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What are 5 possibilities that could ruin or hurt Wrestlemania XXVII?

What are 5 predictions that could hurt Wrestlemania for where you say, "Why did I order this crap?".

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    5 things that will hurt wrestlemania (in order of importance):

    5. Rey Mysterio Winning Cody Rhodes, after such a great build up so far and Cody looking to be a future star, if WWE bury him like how sheamus is now then that will hurt WM a lot.

    4. John Morrison, not allowed to do outrageous stuff, and him and ziggler given 5 mins of match time while people go for a pee break, they could steel the show, if given enough time.

    3. if orton wins against punk, punk should get hes revenge on orton, its strange how people loved punk then, and when punk recaps they still hate him.

    2. if triple h win against the Undertaker (im one of those guys that thinks takers streak should not ever end)

    1. If Cena Wins, or if miz wins without rocks interference. (after all this build up everyone will agree that if rock deosnt do something in this match then that would be a big disappointment.)

  • Shane
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. The Rock not coming face to face with John Cena.

    2. The Rock and Cena revealed as allies and Rocky helps Cena become WWE Champion.

    3. Crappy main event matches (Taker/HHH, Edge/Del Rio, Miz/Cena).

    4. Jerry Lawler losing his match against Cole and then retiring.

    5. I'll also be disappointed if The Rock and Austin don't have some kind of segment together, for old times' sake and the nostalgia factor (ten years on from their match at X-Seven), but I won't be surprised if this doesn't happen. It'd be freaking awesome if The Rock opened WrestleMania and was then interrupted by Austin though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Del Rio becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion

    The Undertaker goes to 18-1 or Stephanie McMahon costing Triple H the match

    Lawler vs Cole match ends in a Double Countout

    The Rock hosting via satellite and not interfering

    another dissapointing divas match involving either Vickie Guerrero, The Bellas or Alicia Fox

  • 1 decade ago

    1. If Micheal Cole wins, that counts for like 7 or 8! But I'll keep going.

    2. If Del Rio wins.

    3. If Christian interrupts Egde and Alberto Del Rio's match. I love Christian but this needs to be a 1 on 1 match between them.

    4. If Mason Ryan defeats Ortan on Raw tomorrow and is in CM Punk's corner.

    5. If Stone Cold isn't the guest refferee for the Cole vs. Lawler match!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There you go. I would and could keep going but you asked for 5.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1 Hornswoggle coming out any time during Wrestlemania.

    2 Undertaker wins via suplex.

    3 Bad diva match again.

    4 Lawler vs Cole if it is a 20 minute match.

    5 Rock hosts Wrestlemania........via satellite.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Rey Mysterio burying Cody Rhodes, and shaving his head = no more dashing.

    2. Orton defeating CM Punk when Punk never got full revenge.

    3. A full length 15 minute match with Edge & Del Rio, with no Christian involved.

    4. Disappointing diva match for the 5th year in a row.

    5. Undetaker defeating Triple H in the no hold barred match by a rollup.

  • Kiri©
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. Undertaker's streak is broken

    2. Snookie co hosts Wrestlemania with Rock

    3.Cena wins the WWE Championship

    4. Shawn Michaels interferes in Taker/HHH

    5. Eugene returns to the WWE

  • 1 decade ago

    If WHC match stays as one on one with no Christian or McIntyre

    If the Corre face random SD superstars

    If John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler stand on the apron for most of their match

    Cole and Lawler take more than 5 mins

    If there is no gimmick match that can entertain

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Cena wins

    Miz wins

    Moronson on the card

    So the above three are the major reasons I am not looking forward to this years event

    Eve retaining the Divas title

    Rock kissing Cenas ***

  • 1 decade ago

    1 - The Rock NOT getting involved in the Cena/Miz match

    2 - Christian NOT getting involved in the Edge/Del Rio match

    3 - Triple H winning

    4 - No US or IC title match

    5 - The Cole/Lawler match ending in a DQ.

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