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Just what is a Christian ?

give me a better answer than they belive in Christ or politically conservative

PART B; why do most of them think they are better than us "sinners"

18 Answers

  • lc001
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the purest definition, a Christian IS just someone who believes Christ is the Son of God. You can sort of believe Christ existed, but the leap of faith is the Son of God part.

    Then there are all the different "Christians", like Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopals, Methodists, etc. The differences there are in the details of the Christ story and the interpretations of their meaning.

    If you are wondering how to be one? Each "sect" has their own process, most require some sort of baptism, physical or virtual.

    By "most" I assume they are mainly non-Catholics (Protestants), as Catholics are more worried about their own fates than about you. Acting "holier than thou" is actually the sin of pride (one of the seven deadly(?) sins), so they're toast if they lead on they feel that way.

    Many protestants typically have an air of "I have discovered Jesus, so I'm special." So they do feel pride in discovering their religion - thus the "holier than thou" attitude.

    Because most of the newer Christian faiths originated during the Age of Reasoning, the attempt to logically justify Jesus is the Son of God meant the concept was understandable and so discoverable. And wouldn't you be happy when you figured out 1 + 1 = 2 when you were akid and tried to teach it to others? Same thing - literally.

    Some sects will be different. I can suggest you find a faith to match your own, but then I'm of the leap of faith type - if you need to justify your faith, it's not happening. Faith is not questioning why or how, just accepting.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A Christian is someone who has specifically saw themselves as a sinner, saw the need for a savior, believed that Jesus Christ was sent to die for all sinners, believed he was God's Son,and trusted Him (Jesus)to be their "middle man" so to speak. A Christian has accepted that there must be a penalty for sin and Jesus' death on the cross was our atonement. Anyone else who professes to be a Christian and has not specifically believed these truths is not a Christian. That is why so many "Christians" seem to think they are better than you. Because they are depending on their "good works" to get them to Heaven and so they think they are doing better than others. When a person is truly a Christian, they will know that no matter how good they try to be, they are not going to Heaven because of their "goodness". Therefore, they tend to not be so judgmental.

    I am a sinner just like you. I don't think I'm better than anyone, even if they don't believe like me. I know that I am in need of a savior just like everyone else. I am just as sinfull. The difference is that I believe what the Bible says about being a Christian, but I know that doesn't make me better. If I were better, I wouldn't need a savior because I woud be good enough on my own. But, I'm not. I do need a savior and so do you.

    I hope this answers you question. And please remember that not everyone saying their a Christian really is.

  • MikeM
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'll answer part B first. The ones that think they are better than sinners are doing so because they are sinning (therefore sinners):

    Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

    Part A. A Christian is a sinner that has been forgiven by God by asking the true Jesus to be their Lord and Savior and asking to be forgiven.

    Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (10) For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

    For more details see

  • 1 decade ago

    the Bible says that a christian is a follower of CHRIST ,but in this day and time they are defined as anyone who has accepted JESUS CHRIST as LORD and saviour ,,,and to answer part 2 of your question,... christians are sinners to ,we are just forgiven sinners ,and are no better than anyone else, in fact i personaly know some that are down right bad ,..but most christians are very good people......

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A 'christian' is someone who believes that there was this dude named 'jesus christ' who got nailed to a tree for telling people to love each other, but he turned out to be the son of the magic sky guy, so instead of staying dead, he came back to life three days later, and ascended into heaven where he acts as kind of an intermediary between you and the magic sky guy. Oh, and he's coming back someday.

    The only proof they have for this is a collection of stories written thousands of years ago, that has been heavily edited, redacted, modified, mistranslated (both purposefully and accidentally), and finally taken out of context, and used to perpetuate violence, ignorance, fear, and hatred.

    Christians claim that they don't think they are better than the rest of us - just 'saved'. Unfortunately some of them can't control their egos.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are MANY that are just using the name. A real Christian is "Christlike". He is doing as Christ DID.

    Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    As an example. How many keep the Sabbath? Isn't it one of the commandments?

    As far as why they think they are better than "us" sinners it's probably because you reject moral rules and God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians are believers of God Jesus and believe the word of the bible believe that we have a higher being that created the world we live in today. Just like when you do something because it is popular to do their can't be that many people wrong but believing really comes from your heart. You know that God is there and he loves you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians are those that mistakenly believe that Jesus was God and are part of a religion formed on this false premise..Sin is man's concept..In God's eyes there is no sin..All have been given free will and will not be judged for using it..Read God's truth in Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch..Get a copy at your library..

  • 1 decade ago

    Part A:

    A christian according to my definition is someone who believes in Christ, and is a follower, a 'spiritual' warrior, etc In the bible it says, christians have to live in the image of God (well something like that) They live for Jesus, And when other people see them, those people should see a difference or an example of Jese. (hope this wasn't confusing)

    Part B

    I'm a Christian, and i don't know anything bout that. I have friends that aren't christian, hell!! some of them are gay. But i don't treat them differently. They are my friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    a Christian is someone who loves you no matter what you do or what you did; They turn away from anything that is of the world, like drinking,adultry,just anything that is not of God. They are fully committed to God and what he stands for. It is not political. they read the word and pray about the word. Anyone who was frowning on what you have done and the way you live is not a Christian.

    Source(s): I get all my answers from the Holy Bible and from my Church.
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