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Vera Bradley retired item?

I have a high end consignment store near my office and I went in today to find a top and large bag/tote for a trip this weekend. The lady who owns the shop said she had a nice Vera Bradley-size was good, a tiny bit more than I was planning to spend, but Happy Mom's day to me. Anyway-I paid $36.99 for a bag that looks like a Betsy on the VB site and the pattern is American Red which is retired. Do these bags typically go up on retirement or did I overpay? I have 3 Fossil bags from the shop that were all under $20. And she has 7 more VB bags from the same lady who is getting rid of her collection (they were all gifts from her now ex-hubby). I was just curious since I am finding that I like this bag a lot I might want to add some more.


Since the Betsy is $63 on line my price seems to be about the norm for a retired item. (Pattern retired in 2005) and I didn't pay to ship it so that is good. And it seems that they can be washed in the washer and line dried-a huge plus with a toddler in the mix.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have tonss of vera bradley items and once they are retired, the price usually drops. i just ordered a travel bag in a pattern that was recently retired off of vera bradley's website for 40 dollars instead of the usual 80. but if the pattern is much older, it could go for a bit more but not too much. if you want to get cheaper retired items, i suggest going to good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    you won't be able to be intense. the main costly vera bradley venture I observed advance into bags and it advance into like $2 hundred. the main costly handbag I observed on the VB internet site advance into $80. that may not high priced in any respect.... look on the wesbite or ebay. you're able to be able to desire to get one for like $10-$20 on ebay. And who buys a handbag from hallmark.....

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