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Am I wroong to ask for apology in this matter?

I am annoyed by a moderator of a group named Varun. She was appointed to lead a group which features recycling of unused items. She will monitor emails people posted to donate or request. But once she makes a rude remark on me. What happen was that I frequently donate items. In one instant, I saw a girl named May-Ann who wanted a card reader. I happen to have a brand new card reader which I thought for some time before I decided to donate it. I cut and paste the actual content:

" i do have one that state USB Card Rader/WRtier which you can plug in MMC card, Ms Duo and other 24 types of cards as stated on the thing. I was planning to give to another person this friday but he has not confirm whether he wants it or not. So if in case he not want, do you want it? if yes, are u willing to travel to my place at Blk 141, Bedok reservoir road to get it? If yes, let me know. Else pls say thanks to me too. lol.. "

I did not know I was wrong to ask her to say thanks to me if she decided that she does not want it. When anyone offer me anything and for any reasons I do not want it, I will email thanks to them. I

really did not know it was wrong. Later the Moderator wrote to me. The exact cut and paste:

"Earlier today, I approved a post from May-Ann thanking you for the CF reader. I allowed it as I thought it was a nice gesture – turns out, though, that you insisted on this as a condition for your giving her the reader. And here I was thinking you were such a great guy... "

I was so shocked and angry. I show her the exact email message to prove my innocent that I never set a condition in my offering but she won't care. Once a while, I forgot due to what reasons, I will mention it to her about the case but she just won’t apologise to me .I feel insulted for doing something I thought is kind. Despite so, when someone also has issue with her and wrote in, I still ask them to stay as I feel that there is no need to leave the place just because of one black sheep as there are far too many kind people existing in the group. Still I wrote to her hoping that she will have the least appreciation for my actions and will apologise to me because I really did not do anything wrong. She refused.

My question is if I should even bother seeking her apology ... and if I were wrong, and if she should apologise? I thought a simple ‘sorry’ won’t kill her but she is so arrogant. Should I be thankful that she did not kick me off her group when she says that my action is the equivalent of entering a host's home and incessantly abusing the host? I thought after she apologise to me, I will do the same and stop bothering .. but ... So what does anyone think? Please comment politely.


Yes, I ask the person to say thank you for fun, notice the lol. I was in a happy mood and just jokingly stated so. I did not know it can end up this way for me. I am not trying to win anything. I just want her to say sorry and so will i and forget the matter. but when I felt my kindness been insulted, it does stop me from wanting to be kind. I did left the group for about a month before I feel that there are far too many great people to ignore. Shamelessly I joined back. I thought as a moderator of a strong group like Sgfreecycle, she should know what to say, when to say. I really wonder if this is it. So unfair I felt. But anyway, I did not bother about this much. I have no issue with her actually. If only she can open her heart like I will too. Guess I have no choice but to open my heart and forget about it. Sigh... still... is that right?

Update 2:

And when i say please response my question politely, I meant, please do not scold me or insult me for asking such questions. I do not know how people will think of my actions. Sorry if I was rude on this. I don't mean it actually. You get what I meant... Thanks

Update 3:

I did wrote back to her a few times but she wont listen. She just insist she said nothign wrong and she is right. I don't mind email you the full content if you email me to ask. I know I am not right and I can just let go. But before I do that i just thought to ask here and see if others have suggestions, ideas, and thoughts about this. thanks a lot for some of the comments. I agreed that it was so childish to fight for this right of mine... but ... I just asking for knowledge. Afterall, I started it by asking for thank you. But that was the only time. I did met nice people in the group. So. no issue. Pity Singapore only has such group that works. What to do.. lol

Update 4:

I should not have make a big fuss out of it. Silly me. I ageed with the comments given. I also admit it was a very tiny issue. Thanks a lot for the info shared. I forgot I am human and so is she. guess life is not fair. but I will continue to contrbute if I can. Thanks for all the feedback. I should have ask this question months ago and not been upset over it for nothing. thanks everyone and ... I guess everyone deserve a best answer rewards but pity I have to wait till it prompt me who won by itself. So take care everyone and may earth survive 2012. lol... bye - Mr Zhang

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Haha...I think there are a few problems are see here.

