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How do I Shut-Up Nosy People about being Childless?

I'm in my early 40's and have been ttc (on& off) for some time now. I was wondering how I can keep nosy people at bay who keep asking me "WHEN ARE YOU & YOUR HUSBAND GOING TO HAVE CHILDREN?"

This hurts me because I AM TRYING TO HAVE A CHILD. But I don't want to tell everyone my personal business about going to fertility specialists and all that because that's private.

How would YOU shut up these annoying individuals?! What would you tell them to get them off your back?


9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a nurse on the mother/baby unit so I get that question from patients a lot. My answer? When God decides we're ready. That way, I don't infer that we're trying (though we are) and the point gets made that I'm cool with whatever happens. That shuts them up quite nicely because who can argue with God!?!

  • Hi there I'm sorry that some people are so nosy and can't help sticking their noses where they don't belong, they don't realize how insensitive they are being by doing this. One of best friends has had many problems TTC as well and she is asked all the time by people she doesn't even know that well and her way of getting off of the subject was in response to the question when are you two planning to have kids she would say when the lord blesses us with a little one and then she would turn the topic to something about the other person. I hope this helps even just a little and I really really hope things work out for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Here are some lines that DH and I used during the seemingly endless 3 years of trying to conceive:

    The question is: "so, when are the two of you planning to start a family?"

    The answers are:

    1) We are a family

    2) We already are a family that has two people in it

    3) When the egg and sperm decide to do the tango

    4) We are way past the planning stage - we are already contracting with professionals

    Another thing that we often heard was "just relax and it will happen" - some bonus lines for that situation:

    1. If I were any more relaxed, I would be comatose

    2. Most difficulties in life can not be overcome by relaxing; they can be overcome by taking action which is what I/we are doing.

    3. And here I thought that sex is what created babies, not relaxing!

    4. Stress doesn't case infertility. Infertility causes stress.

    5. We already tried that approach but have moved onto proven treatments!

    Hope these help you a bit!

    Good luck and baby dust!

  • dolce
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I flat out ask them why it's any of their business. Any normal person would be embarassed to be questioned about their rudeness. You are not under and obligation to share your personal life or decisions with nosy people. I personally would not be so nicec as these people obviously do not care about being polite, but if you want to be polite about it simply tell them "when the time is right" and walk away. I cannot believe how rude some people are. Whether or not you are trying to conceive is none of their concern.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in my third year of marriage, and we've stopped getting that question so much. However, one thing that helped was we started asking the person asking us "When are you going to give us 10k to do it?". That shut them up pretty quickly. My reason is I need to get down to a decently healthy weight before we even try. Plus I have endometriosis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its in god hands.

    Just smile at them and tell them that :)


    I know how aggrivating this is. BELIEVE me..I have wanted to punch a couple folks out who ask why hubby and I haven't had a child yet. GRrrrrrrr

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they said when are you and your husband going to have children? You could said when you are shut up. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    The easiest way to handle this is to say, "when we get ready."

    They need to stop this because it's disgusting (well to me at least) they need to worry about their own problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you think theyve asked one too many times, tell them like this...."shut the FUC K up and mind your own business" that outta do it.

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