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tucsondude asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Wrestlemania trivia (aka who can search for this stuff the fastest)?

You may answer with the WM number instead of the roman numerals if you want).

1. What was the 1st WM held outside the United States?

2. The Undertaker has been undefeated in EVERY SINGLE WM match he has been in. True/False?

3. 1st WM held outdoors?

4. 1st wrestler to win and lose the WWE/WWF championship on the same night at WM?

5. WM 12 featured a 60 minute ironman match between what 2 wrestlers?

6. At WM 13 a submission match took place between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Who won that match and how? (Extra credit - what was unusual about the submission)?

7. At WM 19 Brock Lesnar accomplished what other feat when he became WWE champion?

8. WM 24 marked the fist time the ECW championship has ever been defended at WM True or False?


Sorry 3. should have said what WAS the 1st WM held outdoors!

Update 2:

<Edge and TNA rocks> - you were right about Brock headlining his 1st WM but there is a more significant fact than that hiding still - you may edit your answer if you find it out.

Update 3:

3. has not been answered correctly yet.

The win over Kurt Angle was his 1st WWE title, and it changed the history of the title significantly. The answer is still out there.

Update 4:

1s answerer - that was correct that Brock beat the Rock before Angle - you get credit for that but I think 3. is still incorrect - you can give me a link that proves me wrong if you want and I'll accept it.

Update 5:

<Edge and TNA> your answer to 3. is CORRECT you get the best answer after the 24 hour pass. Congratulations!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer



    3-wm 9


    5-hbk and bret hart

    6-it was Bret vs Austin, Bret Won, when Austin passed out to the shaepshooter

    7-he def. kURT angle to win the title, he main evented his first WM

    he was alredy the youngest wwe champ when he beat the Rock at SummerSlam 2002



    he won his 2nd wwe title at the time.

    he was alredy the youngest wwe champ when he beat the Rock at SummerSlam 2002

    FOR N3:

    read the notes

  • 1 decade ago

    WM6- Toronto Skydome...


    WM9-in Las Vegas

    Yokozuna-WM 9-beat Bret, lost to Hogan

    Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels

    Bret Hart beat Steve Austin...Austin passed out from blood loss

    Brock was the first man to pin Angle for the title (also first time two accomplished amatuer wrestlers met in the ring for the title)

    True, first time ECW title was defended at WM

  • 1. WM6

    2. true

    3. wm 24, and WM 10(i think)

    4. yokozuno

    5. bret hart and HBK

    6. um your wrong on this. it was stone cold vs bret hart at WM13 and bret hart won with the sharpshooter via KO.

    7. a shooting star press I think.he also beat kurt angle at a young age.he became the youngest wwe undisputed champion by beating the rock at summerslam 2002.

    8. true

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