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Shemus as the Wwe Champion is the last thing on your mind?

Tna Impact comes on Tomorrow, and you'll say to yourself "Aj Styles is the World champion", when you watch Smackdown friday your going to say "Undertaker is the world champion", and when you watch Raw your going to say "Shemus is the champ(with no care).

Do you think people care that Shemus is the Wwe Champion, because he is not a big name yet. Plus I don't take him as a monster seriously. Shemus as Wwe Champion is like Snitsky main eventing offense.

Do you agree that it was too early to put the title on Shemus on a major brand like Raw?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of those WTF moments. Shemus is a wrestler that should be a jobber for the stars, not World Champion. I don't know what Vince is thinking but maybe he sees him as the Anti-Hogan and will force Shemus' stardom down wrestling fan's throats.

    He has all the attributes that Vince likes, he is tall, muscular, and Irish; so he is pushing him to show he can do what ever he wishes in his company.

    So to tell you the truth, I don't think he should be pushed so soon. He isn't Brock Lesner type of wrestler, he isn't Hulk Hogan type, and most definately he isn't marketable...So makes one wonder why choice Shemus as champ.

  • 1 decade ago

    It wasn't something that I expected, but to me it fine. Sheamus has the size, look and potential. He's most likely going to be the new "monster" heel for RAW. He's the only one right now credible enough from how the WWE booked him to actually look believable in the Main Event going against John Cena. It's also the only logical choice. He's already worked years in another promotion prior to the WWE. We'll see throughout the next few weeks how well he can carry the ball or how the WWE continues to book this. In conclusion, I think he's the right superstar to be the WWE Champion for now. He will lose the belt before Wrestlemania because Ill admit, having him Main Event at the biggest PPV of the year is beyond ridiculous.

  • I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to his reign in general (and avoiding trashing HHH for him being champion in the process).

    Sheamus is WWE Champion....that's a sentence that I would have probably laughed at about 3 months ago. But now that it's happened, I just want to see what WWE does to bolster Sheamus and what the "Celtic Warrior" does with the run.

    Source(s): Does it sound to anyone else like Sheamus says "Tie-tall" instead of Title?
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    WQ: not likely.. Sheamus is easily a reasonably solid wrestler and WWE has became him right into a regularly occurring cowardly heel. in the event that they could have permit him proceed to be a dominant heel like he replace into earlier he grew to alter into the international Champion, i think of he could have made a much greater appropriate and much greater conceivable important eventer. i don't innovations that a greater recent celebrity is the champion, I do exactly not think of WWE is doing a solid interest of reserving him. (Very short) Promo: final night replace into the greatest instruct of YWSA and that i replace into fortunate adequate to be in contact interior the girl's Championship journey alongside with Sandy and Jamie RKO. regrettably i did not accomplish what I had set out do and that replace into seize the championship and have the honour of calling myself the 1st ever YWSA woman's Champion. yet, i'm not likely to sit down down right here and whine and whinge approximately not getting what i wished. fairly, I plan to dominate every physique of my fits over those following couple of weeks as a fashion to instruct that I should be the variety one contender. So Sandy, congratulations on your little victory final night, yet understand this: your first YWSA call reign is going to be an exceedingly short one, so rejoice with it on a similar time because it lasts.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should have said that to HHH when Sheamus was working out with him. I would rather have Cena as WWE champ any day than a freak who might end up being released next year.

    This is unrelated to the topic, but I don't ever want to see Taker vs Sheamus feud, that would be a horrible feud filled with boring matches.

  • 1990
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You know what I don;t even care but it annoys me that someone who's been in WWE for what a few weeks/months becomes champion and hasn't even out that much work in ring wise. Compared to actual talented guy's who stay in the company for YEARS and never get one title shot (Charlie Haas,Chavo ). I'm worried for Low Ki and Bryan Danielson now.

  • 1 decade ago

    He got his push wayyyy too early, he was just on ECW just over a month ago wasn't he? Even though he won week after week, the only people he really versed were no-name jobbers. I guess fanta pants has a big future ahead of him, picking his **** and eating his own crap, bloody orangutan...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I care. I hate the ginger Irish cumstain. There are only 3 people I hate more than Gaymus and that's Cena, Batista & Hornswoggle.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is way too early fo him to have the title. John Cena is the only big wrestler he has wrestled. And I'm not impressed. Only good thing from him winning the title is that Randy Orton can now again compete for the title.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yup i totally agree with you.sheamus just debut a couple of months ago and he won the WWE championship like that.i mean guys like kofi kingston or even jack swagger wouls have been fine.but i think this was a bad move by WWE

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