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What wild dreams have you had during your pregnancy??

I have never realized myself to be much of a dreamer, but since finding out I am pregnant, I have atleast one crazy dream a night. Anything from being chased by crazy people, to giving birth to a 25lb baby boy and not being able to remember the delivery. What have been some of your wild dreams? Does anyone know what causes this?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i've had three dreams where in my dream i wake up to find that i've already had my baby. the first dream i had a boy and everything was normal. then in the second i was kind of crazy b/c i already had the baby and had no memory of the birth, all i knew is that when i lifted up my shirt i would find the c-sec scar that look liked it was stapled closed. in the third my mom joked by telling me that the baby was dead, but later on i found my baby girl...really due june 9th so i think these recent dreams are just signs of being scared about labor and delivery!....

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always had really weird dreams...I am a vivid dreamer and must have issues to work out, 'cause even since childhood, I had strange, freaky or down-right feature film worthy dreams. In my pregnancy, they've just gotten a little more long/involved before waking up or are more often baby-centered.

    However, I did have lesbian-ish dreams twice last week and I have NEVER had anything like that before. It was a new experience for me. In my dreams, I am often another "character," so it was like a me who wasn't me (no memory of my current life or husband), but whose life involved these other females. I woke up feeling all awkward, but in the dream, it was as natural to me to be involved with those women as it is for me to be married to my hubby. My dreams about my hubby are more XXX (ESPECIALLY since getting pregnant), and these dreams were more PG-13/R, so I think it had more to do with the relationship issues than anything else. Maybe the feuding between my oldest sister and mom is doing some weird things to my brain. :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Im 38 weeks pregnant and I have dreams about my husband being with other women. I also dream about me cheating on him. I wake up mad sometimes because my dreams seem so real. Im not sure why these dreams occur but hopeful after baby is born my dreams will change. I think I just feel a little insecure about my body right now maybe thats why I dream about my husband looking at other women.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I had a CRAZY was so bizarre...i have to share.

    I dreamed i was at the county fair, in my city, and i was in the barns (i used to show sheep...but i hated it, anyways) i was in the barns and i was stealing a piglet from a pen when all of a sudden that song "blow the whisle" came on and the pig bit me and jumped down and i chased it out...and it went to my car.

    What could that possibly mean? ive tried thinking about it, but it makes no sense. strange.

    It was such a strange dream, considering i HATED showing sheep and having to stay at the fair all day long every day in 107 degree heat. Weird. And the fair is next month...ill probably stay far away from the barns if i go.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, my dreams have been really vivid since I've been pregnant but when I was around 8-9 weeks, I had an actual orgasm in my sleep! It was soooo intense. I remember telling myself to be quite because I knew I was sleeping. I was having sex with my husband in my dream and he was laying right next to me! I hope I have another one of those soon. I guess even though my mind wasn't feeling like having sex in real life, doesn't mean that my body didn't need some action!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I use to get chased by food, lol, and I would keep having the same dream until I would eat the food it was my bodies way of telling me what I needed, now on my second pregnancy I had dream even before I knew I was pregnant of going to the ob/gyn and getting an u/s and it showed twins I get my 1st u/s tomorrow so we'll see!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had some crazy dreams as well. I'm not sure what causes them though--hormones maybe?

    Things like baby hippos running around my front yard, my house being on fire, giving birth to a hermaphrodite, giving birth to a toddler-sized baby....all kinds of crazy things...

  • 1 decade ago

    I have insane dreams. Apparently, it's the hormones, and it is perfectly normal. Before I knew I was pregnant, but I very much so was...I had this dream twice, where I was cleaning my house, someone came in through my window (I live in a third floor apartment) and asked me if I was cleaning to get ready for the baby....and then they jumped back out the window. Strange. But, fun.

  • momof3
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I kept having dreams about birthing my child on the toilet. I would deliver the arm then leg then the rest.

    My sister had a dream where she gave birth and the doctor wrapped the baby up and gave it to her. When she looked at it it was a cat. It was normal. She loved it and kissed it like a real baby.

  • aljea
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh yeah I had so many crazy dreams. But the most real ones came just before delivery. It was wierd because the night before my water broke (5 weeks early), I had a dream I had my baby and took him to the babyshower (which was that weekend--after my water broke). That whole week I had dreams my baby was coming, and he did.

    One of the dreams that week, was I was at the hospital delivering my baby. I was having contractions and I wanted to push so bad, but they told me not to. I could see a big hole in my stomach and could see the baby sliding down the birth canal. They finally told me to push, and they grabbed the baby out of my stomach. (It was half c-section, half vaginal delivery).

    But the number one weirdest dream was also the same week.

    I was looking in the mirror at my stomach, just rubbing it. Then I saw the shape of a face and the facial feature poke out and could see the mouth open and close. Then it went back. Then his the shape of his hands came out. I giggled and grabbed his hands and started playing with them. Then they went back. Suddenly I was outside and the shape of the foot came out. I started to get alarmed. Then the shape of one whole, grown up sized leg came out. I got very scared. I asked someone walking by if it was normal and she said, "yeah that's very normal." And then another leg poked out too. I started crying and running and freaking out. And then I asked someone else. "Is this really supposed to be happening?" He looked at me and said, "I think you're in labor." So then I started running to get my family and go to the hospital. Then I woke up. This dream was so vivid and real, I had to touch my belly when I woke up.

    I think the reason why, is because you have so many thoughts, concerns, and new experiences that your mind is running wild. My c-section/vaginal dream I know was because I was so scared I was going to get a c-section like everyone else in my family, but I really wanted a vaginal.

    The other dreams about the baby coming were partly because labor was so soon, and I also maybe think it was my body's way of telling me to slow down or this baby is gonna come early. I know many pregnant women also dream about former lovers too.

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