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Jehovah's Witnesses, Friends, do you often picture yourself in the new system of things?

What are you doing? Have you moved somewhere else? What are you looking forward to the most? (aside from living in a world free of satan's influence)


Tell me more! I see myself in the mountains near water. I can't decide between rushing streams or tranquil ponds. :) There are many horses and loads of former 'wildlife'. I will have built a cabin or a tepee, or BOTH!! With plenty of room for guests with loads of fresh veggies from my garden!

Update 2:

Sorry, didn't mean to give the impression of 'ownership'. And I'm sure no one meant to imply lofty estates, but homes they plan and build according to whatever Jehovah sees fit to allow us. I have no plans of fencing anything in, but building my home in the shelter of the trees, and yes, somewhat secluded. The [fresh] water feature is a necessity, just as it was many years ago.

If there is to be 'modern' stuff, I think I'll pass. I don't want a car, or the internet, or electricity...

My favorite horse will get me where I want to go, candles will lite my home, and a fire will warm it. Still, I look forward to being able to offer hospitality to those who may wander through.

There will be so much land, so many beautiful places for us all, that I don't see it as a problem. It's kinda like yard salein'.."one mans trash is anothers treasure.' But, I'll pop around the desert and see ya if it's okay!! :))

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Constantly. I long for the day and pray that I am found worthy to continue serving Jehovah.

    It won't be long now, brothers and sisters. Hang in there. "...he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " (Matt 24:13)

    Source(s): The Holy Bible.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a problem with all the ocean front homes and waterfalls in the back yard. It seems that for anyone to have prime real estate would be unfair.

    I think that there may need to be some sort of system where you are allowed to live in such areas only for a limited time. But I also believe that this system won't be a compulsive one because as perfect humans we would be perfectly fair about the matter and willing to do this. Maybe 50 years or a hundred years or who knows how long but all those folks that are land locked should have their turn to live in such prime locations as well if they wish. If the last ones to die would be the first resurrected and they selected the best places to live, well that just wouldn't be fair.

    I also believe that we won't own the land. All the land will be open to anyone. There will be no such thing as tresspassing. You will have claim of course to the house you build and the ground you till, your own vine and fig tree but you won't be able to claim more land than you personally would need for these things. Perhaps people will live together. Perhaps some will prefer to live together as a larger group. Perhaps some will live alone for whatever reason.

    I doubt if everyone will be the same. Quite the contrary, everyone will have their own personalities and favorite things to do hobbies and perhaps even vocations. Will we have jobs? Certainly not in the same sense as today. But if we are to have modern conveniences such as computers and modern transportation, someone will have to make these things. Maybe if you want a car or a computer you will have to devote a required amount of your time working in the place that makes such items... Lots of questions that we don't have answers to.

    I have heard some say that they think we will be able to go as Adam and Eve did [au naturel] once imperfection is out of the way. I don't know about that but anyone who remembers skinny dipping as a kid knows how much better it feels than a wet swim suit. If that was permitted but not favored by everyone then there would still be a need to respect others privacy and opinions which to me seems like part of being perfect.

    There are just so many things about the new system that are a complete mystery to me that it is very difficult for me to imagine myself there. But I know what it feels like to be happy and I know that regardless of what the new system is like in every way, I know I'll be perfectly happy every day and that is what I look forward to. You see, I'm one of those people that actually likes the desert but Isa 51:3 indicates that the desert will be like the garden of Jehovah, so where do I fit in? Just joking but I do like the desert. However, I also like the ocean and the waterfalls and the grand canyon and the mountains. It seems to me that the flat lands would be a bit boring, but somebody will have to live there.

  • Lenio
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I picture myself living off fruit and veg I have cultivated myself in my garden - living near the sea and enjoying a bountious supply of seafood - fresh fish which I have caught myself. Cooked over a fire out in the open with my close family, hubby, mom, dad and children living together.

  • Debs
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I picture myself in one of the most beautiful ocean front home with a huge underground room with a glass window going all the way around and being mesmerized by my *real life ocean aquarium*. Beautiful palm trees and so many tropical fruit trees growing on my estate. With the most sweet smelling tropical flowers surrounding my home and my fresh water pond. A magnificent nature made fresh water pond with a waterfall that flows through it. I will have what others can only dream of because I will be favored. I can't wait for my kingdom to come where Jesus sits on his throne.

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  • can't wait. the first thing I plan on doing is running into my husband's arms. he is sleeping in death. also seeing my love ones again. my husband and I will be able to tell all our love ones about our wonderful Father Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. my husband was also a brother as my youngest son is also. looking forward to meeting all my brothers and sisters worldwide. finally meeting my spiritual daughter Vot who I have been im each day. looking forward to building a house together with my husband and planting a garden. I don't have a green thumb. I also hope the ones that turned there back on Jehovah come back to him soon

  • 1 decade ago

    I see myself standing on a lush lawn in the morning. I am waiting and greeting people. They all pass by after telling me hello and there are so many people gathering. The flowers are in full bloom and the air is heavy with dew and fragrance from all colors of petals, roses, hibiscus, jasmin, carnation, and more.

    I am holding a clip board and checking off names as they approach. There are many tears falling. Tears of happiness and the dead are coming out of the graves with new bodies and happy faces. Alive again. Praise Jehovah. Jesus is bringing them forth to a cleansed earth in perfect balance.

    There are tables set up with a bountiful spread of fruits and nectars. ...nuts and breads.

    The new earth, cleansed with happy joyous people all worshipping together in one accord...saying Salvation we owe to our God Jehovah and to the lamb, Jesus Christ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What true Jehovah's witness doesn't picture themselves in the new system?! haha lol. I look foward to seeing my mom again. I cant wait!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I picture seeing my dad whom died 20 years ago. I picture running up to him crying tears of joy. Telling him how much I missed him and how much I love him. I picture my husband and my sons and myself being so happy and never going through the things that we go through now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i picture myself having a nice house by the ocean and just not thinking about running out of time.

    And i will eat all day and sleep for a week straight.

  • 1 decade ago

    I look forward to seeing my Best Friend who died in a car accident. She always told me if she died in this system to meet her under a orange tree with a blue butterfly on top. Also to making this world a paradise, and studing with the ones that are resurrected and have not yet got to Know Jehovah.

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