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Has anyone given real good thoughts about the possibilities that life may get worse ?

Not in a generalized fashion. I'm talking about the very real chance that George W. Bush will become the very last elected President of the United States of America. He has currently granted himself the proxy to decide on the outcome of anything he chooses without approval of any one or any law. The North American Union, This War, verbal fantasies of becomming our Dictator, the Trans-Texas Highway, F.E.M.A . (prison like) structures springing up all around the country,ignoring the Constitution,laughing at the Bill of Rights, Blatantly usurping the Authority of Congress, a new common currency, national ID badges-chip implants and privacy violations on anyone, never(in 8 years) spoken of Americas future in positive terms,membership in skull & bones, Bohemian Grove and Bilderburg which are all exclusively secret and seek population reduction at any cost. Remember the 2000 election? 9/11/2001? What would it take for a cancellation of the election and the continued situation til infinity ?


I would first, like to thank each of you for taking the time to voice your personal remarks towards myself as a means of answering the question intellegently. Such courage you have shown, indeed ! Although it will be out of my normal characteristics, I accept your challenge and will abide by the rules you have chosen. I often wonder how it comes easy to simply pigeon hole a person into a catagory without ever understanding the person. Another question for another day. Now, let's see...if I play by the rules you have given me then what is the most appropriate way to respond to these negative comments? There must be a commonality. Wait ! There it is and it perfectly provides a roost for a flock of pigeons. Remember, you chose the rules.

There is only one possible explaination for individuals with any noticable intellegence to ignore the obvious and make accusations that are unwarranted. The inability to think without AM radio, main stream media or blind faith in obsurdity. Go Rush !

Update 2:

Please allow me another chance to make a suggestion before my last comment creates a reason to think. I stated nothing that was untrue. Period. These things are all factual. I certainly did not invent anything that I said and each area is available for public interest. I only suggested a thought. Look at your immediate set of friends and forget about the President. If a friend cheated you out of something that you wanted or lied to you in a manner that caused your sister to be killed for no reason and somehow managed to alter the daily life that you had come to know as the only way...should this person not be under suspecion ? I'm neither Liberal, conservative, Republican nor Democrat. I am simply a man that ask's the question..."Fool me once...shame on you......fool me can't get fooled again?" I give trust and respect until you abuse that gift. After that moment, you need to redeem yourself and not call me a problem when I have done no wrong. Think my friends...think.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't care what these other esteemed volunteers say You are the LAst Bastion of Sanity Left on the Net, along with a few others. And if they are going to line up the dissenters you will probably have to wait in a very long line.

    For the guy who thought that that the people would have a chance in a riot situation .... forget it. You may or may not remember 1970 when the students rioted. How long did it take Nixon to have armed troops in the streets with tanks? How long did it take him to declare martial law? About 10 minutes. For those who WEREN't there it was not a pretty sight.

    Speaking of Nixon, HE was trying for a dictatorship as well and ALMOST pulled it off but the student's had a "think in" and thousands of us all across the country meditated on having him LEAVE ASAP and he was out in 3 months. Which is about the ONLY way that we are going to be able to keep from being murdered in the next few years.

    The govt knows that there time is short. In 2012 the world is going to be fully AWAKENED and at that time it will be nearly impossible for the govt to move against us. BUT, what about the 7 billion people they want to exterminate in 2009 with their plan to introduce chemicals and microbes into the food suppply of the world. Food production is now a global event for just a few corporations and it would not take much to alter things a bit. The plan is to kill off the weakest first. The elderly, the young, and I'm sure that will be a good opp for them to take out the dissidents as well. They feel that the planet and the food producers can only support 1 billion people on the planet so they want to eliminate the rest of us.

    Curiously, what would a Trans-Texas Highway do other than get people across that horrid state all the faster. The highway I'm MORE concerned with are all of the underground highways that the govt has made over the last 50 years. YEARS ago I was told about one such road that went from Nulles AFB in Nevada to Edward's AFB in California. I bought some property from a guy in California City which overlooks Edwards and he said that he and a friend of his noticed that a jeep with certain military plates went IN to an underground tunnel in Nevada and later was spotted coming out of a tunnel at Edwards AFB. This is NOT the only tunnel the govt has. They are planning ALTERNATE attack points if one were to become compromised. I always admired them for covering their tails in case of an alien attack from outside countries but now I begin to wonder if it isn't a ploy to protect themselves in case of riot within the country.

