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Is it normal for a 5 year old boy to be asking these questions?

Today he asked, what if God changed him into a girl? He has also asked, on other occasions, What if he marries a boy, and other questions like that. He brings up questions like this about every other day. I never quite know how to answer those questions. He is also VERY interested in watching girls putting on makeup, nail polish, doing there hair, etc... He has a 6 year old brother...who is 100% total boy. My 5 year old is in t-ball, soccer, and enjoys "boy" activities, like playing with swords, toy guns, fishing... Once his dad comes home from work, they all play, and weekends he has good quality time with his dad. I am a stay at home mom, but he goes to school 3 days a week.

He loves dora stuff, always wants the girl toys for the happy meals from Mcdonalds, picks out princess movies from the movie store, loves flavoured-scented-girl chapstick, and other things. I know these things on there own is normal, but all of these? and the questions? Is this normal? Thanks

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All boys go through this... It's completely normal! He's just trying to figure out what it means to be a boy... and he's trying to understand the difference between the two. My little brother did almost the exact same things, he's 15 now and is very guyish. You just don't need to make a big deal out of it. Let him discover what he likes and doesn't like. Maybe have his dad, or a manly figure take him out doing some very guy things. The Important thing here is that you just don't make a big deal out of it, or he'll become confused and may resent you for it later in life.

    your boy sounds adorable happy and healthy... don't worry!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have two 6 year olds and they do the same thing when they are excited about something. When can we go? When is our birthday? Then I tell them and they ask me over and over again if it's here yet. Believe it or not, we've all been at that age and did our parents the same way. I would not label him with some sort of disease or condition as this is normal 5 year old behavior. But keep an eye out for other signs. And don't feel bad because I do the same thing. If they keep asking after I've told them not t ask again, then they lose out. After they lose out so many times, they will get the picture.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with a child playing with toys, because after all that is what he is doing with the dora and princess toys, he is playing. Perhaps he just wants to be like his mama. All children ask questions about the other sex and enjoy doing so called other gender activities. With the make up and polish- this again could be something he sees you do and just wants to be like you. Children imitate the adults in their lives and you said you are a stay at home mom, he spends a lot of time with you and you are a woman. Do you see what I'm saying. What is normal anyway?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My child isn't this old yet so I can't talk from my own experience, but I would say it is normal - I live with a family whose child has just left this phase - he was slightly younger but not by much. I hear of a lot of kids having it. When you were 5, were you fancying boys yet? No, because you're not aware of sexuality at that age. So I imagine (presuming the question you're asking is, does it sound like he might turn out gay) it really has no link! But even if he DID turn out to be gay in the future, there is nothing wrong or abnormal about this and I'm sure you'll love him just the same! He's just being an individual :-)

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  • 1 decade ago

    OMG, I have the exact same thing with my boys 5 and6. They are 17 months apart. The 6 year old same thing 100% boy. The whole happy meal thing..yeah, I know! He has the Dora kitchen wants nailpolish, I totally get it. I was SUPER concerned, but after talking to his Kindergarden teacher, I am reassured, that many of the boys go through this. Just hang in there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Part of me agrees with the other answerers that it is totally normal. but, as a parent, i know i wouldn't be asking this question if it weren't 'a little too much' of these things....

    i have worked with transgendered individuals for years and have seen a few kids in my time with this issue. it's easier for girls to have this issue because there is no taboo against playing baseball if you're a girl....

    i encourage you to be gentle and open with your son. entertain his questions by giving him answers, or asking him what he thinks. don't worry, this will not make him want to be a girl anymore than he might already. in fact, thinking out loud with someone may help him realize that he really wants to be a boy, but that there are good things about being a girl too. i know it is hard to not know what to say to him, but really you don't have to say anything. he is not asking your opinion, he is inviting you to help him struggle with an idea. remember, your children are not YOUR children, they come through you, but they are NOT you.... help him figure this one out. it may end up that it is something you don't like or have difficulty accepting.

    be gentle and good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    II'm an elementary school teacher and I think it's totally normal - he's just trying to figure out what the "rules" are related to gender...I wouldn't think twice about it. I would just answer his questions in a very matter of fact way and let him have the toys/things he is interested in.

  • Mia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He's probably just going through a phase and it's nothing to worry about. Wondering about things like this are perfectly natural for a little kid.

    Now, if he was a teenager, there might be room for concern, but he's 5, so wait it out.

    He'll grow out of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a four year old godson who we call Fashion Lad. He likes to change clothing like three times a day. He likes female things, its normal. I've seen LOTS of young boys go through this stage.

    Its just them figuring out the gender rolls for males and females...

    Promise...its very normal.

    I say have fun with it. We do with my godson and he has a blast with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should try and stop analyzing and trying to think about what is "normal".

    Relax. Your son is normal. If it did turn out that he is not inclined towards girls, well, that is the person he is and there is nothing you can do about it. He will still be your little boy. Why should it matter.

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