from Indonesia, tsunami victims, how about you ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Evidently the poor in New Orleans had less faith than the wealthy. And why, oh why couldn't that little girl thrown from her mother's truck in a car accident and killed in the street have had more faith?

    It's amazing how one can separate the believers out by their remissions...

  • hmmmm
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't blame God. It is up to us. He gave us will. We can choose to do good or not to do good. We can worship our selfish US or serve Mankind. If we worship US, we hoard, become greedy. Hunger ensues, disparity in economic means occurs, war happens, disease, etc. God respects our wills. He will push himself on us. If we totally give our will to Him and ask, He will respond. We ask, then we add, BUT... or we may think we are asking Him and in reality we are not. Whatever. Ask and you will receive, but do it with 100% submission. He picks and chooses according to you and I.

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