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Lv 619,556 points

24/7 - Muta Scale-FullMetal.

Favorite Answers8%

Hello, my online name is "24/7(19)". I'm well cooperative and love discussing about wrestling or anything else that I'm aware. My Deviantart account: 2011 ppvs': 1. Wrestle Kingdom V: B+ 2. Genesis: C 3. Royal Rumble: B 4. Against All Odds: D 5. Elimination Chamber: B 6. Victory Road: C (Just because all members of the Immortals lost) 7. Wrestlemania XXVII: D 8. Lockdown: B 9. Extreme Rules: B 10. Sacrifice: B 11. Over the Limit: F 12. Slammiversary IX: B 13. Capitol Punishment: F 14. Triplemania IXX: B 15. Destination X: A 16. Money in the Bank: A 17. Hardcore Justice: B 18. Summerslam: C 19. No Surrender: B 20: Night of Champions: B 21. Hell in a Cell: B 22. Bound for Glory: B(The event could of received an A, if it wasn't for the ending) 23. Vengeance: B 24. Turning Point: B 25. Survivor Series: B 26: Final Resolution: B- (wrestling was good, but the crowd was disappointing.) 27: TLC: 28(my fi

  • What did you think of Ric Flair vs. Sting last Thursday?

    I heard about the match being "horrible". Personally, I thought the match was pretty good..These two put on an entertaining 15 minutes for one that is 52 and the other is 62. Even if the match was edited, that's some of the best editing I've ever seen.

    What did you think of the match?

    9 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Can you name SOMETHING positive about TNA?

    I read several comments about TNA; like turmoil in the locker room, low morality, bad creativity. Aside from the negative publicity, is there something positive you want to say about TNA?

    Like: Matches, Roster, Product, etc.

    14 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What do you think of Sting's new persona?

    Obviously, he's emulating Heath Ledger's Joker-character from the "Dark Knight" movie. What do you think? Do you think it's entertaining, a disgrace, or bizarre?

    12 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What are 5 possibilities that could ruin or hurt Wrestlemania XXVII?

    What are 5 predictions that could hurt Wrestlemania for where you say, "Why did I order this crap?".

    16 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why is Ric Flair's career being tarnished?

    With brief description: Countless blade jobs, being stripped to his boxers, and continuing with sexual promos(back then was different but now, it's disgusting).

    Should Ric Flair hang up and pursue other opportunities, or should he return to his old roots; Back when Ric Flair was fun to watch in the mid 80's - mid 90's?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Could the Women's division in Wcw been utilized better?

    The crusierweight/light-heavyweight was successful because of the athleticism like Eddie Guerrero, Rey Misterio jr., Brian Pillman, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Ultimo Dragon, Dean Malenko, etc. You would always expect a quality match out of the CWs', especially from the luchadores.

    Then you look at the Womens' division that you would see rarely. Wcw created a Women's championship in late '96, and believe it or not: A Female Crusierweight division. The potential looked bright, but Wcw failed to capitalized?

    So what went wrong with the Division?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How many of you really want to see Sting on Raw tonight?

    There have been many accusations from fans and newsletters that Sting has signed a one year deal. Personally, I find that hard to believe, but I would love to see Sting make history and join the organization.

    So do you really want to see Sting appear on Raw tonight, and face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania in the ultimate dream match, or do you just want to see Undertaker and nothing more?

    BQ: If Sting shows up, will this be the" final nail" in Tna's coffin?

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Out of this list, which one would you consider the best worker?

    1. Antonio Inoki or Shawn Michaels

    2. Kurt Angle or Jumbo Tsurta

    3. Ricky Steamboat or Aj Styles

    4. Randy Savage or Mr. Anderson(best mic skills).

    5. Sting or The Undertaker

    6. Jushin Liger or Ultimo Dragon

    7. Vader/ Bam Bam Bigelow or Hansen/Brody

    8. Chris Jericho or Curt Henning

    9. Dean Malenko or Bryan Danielson

    10. Evan Bourne or Jack Evans

    13 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Which two promotions did Hulk Hogan have success before Wwf noticed him, NJPW or AWA?

