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How long will it take Ben Stein to self destruct?

He prostituted his integrity to the religious right, by hosting a movie based on an absurd and regressive premise, knowing full well that ignorant creationists, as well as unsuspecting or curious dupes attracted by publicity generated by controversy will flock to it in droves, filling his coffers with undeserved millions. I expect he will be ridiculed and hounded out of intelligent society, and become a mere joke in a very short time. agree or disagree?


mr. smith..of course he had a right to make it. My contention is that he made a fool of himself in the eyes of intelligent people,and that money, not ideology or scientific search for truth was the motive.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looking at what he's done and said in the past he's already a joke as he's making it seem like evolution is linked to the Holocaust and the nazis

    many prostitute themselves to the right and it means that many who are not right-wing loses any respect for them. His views don't have any factual proof, if he really did claim he'd get hounded it's probably cos he knows his views have no merit

  • 1 decade ago

    I have not yet seen the movie. It seems to have annoyed so many atheist that it must be of some value though. If it were such a joke why all the controversy and criticism?

    If the scientific world were so sure of it's "scientific facts" there would be no reason for discouraging the exploration of other points of view such as Intelligent Design. But that the evolution theory is just as unprovable as creationism makes them very nervous. What if evolution was the result of "Intelligent Design?" I suppose that possibility scares the heck out of some atheistic scientists. So much so that any scientist that dares to consider the possibility is ostracized immediately.

  • 1 decade ago

    Celebrity has nothing to do with competence or credentials. It may be Stein signed on thinking the movie was a parody, but it is more likely that he believes in what he's doing. Before Hollywood, he was a conservative economist and the son of a conservative economist. However ridiculous he may look to mainstream scientists, he will have plenty of fans among creationists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the type of rant that he is talking about in the movie. Anytime anyone questions the status quo and the almighty theory or evolution they are labeled a wacko- or and idiot. I honestly at one time believed that true science was in search of the truth. I have long since given up on that premise. We all have assumptions and pre-assumptions on what we think based on how we are raised. The true test of character is putting those assumptions aside and listening to all the arguments , searching all the evidence in a rational and logical and civilized way. No one should be persecuted or ostracized for what they believe. I wonder how many people on this sight that rant and insult those who have a different view on the subject of evolution vs creation have done any significant amount of research on the subject of ID. Past what is poured out by teachers and professors that have brought their own pre-assumptions and beliefs into the class room. Evolution is a way of life it is a belief system that effects all the areas of your life just as much as my beliefs effects mine.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually hie movie had nothing to do with creationism of Christians- or religion. The only point made by the movie was that there is a conspiracy within the scientific and educational communities to block any ideas that did not conform to Darwinism.

    Looks like he messed in your sugar bowl.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy, isn't it nice not to have to worry about the really urgent issues, and find the time to shout each other down about Darwinism vs. Creationism?

    The country is about to have the rug yanked out from under it again HARD, and you're worried about a Ben Stein movie?

    Wow. Do we deserve what we've got coming to us or WHAT???

  • 1 decade ago

    The attitude of your question is exactly what he brings up in the movie. Way to reinforce it proving once again the hypocrisy and intolerance of Darwinists. Shout down the opposition because real questions are too hard to answer.

    Way to go!

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, that is the longest run-on sentence I've seen in a LOOOOONG time.

    And Ben Stein is not promoting ID, but speaking out against discrimination of those open-minded enough to admit that they do not know how life began on this planet.

    I'm sure that all you bigoted atheists will try to ridicule him and hound him out of what you call intelligent society because of your hatred for people unlike you. Just like Hitler!

    Source(s): Christian Youth Pastor ><>
  • 1 decade ago

    Freedom of Speech he had a right to make this movie.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to have a great deal of respect for him, for how he supported us in the military, and the nation; now I can't help but wonder if there is such a thing as pod people and the real Ben Stein is gone. We'll have to keep an eye out for The Daily Show and the Cobert Report to see if they can make things right. Or left.

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