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gdodd10 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

Ever seen officiating so bad?

As last night? The league should just go ahead and say it wants the Flyers to lose. The officiating has been horrible all year. And its horrible in the NY/Pitt series too. They just want Crysby to go as far as possible, and they want the habs to go far too, so that a canadian team can do well. Without the refs, the habs would be looking at getting swept tomorrow night.


The hatcher call should have been 4 minutes at most. The ref said 2 minutes, than changed it to a major because of the blood. Thats not how the rule is stated. And of course no call on the cross check by bouillon.

The officiating has been bad in ALL the series. And for most of the season. I am not just talking about the flyer/habs. Its been atrocious. And if you don't think the league wanted a crosby/AO matchup, you are fooling yourself.

Update 2:

I'm sorry; when you are starting to have more and more media coming out and talking about it, there has to be something to it. Crosby is a known diver and it worked in Game 1. He flopped like a dead fish. The officiating is really bad this year.

Update 3:

You must be a horrible ref than. That second goal for the flyers in game 7 was perfectly fine. The flyer never made contact with the goalie. The flyer and the wash defender were both going after a loose puck. Both players have every right to check the other player. The flyer just checked first. Try reading the rule book. I am also glad you don't ref in my league.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here we go again.... complaining without be specific even

    lets look at these two series OK

    the Rangers and Flyers are the more aggressive teams and that leads to tough situations and puts people into "to quick to think senarios" Hatchers boarding was exactly that and a good call. ask him if he would he would go as hard again knowing that it would lead to 2 goals he would say no

    but his style of play will push him into it

    look at Downie he's like hell on blades love the effort...hate the reality. Upshaw could have been called for roughing yet again. Richards with the facial i mean com'on are you blind

    now i will admit i have not seen all the Rangers series but i can take what i know the Rangers are an agressive team thats not always thinking smart. against Pittsburgh's speed and finesse throw Averery into that equasion boom can you say whistle. now notice i have said nothing about Montreal or Pittsburgh...not to say they have been good little girls.

    just pointing out 1 simple peice of knowledge

  • basically that's been the case for all the games since the playoffs started. i don't think it's a one sided thing, and that the nhl is trying to rigg things, cause if that was the case ov and the caps would be all up in this.

    and basically the officiating has been going against the leafs for years so we can't complain. you get used to it at some point (jks).

    get over it already. for as long as i've been alive and the flyers have been playing their style, they've always been called on penalties (some i don't agree with) that probably wouldn't be called on another team. i don't think it's a bias as much as it is that they play hard hockey.

    everyone's so sore about that hatcher hit, but then again i missed the 3rd period.

  • 5 years ago

    I agree. the U. S., a minimum of the Southern US merely does not look to have a great number of a concentration on hockey. many of the calls this nighttime have been iffy and, no longer that i'm rather a huge fan of tightening the regulations interior the NHL, I do wish for greater media interest for the sport. i think the celebrities can't get plenty insurance with the Mavericks and the (heh) Cow Boys right here in Dallas. i be conscious of in the process the lock out all the honest climate followers have been clueless. somebody asked me in might if the celebrities had made it to the finals. This became information to easily approximately everybody ... this sort of shame.

  • TDK
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You have to let it go. I REALLY doubt the refs are calling calls so that one team can win instead of the other. Granted, they may make a bad call here and there, but they are only human. I'm in no way defending refs here, but lets be real. They make bad calls and sometimes it can favor you or it can hurt you. It all evens out in the end. Besides, if a team played well enough to dominate the entire game, they wouldn't be in a situation where bad officiating can affect the score.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with the fact the officiating has been terrible. I am a huge flyers fans, think they always are looked harder upon than others on penalties, suspensions, goal reviews...they always end up on the wrong end.....However the Hatcher call was kinda right, if you call him for a boarding there the cut makes it a mandatory major and game misconduct....funny what a little bllod will do. I think the guy who hipchecked umburgers knee right before should be suspended....You CANNOT go low on peoples knees ever

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only should that have been a five minute penalty, he should be suspended also. Blame Hatcher, its his fault....not the refs. Thats just an easy cop out.

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw horrible officiating in the Wild Avalanche series, Peter Forseberg dove a few times and the officials whistled the Wild guy for tripping. (Okay I am biased, since I am a Wild fan)

    I would have thought the NHL would've wanted Olvechkin vs. Crosby in the Easter Conference finals.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you ever laced up the skates and refed??

    i have and still do and proud to say i do it

    its pretty easy to see everything on TV, go on the ice when there going 100mph and pucks and bodies flying all over the place.

    while watching the game, did u say to yourself, that should have been a penalty against (i think it was) Upshall that punched the goalie in the head, i bet you closed your eyes on that one....and how about the infamous second goal against the Caps, that was called all year long, but no call

  • hahahahahahahahahaha such a lame excuse for a hit from behind dy hatcher. you think he did not deserve the major .then you dont know anything to hockey.

    PS the refs were tolerant they could have given 3-4 more penalties to flyers for roughing kostopoulos near the flyers benche while he was changing jeez . we didnt see the same match.

    Lucky flyer lucky

  • 1 decade ago

    Flyer Fans, Lets forget about the lousy officals and look at it this way. The Flyers ARE GETTING IT DONE.

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