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Cindy W asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why hasn't the global warming scam gone away yet?

With all the supposed proof dwindling away and the Earth's temperatures dropping; why is this scam still in existence?


PROVEN opinions? You are kidding right?

Update 2:

MR1, you got it absolutely right so far. Gump made a movie and told 11 absolute lies and even though these alarmists realize that, they still believe in something not proven and where NO evidence exists.

Update 3:

Funny, I wish I could extend this question but Ethanol was supposed to be all that... Apparently it is not. Of course the plants that produce it absorb CO2 but it burns and exhausts CO2, right? So, what is the primary product of fermentation? You got it again... CO2... So, alarmists with their BIO FUELS are actually putting more carbon in the atmosphere than fossil fuels. Seriously, do the math.....

Update 4:

Namecalling does not prove global warming... But nice try.

Update 5:


So, we should be devout followers of this theory based on chance? Wow, digging deep.....

And Gengi... aren't you past your bed time? Here is a link for you....

By the way, CO2 was much higher in the past than it is now.... By tons!!!!!!

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hahahahaha...this is so funny!Right im 17 and I know its obviously just a scam!Like if people actually cared about the environment(like me) they would actually go any look this stuff up off of people that actually know whats going on, and not just people who claim the earths climate is changing all cause of humans and CO2 emissions etc..!

    The one thing I hate about when your having a dicussion with somebody about this is when they completely dimiss your opinion,even though it is actually true!Like the majority of people who answered this question before me..

    I just think that it is typical that something like this happened,like ok i do care about the environment alot and think that you should help it,eh recycling etc but people going arnd going on about global warming annoys me as they obviously know nothing about it..!!!

    This is just a classic example of how humans, yet again, are been decepted my other Hitler leading on the germans..religions...etcs...

    ..people mostly just accept what they are been taught or told and that is how crazy scams like this come about!

    (phew, glad to get that off of my chest!ha)

    Anne (:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well the answer is that there is alot of stuff that contributes to global warming that has nothing to do with man anyways, like volcanos and ocean currents, alot of different factors.

    if you go back even a few hundred years you will see how there were pretty amazing climate events directly related only to natural ocurrances, even in the north american continent, there was recently (a hundred, two hundred) years ago a "year with no summer"

    go back even farther, look at the evidence and there has always been pretty dramatic climactic shifts, either long term or short term, the shift is to either a cooler or a warmer climate, and the entire environment changes, and then changes back again.

    however, the media and so forth will have it's bias, but read any high school textbook and you will see how while burning fossil fuels and so forth is certainly not helping our planet, there are much greater forces in play unrelated to our actions.

    so we should treat nature with respect, do no further harm, but be prepared for change.

    the only immutable aspect of our planet is CHANGE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pyramids are still around and pyramids are illegal. Global warming promises easy money, it's a huge growth industry, and even hardcore environmentsalists will not poo that away.

    Al Gore pays his own company the penalty he must pay if he wants to pollute. And a lot of others pay Al Gore's company to be able to pollute too.

    As they say in the Gogfather "nothing personal - it's just business. And if you're not getting, you're a universal donor. Then someone other than you knows where you need to spend your money.

    Did you actually think this stupidity, so irrational they can't describe its symptions because hot and cold and rain and drought are all bad signs and definate proof they are right, is about science. How can they know when its over? How can they know it has even began?

  • 1 decade ago

    It has not gone away because the media still runs it daily. People don't think for themselves they believe what they are told without questioning anything. It take real wisdom to think for yourself and do some investigation on your own. People who believe will, years from now, tell all their friends how they never believed it and how those who did were fools.

    The AWG myth will end soon enough, now if we could stop liberalism (ie.socialism) that would make the world a better place.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Public Education

  • 1 decade ago

    It comes from the Joseph Goebbels line of thinking "when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

    Now, many are risking looking ridiculous, and their only option is to keep saying it. With repetion, more people are believing it.

    It's Orwellian, if everyone believes it, it must be true, in spite of the facts.

    In 1984, I thought Orwell was a loon. Now I understand the year was not relevant, because once you have submitted to the lies, it could be any year they tell you it is and I see how feverishly people are working to rewrite history, even yesterday.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because environmentalism is not based on reason, it is a religious cult. Like all religious fanatics, these cultists choose to ignore reality when it conflicts with the tenets of their faith.

    As for that infamous "hockey stick" graph, that was exposed as a fraud by researchers at the University of Toronto a couple of years ago. They took the computer model used to produce the graph, substituted the temperature input with various sets of random numbers and got the same graph every time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sits nicely along the Religion Scam doesn't it.

    Only one important difference, the former has fact to base ones opinion and beliefs upon.

    Whatever one believes with respect to mans contribution to polluting the skies and earth, we are on borrowed time until a major catastrophe bellows the inner earths gases into the skies and from which there will be no return.

    I'd like to know the percentage of pollutant a major volcanic eruption would discharge.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, you are ignorant. "Global warming" itself may not seem like a threat, but the climate is still changing. There is a graph based on scientific fact called the Hockey Stick Curve. It goes back thousands of years using actual record when available and estimated data when it is not. The estimated data is found because of the variation in temperature between the Earth's surface and underground. The sun heats up the surface and how long it takes deeper areas to warm determines climates chang. When all of this data is plotted, it is evident that climate change does occur naturally. For example, the Earth did have an ice age and thaw from it. However, there is quite a spike (like the blade in a hockey stick) ironically when the Industrial Revolution occurred. Coincidence? I think not. Even if it is a coincidence, should we still abuse our planet like we have been?

    Source(s): Being a geology major who cares about our planet.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It has not gone away because the ones perpetrating the lie are still making millions off the pigeons! Until the pigeons become wise and stop falling for it then they will continue to steal their money! I hate it that these scam artists have made it so I am going to have to buy their stupid florescent lights!!!

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