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LeslieAnn asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

How would you address this woman's need?

I have a friend who is having terrible problems with insomnia and obsessive cycles of thought. Her sleep problems are so bad that she's run out of prescriptions that help. She is so upset by what is happening that she can't think of anything else. She is frantic, driven, miserable and afraid she might die.

Will you pray for my friend, Jeannie?

She and her husband are going to someplace in California for medical testing on her brain to see if they can find the problem and get her some relief.

If you have resources that can explain this problem to me I would sure appreciate it. I will pray for my friend - but I would like to understand what she is going through - surely she's not the only one who's ever gone through such extremes of insomnia and OCD.

I would appreciate any information you can give. This is a life-threatening situation, so please don't make any jokes or give sarcastic answers. Thank you.


I want to thank you for your kind remarks and for sharing your own personal experiences and insights. Thank you for praying for my friend. I have been in a few personal crises in my own life and I remember how panicky and desperate I felt. I know your kindness towards her helps and matters.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went through sorta a similar situation in the 90's. The doctors just kept giving me this drug and that, I was a walking drugstore. I went through this for 3 years. Terrified that if I moved, I was going to die. It was awful, especially since I had 3 kids counting on me, and I couldn't do anything to make it all stop. I went down to 65lbs., and I couldn't put an ounce on to save my life.

    Finally I went to a counselor. This may sound strange, but I sought out a lesbian counselor as I knew they would be more compassionate and understanding and non judgmental. I was right, the gal I found was the best, she was never judgmental, and didn't go by the book. While also seeking out a new doctor, working more with herbal supplements and counseling, I took the medicating I REALLY needed and it all came together. I did end up having a chemical imbalance in my brain, but there was also alot of underlying psychological issues that I was holding in, that I didn't even know were there. When I dealt with it all at one time, I was on the path to healing.

    And yes, I have already added Jeannie to my prayers. That is the one thing I held fast onto. I just walked around speaking Scripture regarding healing, and combining all, it was what I needed personally.

    Take Care, and keep holding your friend up in prayer, trust The Lord as He is the Great Physician!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have insomnia so bad to the point when I am not on my meds I may stay up 24 to 36 hours at a time then sleep for 10 hours. Then next day sleep like 4 hours here 2 there and maybe another 2 hours if I get it.

    My problem is 2 things a Chemical Imbalance in the brain. It's like this picture your on a tennis court and I am on the other side of the net. You represent the left side of the brain and I the represent the right side.

    Okay when you play tennis its with one ball (normal brain wave function). Okay, say we are hitting the ball back and forth for a while then all at once I start to add more balls one at a time. At first you made be able to hit two or three but after a while you will get to the point you wont be able to handle the game, due to the game is imbalanced. That is how the Chemical Imbalance works in the mind of a person who in MY case has insomnia, bipolar, OCD, board line split personality, and Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

    When the chemicals are imbalance it is hard to think, (at times), a person will have mood swings; some worse then others, sleeping trouble, racing thoughts, depression; list can go on and on depending on the level of their disorder.

    In my case if I am NOT on my meds I WILL NOT die however, I am not a happy person to be around. Ask my husband of 5 1/2 tears and my mother of 32 years. :-) When I am on my meds I am not a zombie. I make sure my doctor DOSE NOT over dose me like MOST like to do. If I see I need to up my dosage due to my disorder is acting up worse then normal for me then I will request it. Point. By what you said about your friend having insomnia, OCD and she is afraid she may die. I don't think she will die. Due to I have had sleeping problems since I was a small child and I am now 32. I have had bipolar (from how far I can back track since I was 4) and PTSD and OCD since I was 23. Point I haven't died yet. and I didn't start on meds until 2 years ago.

    I have already said a prayer for Jeannie. I know she will get better. Because:

    James 5:15

    And the prayer offers in faith WILL make the sick person well. The LORD will rise him/her up.

    John 16:23

    Whatever you ask of the Father in my name, (JESUS) he will give it to you.

    I hope this helps. I know the bible verses helped/helps me each and very day.

    Source(s): Hands on, everyday life, mental research on my own disability from my doctor and on line and most of all the HOLY BIBLE.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your friend is doing the right thing and so are you by suporting her and praying i will pray for her as well. there may be herbal remadies that may help and if your in bedford the town center has a chinease remady place and herbal shops i suffered severe depression which i am not comparing to this at all but i found some herbal things helped short term your doing the right things try to keep strong and take care of yourself as well. God bless

  • 1 decade ago

    I am glad to hear she is getting professional help.

    What you can do is not give up on her as a friend. Mental illness of any kid is hard on friendships.

    Just be around. Don't stop calling even when she doesn't want to do stuff. Keep up the contact. Let her talk about stuff, but don't pressure. Celebrate her successes as she gets better.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many people will not seek early medical attention, contrary to the holy Prophet Mohammad's practice and teaching. Usamah bin Sharik reports, "I was with the Prophet when some Arabs came to him asking, 'O Messenger of God, should we take medicine for disease?' He said, 'Yes, O you servants of God, take medicine as God has not created a disease without creating a cure for it except for one.' They asked which one, he replied, 'Old age."'

    It is good that your friend is planning to get professional medical help. But it would be premature at this stage to speculate on what the diagnosis would be. And until there is a firm diagnosis, there cannot be a proper explanation. Anything else would be pure speculation and misleading.

    Keep praying for a speedy recovery of hers and everyone else in the world just like we (Muslims) do after every worship 5 times a day.

    God tells us in the holy Quran, the final testament, Surah Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets) Ayah 80:


    26:80 Waitha maridtu fahuwa yashfeeni


    26:80 "And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;

    So there is always Hope. Please ask her to recite the following prayer from the holy Quran, Suarah Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) Ayah 83 as many times as possible:


    Waayyooba ith nada rabbahu annee massaniya alddurru waanta arhamu alrrahimeena


    21:83 And (remember) Job, when He cried to his Lord, "Truly distress has seized me, but Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful."

    Moreover, I suggest that she pray to her Creator in the last third portion of the night. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:

    “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring: ‘Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’” (Al-Bukhari)

    `Amr ibn `Absah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) saying:

    “The closest that a slave comes to his Lord is during the middle of the latter portion of the night. If you can be among those who remember Allah the Exalted One at that time, then do so.” (At-Tirmidhi)

    Please do take the above seriously. I have several personal experiences that the prayers to God Almighty directly at that time are not only accepted but also the results are so fast coming that one can only believe it with his own experience.

    Please remember that although it is not required, I personally take a bath before the prayers, wear clean clothes (old or new) do not matter, cover myself physically fully as far as posssible, call my God with all the beautiful names that one can think off, and speak to him baring all my soul, thought and wishes - all this with the solid belief that he is hearing me, and will respond to me with whatever is best for me. Ah! and one more thing. Whenever, you pray yourself always, and I repeat always pray also for others in the same situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best person to help you is God.......

    So plead with God..... and read the Quran once in your lifetime.,....

    Peace be on you all


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