    I hope that whatever I say you won't really take it to heart if I accidentally critisize on anyone, but I am just stating my points.

    Ok, for starters, I hope you will understand this, but i believe you two are making a really big fuss over a small matter of asking for thank you or not. I mean this kind of issue is really negligent, why in the world, especially the moderator, must kick a storm out of this...

    But anyways, firstly, I would like to state that the moderator has the power to kick you out of the group or not, so basically, if you wish to stay in the group, I guess you had better be on the "good and right" side of the moderator, just let the bygones be bygones and move on cause I see no point confronting the moderator and stuff like that unless you want to get kicked out. However, if there is a higher authority above the moderator, then I suggest that if this issue gets out of hand, write a complain to this "admin/higher ranking personel" above the moderator, explaining why you think she should be removed from her position.

    Next, on this issue, I believe that each of you have your faults. However, I think that most of the problem lies in the fault of the moderator, if what you are saying is the exact chain of events which happened.

    Your faults: (Minor ones actually)

    Though requesting for a thank you is a little arrogant, cause i believe each person should say thank you to the person at their own will, however if the person does not want to thank you, at least you have done a good deed and known about it, thus you should feel contented that you were having a good motive all in all.

    Secondly, I believe that you shouldn't mention this problem over and over again to the moderator to show that she's at fault. I believe that if you think that she is at fault, you should bring up the matter to a higher authority, lest if she kicks you out, then join another online recycling group! However, if your friend or somewhich makes you feel inclined to stay, and the moderator is the highest ranking of the online group, you may either request that you hold a petition or somewhat to make the moderator realise her problems or if its a democracy organisation, remove her from her position, otherwise, I believe you should either take it that Life's just unfair and be on the good side of the moderator and not cause trouble or just leave the group. If you have seen that the moderator does not want to apologize for such a situation, leave it as it is. Do not keep talking about this, and as I said, if you do not feel contented, just bring it up to a higher authority.

    Thirdly, you should not keep asking for an apology. Even though its the moderator's fault, however, I believe this "Thank you" thing is just a really small matter, and if the moderator does not persue or blow things up, you should just leave it as it is. If anything goes wrong, or if more people do not agree with her, just follow the things I have listed as of above.

    The Moderator's faults: (Rather noticeable, but then since this is a small matter...)

    Firstly, the moderator should not have kicked up such a big fuss over the "thank you thing."

    As I have said, I mean the moderator has her own moral vaules as well and doesn't believe doing this is right, however, she shouldn't be so...unreasonable over this small incident. The moderator blows this "Thank you" thing out of proportions even though it is a small matter. Thus, I believe that its of right that the moderator apologizes to you for making such a big fuss. I mean, she never stated in the forum rules that you can't have a condition (Actually Its not even considered a condition...) when you donate right.

    If its stated that you can't request for a thank you, then ok, you have to follow the forum rules than since the moderator is doing her job, but even so, she shouldn't be so...sarcastic and reprimand you in this way for "violating of the rules." Instead, she could just have stated: "I am sorry, but according to our forum rules, you are not allowed to request for a thank you. This is a warning and hope that you will not violate this rules again. Thank you."

    If it isn't stated, then the Moderator has an even larger fault as she not only kicks a fuss out of this, she talks to her members in such a crude and unreasonable way. She could have just said that, " I believe that what you have requested for is not really nice, and thus may I suggest that in future, you refrain from asking for a thank you?" if the moderator does not feel that asking for a thank you is right. But basically, I don't see any problem with asking for a thank you, i mean like it is just meant for humour of some what as well as if you wrote that on any average online forum, the moderator wouldn't even bother about the request for a thank you, why bother so much as well?

    Secondly, if other people have come to complain about the moderator, then seriously, something is really wrong. If their cases are all genuine as well to state that the moderator is at fault, then may I suggest that you should really bring this up to a higher authority for misuse of power? And why leave the group over this issue? Unless the moderator is like the largest position in the group, why leave? I believe that the creator may not see eye to eye with the various issues like how the moderator views it.