    I've always worried about Bush. NO ONE can be THAT stupid acting and be president. So he has been bouncing around playing the fool all the while closing the Barn door so the animals can't escape and he is about to set fire to the barn. He has been worrying me in that he isn't really concerned about his leaving so you could be right that he has no intention to leave. BUt in order for himself to be a self-proclaimed dictator wouldn't he have to arrange for some major attack from foreign soils? Like the beginning of WWIII in order to pull off his power struggle and become the LAST US President. It makes a lot of sense when you figure that we never even voted him in the first time, he just TOOK it. Or his dad took it for him.

    Personally I like to believe that since I am the God of my world and I can call upon the UNiverse to protect me further as it has in the past, that MY world at least will not be affected TOO much. I'll know more about how THAT is going when my attorney gets to work on a few things I have planned right now to keep my house safe. If he can pull off what I'm told he can, then there is enough of the law still in tact for us to maneuver a bit.

    Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Constitution does NOT protect the citizens only the state and federal govt. The people are nothing but slaves in this whole affair. The govts of the world are slowly forming together and now they are working to create FIVE powers throughout the world instead of the hundreds that we have now. It will most likely be the Euro (already formed and working), the NAU (already formed by Bush but not in place as yet as far as I know), The South American Union, The Chinese/Russian Union, and I'm not sure about the 5th. Perhaps the rest will fall in together and form the 5th making it Japan, Australia and New Zealand but there are still too many left with India and such so perhaps there will be a 6th as well which would fit into their craving for certain numerology ... six being prevalent in most of their plans .. which would also be a halving of the 12 tribes that were always prevalent in the past to conform with the 12 astrological signs which is another one of the Illuminati's pet peaves.

    I'm hoping that when we hit 2012 and everyone is ascended that we will finally realize our true potential and be able to unleash the power that we all have and join that power so that we become an invincible force but after listening to you I'm wondering if it's not just a convenient fantasy to get us thru the next 4 1/2 years.

    But yes, I agree with what you are implying here. I wasn't aware that they had "compounds" popping up around the country ... this is not good. At least we don't have to worry about Bush ruling into infinity ... hmmmm ... I was going to say that he has to die sometime but then if what I've been saying about him being a Reptilian is true then he will most likely live the 300 years that most of them enjoy. And then there's Jeb and all the little Bush kids that will be popping up along the way and Bush grandkids and on and on. They have been a RULING family since 3180BC after all!!!! OMG.

    Oh well, time for breakfast ... and then to enjoy the last few years we have left. Plus extinction isn't that bad. Perhaps we can all come back as members of the Ruling Party and undermine their efforts in coming years.

    It all boils down to a fight between good and evil ... but doesn't good always win? I'm told that the powers of Good are always more powerful than that of evil ... but maybe that's the powers of good saying that and just hoping that we all buy into it.

    So, what can we do about it? That is the question, truly. It doesn't do any good to squeak about it if we don't do something. But what can we do? We can't write to congress because they are all in shackles now too. We can't rebel ... the govt would cut us down like corn stalks. My brother used to be in secure-net and he still has some back doors left open but it would have to get pretty bad before I could convince him to turn on our govt. But that would be one way to get into the computers and disrupt their plans. If we can get into the computers we can at least keep them from communicating with each other but I think we need a much loftier plan than that.

    Perhaps your next question will offer the solution and ask our opinions on that?


    Peace y'all

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You forgot to mention the "Civil Assistance Plan" signed in Feb with Canada allowing the Canadian military on US soil to help with any civil unrest. And yes, I do think it is going to get alot worse. There are some on here that just want to call names, but when they are standing in the bread line with everyone else, who are they going to blame?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That would be great! Our President Bush could then finish off the liberal middle and working classes even quicker!

  • 1 decade ago

    George bush would never be the last president. americans are tolerant for now, but if that ever were to happen the people would revolt.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Life will get alot worse for the reasons you describe. Don't forget your world wide global warming tax, coming soon.

    Jones & Icke FTW!

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know about that nor i would care for something I wouldn't experience in the future since i will be dead by the time it comes....but I'm happily consuming gas like a teenager first time experience behind a wheel using my suv.

    Source(s): I'm investing harmful gasses in the atmosphere for your future generations
  • booboo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Life is going to get a lot worse, but for none of the reasons you describe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You just described an Obama Administration to a "T"...or

    should I have said "BO"...we won't be able to afford soap,

    so we will suffer BO twice)!

  • 1 decade ago

    if you know all that, then you know the whole internet is monitered.they are looking for dissenters ( home grown terrorist) like yourself, you"ll be the first in line at the FEMA camp.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you ever think that maybe it'll get better. That's what I hope and pray for.

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