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will free health care actually be free?

i guess it will be free if you are unemployed but if you work for a living it will cost 50% of your wages due to the taxes involved.

to implement this new idea of health care is gonna be expensive. they will have to wait until the economy is on the up swing. if not it will drive the economy farther in the dumps. then we will have sh!tty health care and a poor economy....

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It wont just be your income tax that goes up it will be our tax on goods as well. when you are paying 27 cents tax on a 50 cent candy bar ask if it is still free.

    take it from someone who lives in the US & the UK it is not free and not good

    Wait until you get hospitalized and they stick you in a room with 8 to 10 people. Or when you wait on a list for 14 months to get on a dentist list because they lack dentist becuase they cant pay them enough

    Cinder you really dont understand do you. It wont be cheaper becuase more people are on it it will be more expensive.

    Since it doesnt cost them anything people will go to the doctor for everything no matter how small. It will drive up the cost.

    Look at it like this.

    I have freinds who have health care and they have to pay a deductable everytime they go in. Becuase of this they make sure it is something that they really need to see a doctor for becuase it cost them out of their own pocket.

    I know a guy who is faking a injury and gets disability and his health care is free paid for by the goverment becuase they consider him disabled. He goes to the ER if he has a runny nose. He doesnt bother going to a regular doctor becuase the ER is closer. It cost 4 times as much for his visit but cost him nothing out of his pocket so he doesnt regulate himself to going only when neccesary.

    Do you see how this is going to drive up the cost of health care!

    MISTER do you also take into account that americas cost of healthcare is high becuase we pay for almost 100% of research and development on new technology and new medication becuase 90% of all of these things are developed and invented in the United States.

    Once the universal healthcare is inacted and the money is no longer there for these companies to profit off of their new products they will stop making them becuase after all it is bussiness and not charity. once we stop doing so much research and development one of two things will happen.

    1) new tech and meds delevopment will slow down and there will be less breakthoughs in medical advances and the whole world will be worse for it.

    2) the other countries who have been leaching off of our Research and development will have to get off their but and wallet and start doing their own and their share of the R&D and their cost of healthcare will go up.

    ADDITION FOR MISTER I will type slow so you can understand this time. I stated that the R&D were private owned. But once this healthcare plan comes into effect as clinton has stated she will pay for it by lowering what providers (doctors, hospitals) can charge for service.

    Ok with that in mind if a doctor can only charge $20.00 for an X ray when he use to be able to charge 300.00. now a sales person approaches him and say I have a new machine thst takes better x rays and it cost 1 million dollars (half a mil more than a regular x ray mach) The doctor who would have bought the new one if he woas still able to charge 300.00 now says no thanks it wont pay for itself.

    So now the company inventing them cant sell them for a mil each so they stop making them because it is not worth making them for what they can sell them for and they stop doing R&D that is too expensive.

    STOP KIDDING YOURSELF no country in the world is close to the US when it comes to medicine and equipment research and delvelopement


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It won't be free. Do not believe a word of it. To top it off, you could be thrown in jail for not buying insurance. What if you don't want insurance? Where will your rights be. Why should I be forced to spend money on something if I don't want it? I, personally, do have insurance and it is a thing my family considers a priority and we budget accordingly. But no one should make us buy it. Something is so very wrong here. I hate the fact that we are creating a society of people who sponge off others and milk the system. What happened to pride in being self supporting? No, let's just all stay home and watch TV, play video games, collect welfare, unemployment, food stamps, get free insurance/drugs. How can people look in the mirror at themselves and feel good anymore? I am all for helping people who are down and out for AWHILE but making it so easy for them to sit on their collected butts is a bad thing. A society of laziness.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There will not be free health care, it will be universal plan, ,meaning we all can be on a plan, regardless if our employer has coverage. With more people the thought is it will be cheaper to all.

    It is the very poor or illegal immigrants, or prisoners, that get FREE health care. Those people however can not have anything in order to qualify. But we do know that many get the coverage and we pay for it. I think we should help the poor, handicap and disabled. But if they are not here legally they should not get free coverage. Send them back to their country, they are breaking the law.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I understand..Hillarys health care plan would be the same as it is now,,except they would force you to buy insurance...whether you can afford it or not.....and maybe the income limits might be raised for subsidized care.

    Obama..just wants free health care for children...which there is a similar plan already in place.

