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Lv 5
anita asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Half Truth?

What is a half truth, why aren't there half lies?

How can a truth or a lie only be half?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well no offence but I just believe in clear truth & a clear lie, if somethings is a "half" truth, then its not truth at all. May be it should be given some other name. But you might be asking it for some things which are true on the following basis:-

    example:- Like there can be a case when a group of people are weak or unable to do the task on their hand, but one person says "He's the best", but the reallity might show that even he's not good at the task but better than the others. So one might say its a half truth. But I would say its a mis-pronounced sentence.

  • 1 decade ago

    A half truth is partial truth, relayed with the other facet which completes it unmentioned, resulting in a message that paints a grossly inaccurate picture in the listeners mind that falls short of actuality.

    A half truth is as much as a half lie, except that such a term is never used. Really a question of language, considering the effect which each of the words 'truth' and 'lies' has on an observer. 'Truth' has a positive note to it while 'lies' suggest the opposite.

    Therefore, usage of the word 'truth' in 'half truth' implies the positive intentions behind it, which makes sense in most contexts.

    The integrity of truth and the deceitfulness of a lie is halved by the intention behind the act that contradicts the very nature of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A half truth is but an unfinished story. It's not truly a lie as no falsehoods were spun, however it's not the "full truth" as part of the story was left out. Thus why suspects being sworn into court must state they "swear to tell the turth, the WHOLE TRUTH, and nothing but the truth."

    It's like telling someone a story around a campfire, and then falling asleep halfway through.

    "Well, they approached the gingerbread house and knocked on the door *knock knock knock* three times. Then..." *Snore*

    Certainly we all know this is how the story goes, but we don't hear what really happened.

  • R T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A half truth is a half lie. It's the same thing as a glass being half empty or half full.

    In any event it's still a deceptive statement. It just has a root in truth so it looks believable on the surface. For example, a politician says "No new taxes". Then when he gets elected he raises the existing taxes. His intent was to raise taxes all along, however he didn't tell that part.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Halve truths are to protect! The innocent!? Halve truths are to protect, the unfortunate souls, whom have to use a halve of ones truth?! Halve truths? Are nothing more or anything less! Than half of a lie?! Hence. Halve lies?! An example of a halve truth would be, in dialogue, this! "Bye baby. I'm going to the mall to do some shopping! Oh, I'm meeting Jen for dinner later. Maybe some drinks! Don't wait up?! Love you?" The story in dialogue has halve truths and halve lies?! Hence! Going to the mall? Yes! "truth" Shopping? No! "lie"?! Meeting Jen for dinner? No! "lie"?! Meeting someone else? Yes! "lie"?! (Drinks) Drinks? Yes! "truth" with Jen? No! "lie"?! (Drinks) alone in this dialogue was half of the truth and half of a lie? LOVE?!?! This person or any one being who bestows half of anything is not even worthy of the truths...they do speak?!

  • 1 decade ago

    A half truth is only telling some of the story and not all of it to cover up something your trying to hide. For example say you cheated on your partner but you went out to a movie prior and your partner asks you where you been andyou state I went to a movie with a friend. There can not be half lies because when you start to lie you are covering something up completly with the lie.

  • 5 years ago

    The Truth (Gospel of Jesus Christ) will never become anything less than 100% truth. Any doctrine, idea or philosophy that contains elements of this Truth, but not the full truth, is equal to a lie. You might have heard that people call Satan "the father of lies", right? WRONG!! He is the "father of 95% truth". This is how he manage to tempt us and lead us away for God. Satan sugar-coats many of the things we see today, so that we think of it as acceptable, but he leaves out the important 5% of the truth (we can only be saved by the grace of God, through Jesus) So the Truth can never change, however many half-truths do exist that leads us away from the full Truth.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In order to maintain our self-image as unselfish and honest....we just omitted some fact... but we did not lie...sometime we have to use half truth to prevent the bitterness in relationship.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't know if there is such a thing as a half truth, who goes around explaining a whole book to everybody, just trying to get in trouble. What, do I have to tell the whole world my whole life story? so they can find a fault?.

  • 1 decade ago

    half truth is tru and and half lies is li...

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