    Thus, I believe that though it is just a small issue blown up large, I think the moderator should apologize to you for using such language. A moderator is here to monitor the forums and ensure everyones safety and happiness, not here to make a big issue out of eveything and talk to the members and reasoning out with their personality. They must always remember, though it is an online forum, they must still be nice and not question the member or being sarcastic, but just straight to the point and explain why nicely. However, if the moderator does not want to apologize, I suggest that you forget about this issue and leave it alone and carry on with life. However, if you encounter any more problems whereby the moderator is at fault and the other members also find fault with the moderator, then something is seriously wrong. Then, the only way to solve this is either leave or remove her. Otherwise, I suggest you leave this problem alone and not bring it up again. The moderator may just been having a bad day or somewhich, and just hope that you will not encounter this problem ever again.

    Hope this helps your situation :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She wrote that? Hmm, that is a weird reaction coming from your moderator, it's like, why does she even care?

    Hmm, well write her back and say, "Well...I didn't know it was wrong to ask, I was joking...she really didn't have to write me thanks", because you were just being lighthearted, right? You weren't being selfish.

    Though it's hard to tell whether or not your moderator was being serious and took your message you wrote to Mary the wrong way, or is trying to crack a weird sarcastic joke to you, I don't know, that could be it, but just write back. I think what you're doing sounds cool--I didn't know there was such a place where you could donate like that. Best wishes-and don't worry.

    Source(s): [edit] Aw, ok--well you don't have to write back anymore if you tried. Your moderator sounds like she's just a weirdo hahah, she needs to get out more! Or maybe she has some kind of an emotional problem. :P But just continue what you were doing, and if she wants to be stubborn, don't worry about it ;) What you were doing was good!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unless you want to be removed from the group --- leave it alone. Remember that online groups are just that --- online groups.

    When you are communicating through written text only, then there are going to be times when people misinterpret what you write. And I am sure you do the same.

    By the way, your written words above had many grammatical errors, and no disrespect intended, ***but please realize when that happens, people get mixed up on what you are trying to say.

    Example "Still I wrote to her hoping that she will have the least appreciation for my actions". **See what I mean?

    Also --- I had no idea what you meant by "Else pls say thanks to me too." It wasn't until I read your second paragraph.

    Leave it be....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think some people just can't handle authority of any kind, especially internet moderators lol. Regardless of fault seems like you and this person will never get along so just find an alternative site or group.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    On a scale of 1-10, what is the finest female you have been with? Prodigal: None of us can live without air lol. Better question: How many girls has Escobar sexed off Yahoo Answers? Lmao

  • 1 decade ago

    No u wasn't wrong, but I wouldn't worry about it. Life goes on. And so should u. U really can't make a person apolozie 2u If they don't want to. It's really up to the individual. I hope this help!

    Take care Sweets,


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the moderator wasn't nice to you! i am in a freecycling group myself. but it is not really polite to tell someone to tell you thank you either. neither one of you was exactly appropriate. keep donating though...just don't expect a thank you. common courtesy says you will probably get one anyway. if you don't, blow it off as someone else not being courteous. sometimes its just how it is. please comment politely is not a polite thing to say either. that is an easy way for people to leave you sarcastic ugly comments. polite people don't dig for thanks or for others to be polite to them. they are just nice about things and understand that sometimes others are just too busy to sit down and post a thanks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No not at all- you definately deserve an apology-how dare she say she thought you were a kind person? You are a kind person for giving anything away-I would go to her supervisor if I were you...

  • Lori K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that she was wrong in censoring you but that insisting on an apology is just plain petty. Be the bigger person and just let it go.

  • 1 decade ago

    Though you ment it in a way that was just wanting a thanks you should not ask for one.... if you understand what i mean.... the written word can be taken in different ways... for instance you may think i'm a bitc* for my words when i'm just trying to help....

    Hope this helps...

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