    There isn't very much accurate info on the 2 but they sound like sheeps in wools for McCain....who knows.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Haven't you ever heard, "Nothing is free."? Someone, and that means the working people in the country, will pay for it all through higher taxes and eventually through pain and suffering because of a clogged up health care system.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its funny how republicans perpetuate this myth that universal healthcare will be more costly. Thetruth is that America already spends 15 % of GDP on healthcare AND still leaves 47 million (thats roughly 17% of the population) without access to close to adequate healthcare (not to mention all of the people who can only afford the bare minimum-read completely useless- coverage). While countries with UNIVERSAL healthcare tend to spend less. Canada only spends 9 %, in comparison, and covers EVERYONE. The problem is that the current system in America is incerdibly expensive and completely inefficient. This is in part because the insurance companies are only inetersted in profits, not getting people healthy. Senator McCain's health care plan will cost $3.7 TRILLION over his term. And it STILL wont cover everyone. In contrast Senators Clinton and Obama will cost $120 billion and $90 billion respectively. And will either cover everyone or at least all children. Yet ONE MORE example of how Republicans are experts at waisting tax payers money, and pad the pockets of the super wealthy (in this case the insurance company execs) at the same time. Even John McCain himself used to say how much money politicians waste. Now he's become one of them.

    Source(s): Geoff- no I did not. Why? Because that has no impact at all. Even in countries where health care is public, innovation in pahrmaceuticals is done by private companies. The pharmaceutical industry is PRIVATE in all democracies that I know of . And it doesnt matter who is paying for the medication (whether its the government or insurance companies) as long as the industry itself is private. And while Im not sure about your figures, it is true that in the past America was responsible for most of the innovation in this industry. But the gap is closing. Many other countires are catching up to the US rapidly, a lot of these countires are in Europe and have a fully public health care system. Regardless people in all developed countries have to pay the same exorbitant amount of money for these medicines as America does. And in places wher the government helps pay for these medicines (which in general America does not) this would have a NEGATIVE impact on spending as a percentage of GDP, not a positive. ANSWER to Geoff: WHere are you coming up with these numbers? I doubt the discrepancy between what doctors charge now and any cap that senator Clinton would install would be that much. Also what you forget is the rule of supply and demand. Because the test will be cheaper, those people who need it but couldnt afford it previously would be able to now. So if a doctor had 10 patients a month at $300 per test, and lowered the cost to $100 and as a result had 35 patients he would be in a much better position. Not to mention the fact that a lot of times, the first test indicates that more tests are needed. Also who said anything about Mexico?? I said other FIRST WORLD countries (like Canada, Japan and many countries in Europe) pay around the same for medicines as Americans do. Also there are many new technologies that other countries are leading development (laproscopic surgery being one, stem cells being another). Not to mention, the added benefit of having a society of healthy people, which is priceless. Most doctors get into the business in order to help people. Thats why so many travel to third world countries and work for FREE. The biggest obstacle to universal health care is the greedy insurance companies, most people in the medical proffession will tell you that themselves. The insurance companies are only going to do the right thing if they're made to. Health care is too important an issue to wait for the "martket to adjust itself". Especially when it hasnt happened for the last thirty years. What makes anybody think the "market" will EVER adjust in a way to allow for EVERY citizen to have adequate health care. Which, in a country with as much wealth as America, is the only acceptable situation.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    50%? It wont cost that much.

    Taxes will go up, but it'll be offset by your personal medical insurance which will go down.

    Problem with free healthcare is that people suddenly expect everything to be paid for. And you'll start to see the wonderful health-tourists, who cross the border and get fixed up for free, before going home.

    Free health works well when its capped (i.e. people know it provides only basic care and the rest must be paid for) and where the population is small.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Of course not. The government can't give you anything it hasn't taken from you first, and it is their intervention and representation of insurance companies over patients that has made the thing so expensive to begin with.

    Besides, look at quality. Walter Reed is government run health care.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well It won't cost that much, at least Obama's plan won't. Hillary's will be steeper(hers is full universal health care, Obama's is universal Childrens Health care). And no it won't drive the economy into the dumps either one will, they will be only manditory coverage meaning that if you and your family already have health care then your covered.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The medical industry will jack up prices, taxes will go through the roof, every mexican citizen with be in our ER, kidney and liver transplants will be taken out of your check, you'll be so broke you'll have to sell part of you liver just to pay your taxes.

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