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Why reject a free Book of Mormon?

Been sitting here thinking, why are people afraid to read the Book of Mormon? We have millions we can give away for free. What the heck is the harm in taking a free book and reading it? Simply reading it doesnt mean you necessarily believe it. But what do you have to lose? You read it and you don't agree, okay you've just learned something. You still benefit. But if you read it and find out that its true than you've just gained the blessings of heaven.

And the beauty of it is the book has the promise that you can ask God whether its true. No one expects you to believe it out of blind obedience. You are supposed to investigate and find out. We want you to.

Even if you think you want to reject it atleast reject it knowing what the heck it actually says without relying on other people. Make a conscious choice on your own. Find out for yourself.

Why is that so hard?

21 Answers

  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some minds are as sharp as a steel trap. Only thing is they are closed too much of the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think people are afraid of the Book of Mormon as much as they are the Mormon faith. Once in the Book of Mormon they find it reflects 19th century Christianity, tells us nothing about Jewish customs or rituals of the time, the historical events and characters steal liberally from the book View of the Hebrews, a book available to Joseph Smith. It lacks many LDS doctrines essential to an LDS salvation, yet is claimed to contain the fullness of the gospel. It promotes non-Christian teachings that God is one decision away from not being God, that we "earn" God's grace only after doing all we can do, and the revisions alone to the Book of Mormon make it unplausible as a reliable scripture. Shall we also include DNA evidence that directly disproves statements made in the Book of Mormon and by Smith about who the lamenities are, or mention King James Bible errors that sadly made it into the Book of Mormon? Or focus on the astonishing lack of archeological and linguistic evidence, or the impossibility of an iron age culture disappearing as portrayed in the B of M? I'd pass too if I had known...

    The internet is too powerful to fool anyone who has 30 minutes and access. Where information is available to people, the LDS church shrinks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being a former member of the LDS church I have read the Book of Mormon... (prophets challenge) It is poorly written and obiviously false! Mormonism is a man made religion!

    Did you know his (first)"First Vision" did not include a claim to have seen the Father and Son?

    have you heard of the Mark Hoffman forgerys??

    And the Kinderhook Plates, where the beloved Joseph Smith was fooled ....!

    The Egyptian papyri and the fraudulant Book of Abraham!

    This whole book stems from ROCKS IN A HAT! Seer stones and the Occult!

    Gimmie a break!

    Do some research.... I'd rather read a sci fi book...The next time!

    My "testimony" in the LDS church was based in false information...

    Source(s): ex mormon
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reject no, actually I've had to have all of them at one time or an other since I was a chaplain assistant in the military. One of my Chaplains was an LDS guy and he cleared up any misconceptions I ever had. He was subjected to a great deal of ridicule from other chaplains in the military. Odd that so many of those that preach peace spread lies and hate isn't?

    Quite frankly though I wouldn't call in for anything because if I don't like it doesn't mean the "recruiting" materials or phone calls won't come with it.

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  • People in America have become so ignorant and closed minded and hostile toward true diversity in many cases thay are closed to understanding the belief systems of others and minorities of every sort. America is also for sale in every imaginable way--- government is more of a racketering organization penalizing and exacting a price for everything w/o offering back real rehabilitation or reason or compassion--- its all more about the pound of flesh we can exact for every piciune regulatory infraction while the fat cats have more opportunities and the rest of us have become so desperate we'd eat the next guy if their price of meat were high enough and their wasnt any sever penalty. Reason, inttelligence, and other good values which must exist in the people longing to breath free are disappearing traits. These are the reasons why, I believe, a supposed human being would not accept a gift of a book and show a little curiousity or basic interest in the practices of others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Been there done that. Why do you assume people are afraid to read it? I wish you could see how that sounds to outsiders. It makes you sound like a Scientologist. Speaking of which, why have you not investigated Scientology? What's the harm?

    The Book of Mormon is ridiculous, and the only way you wouldn't know that is if you know nothing about ancient Mesoamerica or only trust Mormon sources.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ex-mormons say the same thing to Mormons about the real history of the church. Why are you so affraid of knowing the real truth of the Mormon church. If you are going to make a decision about the Mormon church, like deciding to stay a Mormon, wouldn't you want all the information, and not just the white-washed version the Mormon church gives you.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why afraid?

    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    If the Book of Mormon is not of God, people are opening themselves up to a spiritual battle they may not be ready for. People are asked to pray if the Book of Mormon is true, however, they aren't instructed on how to tell if the answer is from God or not.

    They are not told to test the spirits that

    answers their prayer like the Bible tells us we should. The passage in James that says we should ask for wisdom is talking to Christians. Non-Christians are told to pray for wisdom. If they are not saved, however, there is a great possibility that they could be deceived by an impostor. The people in 2 Corinthians 11 were deceived, so it's important to be aware.

    People are not instructed in what the Bible says first, so they are not able to accurately able to compare the differences. Since God has already talked about the topics in the Book of Mormon, if they pray if it is true or not, they are putting God to the test which is a sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have learned that anything given by salespeople for free is worth exactly what I paid.

    I don't accept flyers from people on the street, much less something large I don't want to read. It's an environmental insult.

  • OPM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have already read it and found it very lacking. Likewise, had I been aware of the background of the book I would not have even bothered to have read any part of it at all. It is sad people believe it is the word of a god.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We read what we are attracted to. I don't buy a novel unless it somehow catches my attention. In the case of The Book of Mormon, many don't think it is of sufficient interest for them to invest time into reading it. Every now and then we read something out of curiosity and it surprises us with its content. It turns out to be truly valuable. In my case, the BofM was part of my rearing so I read it out of duty at first and then out of a desire to learn more about it and finally out of love for its contents. I would encourage anybody to exercise a partical of desire to learn more about it and then to let the words fill their minds and their hearts so that when they conclude their reading, they can act upon Moroni's challenge to pray for a spiritual confirmation of its truthfulness.

    It is worth the effort.

    Source(s): LDS
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