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The Big Box asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

To Future Rookie of the year:?

First, let me start off by posting a link.;_ylt=Am3Ey...

Looks innocent enough, right? You complain about things in the politics section, something I had griped about in terms of trolls. Trolls who insult other users for no real purpose. Trolls who have nothing intelligent to say other then rash generalizations.

You first mention that liberals are assholes. First, I don't know where you got your information, but you state as fact a statement that as a rational human being you should know is absolutely not true. Statements like this are one of the main reasons I left the politics section. Statements where all liberals are idiots, and all conservatives are gun toting buffons.

In fact, I remember mentioning that in my post.

Yet you still make the kind of statement I left the section for.

-More to follow-


Second, You used the non-word Libtard. I don't know what a Libtard is, but it is not a valid political term I have heard of.

the obvious references here are Liberal and Tard. Liberal I have no problem with, it is a time honored political philosophy. A large portion of the US presidents have been Liberals. I have no problem with that.

the thing I do have a problem with though, is Tard. The last time I heard Tard in conversation it was probably in fifth grade, but a few four foot fat bullies who I could take out with virtually a tap now. Tard was something you used to insult somebody if you were a puny kid yourself. It is not, and never was, a term intended for political discussion.

I suppose my point is, when you use that term, you sound like a playground bully with a brain about the size of a stunted pea. When I'm discussing politics, that's not the image I like to project. but if that's the image you like to project, I suppose we're just a little different.


Update 2:

I guess my point is, when you use that term and speak in absolutist terms, it's not your subject you make look like an idiot. It's yourself.

Update 3:

Joe, I'm not saying anything about my politics. I'm talking more about rational thought.

To make this Hockey related:

Will the Flyers be able to pull off the series win? Or will the Habs take back over?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment I made on rewarding you with ten points for best answer, you're welcome on that by the way.

    Regarding what I had said, keep in mind that I have a very

    non-PC sense of humor and I am surprised that you didn't see sarcasm in this statement: "Yes and liberals are assholes too. Usually I call em Libtards!!!". Then again, I didn't add a laughing expression of either LOL of LMFAO and give advance warning that I was going to give a sarcastic remark.

    The truth is you have people who are either smart or stupid and others in between from all walks of life. However I do believe in my opinion that their are more people of the left side of the compass that are stupid than those on the right, especially after spending time at the Univ of Arizona in Tucson where you have some members on the left their who are a disgrace to the meaning of a liberal.

    Here is an example of why I believe this, feel free to respond if you wish:;_ylt=AlPgR...

    NOTE I am NOT saying all feminists are Nazi's but I know some feminist outthere who would say this person is a disgrace to the real feminists and the feminist movement.

    After listening to arguments may by those on both side of the Aisle, I'll rely more on the conservative bias over the liberal bias although I do not agree with everything with those in the conservative side of the media. Ex. While I'm against abortion on demand, I disagree with some members on the right who think there are no circumstances for abortion. What if a woman gets raped? Tubelical Pregnancy? Incest?

    I'll admit too, I do like listening to conservative talk radio, Michael Savage personally.

    Libtard: Not saying it is a word but here is the definition(s).

    Once again thank you for your response.

    I think the Flyers will win the series 4-1.

  • 5 years ago

    OJ Mayo, Derrick Rose, Mike Beasley, Kevin Durant, Russel Westbrook, Brandon Roy For me, this are the top players who has a big potential to become superstars in the NBA...Durant and Roy are on track...Rookies, Mayo is already carrying Memphis and is the new face of their franchise, Rose has exceeded expectations and is now running Chicago...Beasley, Westbrook and add Eric Gordon, this trio with a little more time can prove that they really belong and should be considered as stars...

  • 1 decade ago

    I like politics... My turn.

    At the moment 2008 may be good for the Dems, in large part due to the fact that Bush is an incompetent boob. They may not even allow Bush back in Texas, if you think about it, and McCain may be burned in effigy as the first man to lose to either a woman or a black man. None of the candidates really blow my skirt up, but of the three I prefer Obama. I think the likelihood of a candidate I actually strongly want to win ever existing, is slim. I voted for Kerry and nothing Bush has done has made me regret that vote. I thought for once it was my duty to vote, in an effort to keep a retarded person from being elected. Seems to me they should pass a law immediately that anyone who voted for Bush did a criminally negligent thing, and as punishment should clean my house twice a week.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How the hell did MY name end up in an answer and now were talking politics?LMAO

    Did you know 9/11 was an inside job and we didn't land on the moon?OK I'm kidding lets not get into a politics war in hockey.I'm surprised not many people have called me out like this cause they've disagreed with me.

    Source(s): **Jeff-I gotcha-You were fed up.Its understandable.
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • NIPS®
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nips never goes Politics LMAO.... Politics?

    I even gave everyone the BAR to find me at once I dont need Center Ice to see any of the games and they are ALL on either VS or NBC! Anybody wants to come and talk politics with me at that bar is welcome to. The politics of DRINKING! I am easy to find. Trust me, you will know which person I am if you walked in there!

  • 1 decade ago

    That's completely incorrect. Liberals are all flag waving hippies and Conservatives are all god-fearing bible thumpers!!!


    "Only the Sith deal in absolutes" - Obi Wan Kenobi

  • 1 decade ago

    the flyers will pull off the series win all they gotta do is beat canada and the refs

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rant much?

    oh, wait, I need to stay in character.

    ok, all referees are liberals and that's why they are biased against the Flyers.

    whew, that's better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wall of text crits you for 5,000

    You Die

  • Geeeeeeeesh...I thought I was bad.

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