    NJPW and AWA was Hulk Hogans stomping ground before he was noticed by Wwf and way before Hulkamania ever came in the 1980's. Name which promotion where Hogan had more success in?

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Name two wrestlers in your view, that can wrestle a two hour time limit?

    Name two wrestlers in your view , that wrestle two hour until a time limit.

    BQ: Do you think its' impossible for that to happen?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Shemus as the Wwe Champion is the last thing on your mind?

    Tna Impact comes on Tomorrow, and you'll say to yourself "Aj Styles is the World champion", when you watch Smackdown friday your going to say "Undertaker is the world champion", and when you watch Raw your going to say "Shemus is the champ(with no care).

    Do you think people care that Shemus is the Wwe Champion, because he is not a big name yet. Plus I don't take him as a monster seriously. Shemus as Wwe Champion is like Snitsky main eventing offense.

    Do you agree that it was too early to put the title on Shemus on a major brand like Raw?

    16 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Rate 1/10: Did this wrestler had a chance of becoming World Champion?

    I will be naming the wrestler weather he is a former World Champion or Not, and I will name the promotion.

    Rate 1/10 if this wrestler had a chance to become world champion, and you can explain if you want too.

    1. Vader as Wwf Champion?

    2. Golddust as Wwf Champion?

    3. Owen Hart as Wwf champion?

    4. Great Muta as Wcw Champion?

    5. Monty Brown as Ecw Champion?

    6. Elijah Burke as Ecw Champion?

    7. Christopher Daniels as Tna Champion?

    8. Kenta as Roh champion?

    9. Dean Malenko as Wcw Champion?

    10. Razor Ramon as Wwf Champion?

    11. Umaga as WHC?

    12. Ricky Steamboat as Wwf Champion?

    13. Arn Anderson as Wcw Champion?

    14. Jeff Jarrett as Wwf champion?

    15. Rick Rude as Wwf Champion?

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Survey: What has been the best, average, and Worse ppv in 2009?

    Here is an example from my view:

    1. Best: No Way Out, so many surprises that weren't advertised which made it a good ppv.

    2. Average: Against All Odds , the show had good wrestling, and some terrible booking. yet I thought it was an average ppv.

    3. Worst: Extreme Rules, I'll admit I didn't watch it, but the gimmick matches seemed overkill. Best match was Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho.

    In your opinion what was the Best, Average, and Worse ppv of 2009?

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What did you think of Jesse Ventura tonight?

    I've been a Jesse Ventura fan when he is on the mic more then in the ring. I have to say it was a breath of fresh air tonight. Can't say much about the ending, but still a pretty solid show.

    BQ: Out of 10: What is the chance of Bobby Hennan being the next host in the near future?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Since know one has asked this question yet. What do you think of Wwe increasing there ppv buyrates?

    In the beginning of January Wwe will increase their ppvs $5 extra($44.95). Wrestlemania will still be $54.95.

    what do you think?

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Out of these two brawlers, which one was your all time favorite?

    Brusier Brody or Stan Hansen?

    Both men played football together, and even the coaches and other football team were afraid of them. They were physical, stiff, good on the mic, and the original "Kliq" back in the 80's in my opinion.

    In your opinion which brawler was the best?

    BQ: What was your favorite Brody and Hansen match? It can be singles or tag team.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Vince Mcmahon vs Undertaker at WM26; what do you think?

    Now a couple days ago I was reading a rumor on who Undertaker might face at WM26. The name possibility might be Chris Jericho, but if Edge returns then I can see Jeri-show vs Edge&Chiristian for the Unified Tag Team titles. Out of random from the Wwe creative team word going on that Vince Mcmahon might be Undertakers next opponent.

    Well since Vince is trying to turn Smackdown into a copy of Raw; it wouldn't surprise me if we saw a Mcmahon/Taker feud. I can imagine him gloating "how he buried Undertaker alive 6 years ago". I could see a feud.

    What do you think in your opinion?

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What was the worst moment in the Undertakers career?

    What was the worst match, worst moment, or worst promo that you saw from the Undertaker in your opinion.

    Ex: I think the worst moment from the Undertaker was when he took on the Big Show at Cyber Sunday last year. The match was very lackluster, and you could tell the refree was holding the count. The match was booked terribly.

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago